Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 499 All The Shares



The morning went by in peace as usual for those in Li Fengjin's home. Wang Tingxiao and Lisa Chen out for a check up with Ye Chaoxiang who was called for yet another emergency.

Ning Xiaozhi went to check up on her restaurant while Yang Chen and Yi Changying went to the their company for a meeting. So it was just the winter couple, Yang Wenkai Ye Yumi and the kids left in the house.

They decided to all watch a movie based on comedy as there was nothing for them to do. Half an hour into the movie, the doorbell rang.

"Weird. Is anyone expecting a visitor?" Ye Yumi asked.

"The oldies are not coming till in the evening. Part from them by visitors I know of," Li Fengjin answered.

They all exchange glances before Bai Renxiang stood up. "I'll go and see who it is," she volunteered. "Xiaojin stay with daddy, okay?"


Bai Renxiang gave him a quick smile before walking to the door. On getting there, she first adjusted her clothes before looking at the unexpected guest through the mini screen beside the door.

"What is she doing here?" Bai Renxiang murmured on seeing who was standing outside the door.


Xia Xinyi's head raised at the clicking sound of the door. A warm smile bloomed in her face when she saw who it was.

"Good afternoon, boss. How is your married life going?" She greeted with a wide grin.

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"Xinyi... Good afternoon. And it is going smoothly as expected," Bai Renxiang returned her assistant's smile. "If may ask... What brings you here on such a short notice?"

"Ah! I'm sorry about that. But there are some important files and plans flag we need your approval for in the company. So instead if calling you, I just decided to bring it over by myself," Xia Xinyi explained.

"Oh! Why, thank you. Please, come in. Sorry for keeping you waiting outside the cold," Bai stepped aside as she held the door opened for her to enter.

Rubbing her palms together, Xia Xinyi quickly stepped inside. "No worries. Thanks boss."

She waited until Bai Renxiang locked the door for her to lead the way. In no time, she found herself in the living room where two handsome men, a very pretty woman and a cute little boy all sat.

"Ahem! I'm sorry for the intrusion. Good afternoon," Xia Xinyi bent forward with her head lowered in greeting and respect.

After exchanging pleasantries, Bai Renxiang led Xia Xinyi upstairs to the study room she shares with Li Fengjin. They both took their seat with the table separating them.

"Let me see the files you brought Bai Renxiang said.

Xia Xinyi quickly brought out the files from the black bag she placed on her laps. She then slid it to Bai Renxiang on the table.

"I and assistant Charlie were able to get all the shares from Jiang Bojing's company. We have placed one of our trusted person there to help oversee the happenings and send back report every week," Xia Xinyi explained.

"That's good. Maybe we should sell off the company. I don't have any use of it anyway,l Bai Renxiang voiced out her thoughts.

"It is your choice, boss. The company does not look like something that can ever bring good profit in the future. All the investors that Jiang Bojing had managed to gather have all withdrawn them."

"Of course. Who will want to make such a wasted invested? They made an obvious and wise choice," Bai Renxiang laughed.

"Ah! I just got an idea. That place Jiang Bojing built the company is quite a strategic place to but up a shopping mall. There are none in that region Xia Xinyi suggested.

Nodding her head as she thought about her assistant's words. That was indeed a good idea.

"I agree with you on that one. I will ask grandpa to at least hear what he thinks of it."

Putting that aside with the file, she took others and read through them while Xia Xinyi talked on a few. By the time they were done, Bai Renxiang has her signature on the once she approved and markings on the others she felt needed more modification.

"How is the search for the new vice CEO going?" Bai Renxiang asked.

Ever since Jiang Bojing left the company, she has not been able to search for a capable person to take over the position of vice CEO.

There was her kidnapping and then the scandal of her company. They had even made it known that the position was vacant and an interview for that position as well as secretary and that of assistant vice CEO has been made open.

Only candidates for assistant vice and

secretary has shown up. There has not been response from anyone for the position of vice. The scandal did make sure to leave it's mark in the minds of a few.

Even after clearing the company's name, people who still have doubts of them. After all, it was someone from Jiang Corporations that joined hands with another to bring the downfall.

But now that she would be moving to City S with her assistant and secretary, she needs to leave the company in capable hands. She knew that with her old man Jiang still here with assistant Charlie.

But she was not want to put too much in them while she is gone.

"No one has applied for that position. The very few that did,are all half baked graduates with degrees. Plus, none has met assistant Charlie's requirements," Xia Xinyi answered.

"As expected. People think we are that desperate to accept anyone as our vice CEO," Bai Renxiang said while massaging her temples.

"I was thinking..." Xia Xinyi paused in her words as she was not sure if she should say what it is that she wanted to say.

"Go on, Xinyi. Your opinion is needs too as my assistant," Bai Renxiang permitted her.

Adjusting into a more comfortable position on the chair, she said, "Okay. What if we ask assistant Charlie to take over the position of vice CEO?"

"I mean... He knows the company very well as he has been working in it before both of us... Please forgive me for that statement," she quickly apologised.

"No problem."

"Thank you. So if you really put much thoughts into it, he is the best candidate for that position. He is a hundred percent trustworthy, he has got the skills and knowledge and most of all... He has enough experience in the company. He knows the in's and the out's..."

As Xia Xinyi continued to listen to all the qualities and characters of assistant Charlie, Bai Renxiang could not help but smile.

Xia Xinyi looked like a fangirl listing all she knows if her idol. If not for the facts that she is in a relationship with Jinhai, she would have thought that the lady in front if her has a crush on thean they are talking about.

"... Those are what he possess. So, I do not see the need for us looking for someone for that position when we already have the best already working for the company," Xia Xinyi concluded.

"That is true. But the I lay problem we might have is if he is willing to agree."

"Huh? Why wouldn't he? This is like a great offer for him. The pay is good and nothing would change for him because he is literally doing the job."

"I understand your point. But you know how he is unwilling to leave my grandfather's side."

Xia Xinyi sighed as she knew that what Bai Renxiang was the truth. Charlie took old man Jiang as his guardian, his only parent.

So he has remained by the old man side so he he was but youth and has never left.

"But we should at least ask. He can still by chairman Jiang's side. We can also groom another person to be able to stand in for him just in case the chairman wants to go for a vacation," Xia Xinyi said.

"Sigh... I will ask him," Bai Renxiang agreed.

"Yes!" Xia Xinyi threw her fists into the air in excitement. Bai Renxiang chuckled and shook her head.

"Now that everything is concluded, I will take my leave. I don't want to take up more if your time with work. Who knows if your husband is waiting downstairs to eat off my head?" she joked.

"Hahahaha," Bai Renxiang laughed. "Not only my husband but my son too. Xiaojin has been very clingy since this morning."

"Aww! Make sure to give him all the love and warmth before you go for your honeymoon," Xia Xinyi said the last word in a low voice and then she winked.

Bai Renxiang sighed. How naughty her cute assistant can be. It surprises her. With everything now finished, Bai Renxiang escorted Xia Xinyi to the door and bade get goodbye.

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