Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 105 Faceless Man In The Drawing



"Come to the mansion when you have time so that we and the lawyer can discuss things properly," old man Jiang said those few words.

"Now that we have reached an agreement on the first reason of your call, tell me of the second," he added.

"Uh yes. About that uhm... grandpa, Bai Xiaojin got expelled," she started.

"I was hoping you could help me to talk to the principal about taking back the punishment of expulsion and let Bai Xiaojin continue school there."

This time, Bai Renxiang did not bear around the bush. She was precise and very clear about what she wanted from him.

"I already know about it and what happened," old man Jiang chuckled.

He also did not hide his emotions from the tone of his voice. It was as if he was mocking her- but only in a good way.

"Really grandpa?" Bai Renxiang asked in bewilderment.

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"Uh huh. But rest assured. I will tell Charlie to handle that small fry. He is not worthy enough for me to make the call personally," old man Jiang explained.

"Thank you grandpa," Bai Renxiang broke out a relieved and satisfying smile.

Her worries had been cut down to nothing all because of this man who is her grandfather.

"There is no need to be thankful. I should be the one showing gratitude. It feels as if a boulder has been lifted off of my chest," he admitted.

Old man Jiang had been preserving the seat of the CEO of Jiang's Corporation for over twenty years. In the past he still waited for his daughter to come back after she left but she did not.

He then decided to continue running the company and only gave his brother's son the seat of vice president. But when he got wind of his daughter having a child and the divorce and case concerning child custody and then the scandal of Bai Renxiang, his will to not let you of the seat burned brighter than before.

Ever since Bai Renxiang and her mother came to City S, he saw potentials. He saw determination and the will to rise above the dust that she had crumbled into.

For that, he vowed to make her the CEO of Jiang's Corporation and not his nephew, Jiang Yifeng.

After the call, Bai Renxiang prepared herself for work at the restaurant. It might be the last time she works in Iris' Food Plug.

After getting ready in a pair of baggy black trousers, black baggy polo shirt and a palm sandals. She let her hair loose and had a light touch of powder and lipgloss to keep her rosy lips moist.

Bai Renxiang left the apartment and headed to see Bai Xiaojin. She rang the door bell once and it was unlocked from the inside.

"Hey sis. Going somewhere?" Shane asked seeing her all dressed up.

He opened the door wider for Bai Renxiang to step into the apartment. Bai Renxiang smiled as she saw Bai Xiaojin merrily scribbling on the drawing book.

"What is my love drawing?" She asked as she sat down beside him with her legs crossed monk style.

Bai Xiaojin looked up to see the person who spoke. He smiled cutely at Bai Renxiang and showed her what he drew.

In drawing, there is a little boy in the middle of a woman and a man. They are holding hands and strolling under the bright sun on the pathway between fine green bushes and tree and colourful flowers.

But out of everything, what left Bai Renxiang speechless or rather shock is that amongst the three human beings, all of them has a face except for the man.

The only thing on his face is a pair of blue eyes like the little boy in the drawing. The rest was left blank.

Bai Xiaojin is a gifted drawer so the people on the drawing is obviously Bai Renxiang, Bai Xiaojin and a blue eyed man.

Bai Renxiang sighed. It looks like her son really craves for fatherly love.

"Wow my love. Your drawing is beautiful. But I wan to know who this guy is. Can you tell mummy who he is?" She acted clueless.

"Well.. this guy is my daddy. But since I have never seen him I could not draw his face completely. I only know I got my eyes from my daddy because that is what you and grandma says," Bai Xiaojin explained with a cute yet innocent face.

Bai Renxiang just nodded her head to his words.

"I love your drawing no matter how hard incomplete it may be, okay?" Bai Xiaojin nodded and smiled happily showcasing his well arranged white teeth and dimples.

"Alright my love. Mummy needs to still go to work at the restaurant. So be a good boy for mummy and do not make trouble for your uncle Shin, okay?"

"Okay.... Mummy kisses before you go?" He asked expectantly.

"Oh how could I forget to give my love kisses before I go. Here.. mwah...mwah....mwah," she kissed his forehead, eyes, nose and cheeks causing Bai Xiaojin to giggle.

"Uh sis," Shane called out and Bai Renxiang turned her head to him as if to tell him that she is listening.

"Shin asked that you take Little Jin down to the grocery store," he passed the message from Shin to Bai Renxiang.

"Alright," Bai Renxiang agreed and helped Bai Xiaojin to pack up his things before they all went downstairs to where Jiang Meilin's grocery store is located.

After saying goodbye, Bai Renxiang and Shane head for the restaurant and made it in time for when her shift starts.

As quickly as possible she wore her work uniform and got ready to welcome and wait on customers.


Hey hey hey guys. It is me, Winnie_D_Pooh. Long time no see, huh. I just thought of saying hi *giggling merrily*

So, once again, thank you all for reading this book, for commenting, voting and gifting. I hope to write more and continue to earn you attention and live for my book.

See you guys later. Peace and love people ✌️😎✌️💖

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