Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 509 Full Of The Unexpected



"Her mother wants her back for an arranged marriage."


Mr and Mrs Ye's lips hung agape at the words that just flew out if their son's mouth. What did he say? Arranged marriage?

"What in the name of Neptune did you just say? An arranged marriage?" Mrs Ye asked at the too of her voice as she abruptly stood up.

"Don't shout, mum," he said as his eyes trailed to the door and back at them.

Ye Chaoxiang sighed once again. It was as if this was all he could do since this matter came up. He could not even keep count of the number of times he had sighed since last night.

"Son... Is what you just said true?" Mr Ye asked in a voice lower than his wife's.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"As bad as it sounds, it is true. She received a call last night and her mother told her to travel back before the end of the week. She wants Xiaozhi to meet an she thinks is best for her to get married to," Ye Chaoxiang told them.

"Oh my! Is... Is Xiaozhi okay? Are you okay, dear?" Mrs Ye asked as she went to sit beside him. She placed her hand on his and gave it a light squeeze.

"I think I am. But I'm not okay with this whole 'her mother controlling her' stuff. I mean, Xiaozhi is old enough to decide who she wants to spend the rest of her life with," he said sigh a slight frown.

The room was just quiet for a long time after that. This was a serious thing and they had to use the right manner of approach to tackle it.

They have to act in a way that would not cause a certain kind of conflict between them and Ning Xiaozhi's family.

"So, what are you planning to do, son? I am talking about when you get to that place," Mr Ye's question broke the silence.

"Sigh. I am hoping that if I were to go there, her parents mindset will change. After all, I fit into the criteria of men they choose for her," he suggested.

"But what if they still don't find you good enough?" This time it was Mrs Ye that asked. The both if them shot her a confused look.

"What I am trying to say is that you have something that might bring about their rejection."

"And that will be?"

"Lee Ai. You were a father before you became her boyfriend. Although we and Xiaozhi accepted the little one, you must remember that not everyone is like us all. Her parents might not like the idea," Mrs Ye said.

Those words put deep thoughts into Ye Chaoxiang's head. He had indeed not thought of that. But the thought of Ning Xiaozhi's parents rejecting him because of Ye Lee Ai put another frown on his face.

"But Lee Ai is a loveable child. Will there really be anyone whonwohld have the heart to reject her?" He thought out loud.

"Life, my dear, is full of unexpected things. You never know what is going to happen?"

"Out of all things, me having Lee Ai is my only disqualification. That does not mean I will just let the woman I love be forced into something as despicable as an arranged marriage. I will do everything in my power to make sure she is mine and only mine," Ye Chaoxiang spike with strong determination.

"It is good to know that I don't have a weak son. I want you to fight for what you want. If you need any help, your parents are here," Mr Ye assured him.

"But if you have already travelled, we will be just one call away. If I want a daughter-in-law, it must be Xiaozhi."

"Thanks guys. I don't mean to be rude but... I doubt if I will be needing your help but I will keep your words in mind."

"It is understandable. We will be leaving now," his mother said. She pecked his forehead before walking out of the room with her husband.

Ye Chaoxiang remained in the room pondering on things. He did not even notice when Ning Xiaozhi walked into the room. It was until she sat beside him and placed her head on his shoulder that he snap out of his thoughts.

"Are you thinking of leaving me?" Ning Xiaozhi asked in a low voice.

Ye Chaoxiang was shocked but he quickly got himself back. He could not even scold her for thinking such because he had been spacing out a lot.

But he would be stupid if he was to ever let that thought cross his mind. So to chase that fear out, he wrapped hand around her.

"I will never leave you," were his only words. Although not lengthy, it provided Ning Xiaozhi with the assurance she needed.

"I am sorry for troubling you with the problems I have with my parents," she apologised.

"Stop it, Xiaozhi," he pulled away and tilted her head by her chin so she could look into his eyes.

But what he saw stabbed his heart a million times. Her eyes were clouded with unshed tears. The words he wanted to say got stucked in his throat.

'Does she really feels like a problem for me?' He thought.

Ye Chaoxiang sighed and kissed her closed eyes that made those tears to spill out. He wiped the off with his thumbs. Then he gently joined his lips with hers.

"You are hurting me, Xiaozhi," he said after the kiss. "You still act like we just started our relationship. You think so little of me now that's why you apologise and thunk I will leave you."

"I... I'm sorry," Ning Xiaozhi said in a cracked voice.

"Don't... I don't want to hear those words from you again. Listen... Your problems are mine whether you like it or not. I told you to trust me and that's all you need to do."

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