Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 522 I'll Miss You Too



Bewilderment would be an understatement if used to describe the feelinga of the four persons in the Ning mansion's living room.

They just witnessed the greater manly side in Mr Ning. So he can be as strict and angry as he is now? What a shocker.

Ning Yi, Hao Yingjie and Ning Li Qiang wondered if their awfully calm and peaceful uncle had threatened emotions in him. But now they knew the reason.

He is in love with his wife. But now, they wondered how much that love has dropped of it id still the same.

However Mrs Ning cpuld not bear with it. Tears pooled in her eyes and some even said down her smooth face. Her husband... Her husband who pampered and agreed with everything she says without getting mad just scolded her.

It was still shocking.

The three cousins could not bring themselves to sympathise with her or even say a word to ease her tears. They were angry with her even. Besides, what would they tell her?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That their uncle is just angry and will cool off with time? The man is not like go and they have never seen him blow up in anger. So instead, they decided to leave.

The trio stood up and left the room but Ning Yi paused before he was completely out if the living room. He turned back to see his pitiful and wring aunt.

"I told you before that things would fall back on you. That you would regret it. You have lost the freedom to speak with uncle. As for little Iris..." he paused.

"Sigh... You may have lost her forever because you hurt her. You have hurt her with your words and actions and you have been doing so since she can remember. I do hope you reflect on your actions and make things right when if it is almost too late if not already."

With all those words been said, Ning Yi left without a word and not looking back. It was then that Mrs Ning finally broke down in sobs. She cupped her face with her hands supporting with the help of her elbows in her laps.

He was right when he told her that a few years back. Everything has indeed back fired and she has lost her own family because she hurt them. The only person that has tolerated and stayed with her now wants be away from her.

"Zian, I'm sorry," she managed to say in between her sobs.

But it was rather too late for that now and she knew. No one was there to even here her apology.

Back outside, in Ye Chaoxiang's car, Ning Xiaozhi had calmed down but her silent sobs still remained.

"I want to go back home. I don't want to be here anymore, Chaoxiang," she mumbled.

"You want to back inside?" Ye Chaoxiang asked unsure of which home she wanted.

He got his answer when Ning Xiaozhi weakly shook her head against his chest. "I want to go back to our home. I want to be with you and everyone else but not here. Let's go now. Please."


"Please," she cut him off.

"Alright. But let me inform your cousins first. They will be worried about you." She nodded without a word he sighed.

But before she could fish his phone out, the trio walked out of the house together. He told Ning Xiaozhi to stay in the car if she wants to but he would like to have a little word with them concerning their leave.

"Hey. Is she okay?" Ning Li Qiang was the first to ask as soon as they met Ye Chaoxiang by his car.

"Not too good but better than when I first met her in the car," Ye Chaoxiang answered. "And does not want to spend another minute in this place," he added.

The three cousins let out a sharp sigh. It would be weird if she does want to still stay here. So, it was expected.

"That's alright. I have a house far from this mansion. You guys can stay there till you want to leave," Ning Yi nodded.

Ye Chaoxiang shook his head. When they were about to insist, he raised his palm to stop them. "You did not quite get what I said. Xiaozhi want to leave this place as in she wants us to go BACK to City S."

Heade sure he emphasized the word, back, so that they get the meaning sinking into their heads.

"What? But you guys only just spent a few hours here," Ning Li Qiang exclaimed with a frown.

"Yeah. And besides, we have not seen her for years. There is a lot to catch up on and we really miss her," Hao Yingjie added.

"I thought of staying the night since it's already evening, but she pleaded," Ye Chaoxiang informed them and shrugged.

The three cousins frowned before looking at the black tinted car behind Ye Chaoxiang. They were start g particularly at the back seat's window facing them.

"You can talk to her before we leave," Ye Chaoxiang said before he lightly knocked in the window. A few seconds later it rolled down to reveal the sulking Ning Xiaozhi.

"Open the door," Ning Yi requested. When Ning Xiaozhi refused, he added a magic word.

"Please." And the door opened but Ning Xiaozhi did not step out or turn her head to look at any of them. They could still notice her wet face that had tears flowing down it.

Ning Yi did not mind as he quickly squatted close to the car and took one of her hands. His gaze on her was that of concern and a hunt of guilt.

"Are you going to leave without telling your big brothers goodbye?" He asked in a low soft voice.

"Goodbye now. We'll see when we see," Ning Xiaozhi replied in a cracked voice.

"Don't be so mean. At least give us a farewell hug. We will really miss you," Hao Yingjie whined with a pout.

Ning Xiaozhi wiped her tears, alighted from the car and hugged them.

"I'll miss you guys too."

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