Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 529 Cute PDA



The tour went smoothly after that and Bai Renxiang could not be more happy. She did not have to worry about swatting away a pest that kept lingering around her hubby.

Since the tour had ended much earlier than expected, they could go to wherever they please. Bai Renxiang and Li Fengjin decided to check other activities on the island before they call it a day.

They went horseback riding and even ziplining. It was both scary and thrilling for Bai Renxiang due to the height. However, Li Fengjin ride with her so it felt safe.

"Sigh. That was a lot of fun," she said after the ride.

They had stopped for a quick snack in an outdoor restaurant they saw nearby. Even if Li Fengjin had brought sandwiches, milk and other goodies on the tour, their activities of today was enough to leave their stomach wanting.

"It was. But you screamed my eardrums out. And clinged unto me like a koala," Li Fengjin teased her and laughed.


Bai Renxiang lightly hit Li Fengjin on the shoulder and glared at him. "Don't make fun of me. It is my first time on a zipline and that height was something else," she defended herself with a cute pout.

"Hahaha. Alright, my love. I get it," Li Fengjin rubbed their noses together and pinched her cheek.

"Besides, it's not as if you did not like how I was hugging you back there. Humph."

"Oh, you got that right, love. I did love it. But it does not change the fact that you are a scaredy cat. My scaredy cat," he added.

"Go away, you big teaser," Bai Renxiang turned her face away from him despite the fact that she still had a smile on.

Li Fengjin chuckled and shifted closer to her on the bench they were sitting. "Come on. Don't give hubby the silent treatment."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Bai Renxiang ignored him, testing how far her resolve could go. As for Li Fengjin, he had a wonderful idea lit up in his mind like a bulb.

"If you don't look at me, I might do something naughty. Like kissing you hard right in front of everyone here," he whispered against her ears.

Bai Renxiang gasped and instantly turned her head to face him. "You would not dare kiss-mm."

Her next choice of words were swallowed as Li Fengjin claimed her rosy soft lips. Her eyes bulged as she froze. Before she could return to herself, he pulled away.

He had a cheeky smile on his face like a kid got a nice treat. Bai Renxiang blinked numerous times as her right hand found its way to her lips.

"Y-You... You said you would not kiss me if I looked at you," she finally blurted out words.

Li Fengjin shrugged and licked his lips. "I said if you didn't look at me, I would kiss you. I never said that even if you did look at me I would not kiss you still."

"Gasp. Y-You cheater," Bai Renxiang gasped and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Wifey, do not let the people watching have the wrong thought that I cheated on the woman I married," Li Fengjin said in a low voice.

Bai Renxiang's brows furrowed in confusion. It was until her eyes roamed around the place dis she realize what he was talking about. Most of the people seated on different tables in the restaurant were looking at them. Some even had smiles on their faces.

"Ah! Oh gosh, Jin," Bai Renxiang cried as she hid her face on his chest.

Li Fengjin laughed as he wrapped an arm around her. "My apologies. My wife is very shy," he said.

"Gah! They are so cute."

"Awwn! She is still shy. They must be newly weds."

"A honeymoon perhaps."

A few people did not mind being disturbed by such a cute public display of affection. It was not everyday they saw something as sweet as that.

However, Bai Renxiang wasted to his inside Li Fengjin if that was even possible. They were people around and Li Fengjin kissed her despite knowing that. How shameless of him.

"My love, how long are you planning on staying like that. Our order has arrived now. Will you not eat?"

"Are they still looking?" Bai Renxiang asked with her face still hidden.

"Well, yeah. We are just too handsome and beautiful for them to ignore," Li Fengjin stated shamelessly.

"This is all your fault. Why would you kiss me?" Bai Renxiang pinched his waist for her revenge.

"Hey. That hurt," he flinched a little. "Besides, you were too cute I could not help it. Also I have been holding myself from kissing you since we started the tour. You can't blame this hubby if yours who is totally in love with you."

Bai Renxiang bit her lips as she blushed from his little confession of love. She sighed before she slowly sat up straight.

"Are you blushing? It's because I said I'm totally in love with you, right?" Li Fengjin still teased her.

"Go away. I'm hungry."

"Hahaha. Alright let's eat. After, we can visit that waterfall we saw."

Bai Renxiang nodded before fixing her attention completely on the food displayed on the table. A mixed plate Hawaiian dish and a side dish of fried sauced chicken breasts and laps. They had another popular Mai Tai drink to go.

It looked tasty.

While they ate their food, they began to talk about how they felt about their day as well as the island. It was then that Yue Jing's topic came about.

"So," Bai Renxiang began. "Who is that lady that has been striving to be with you?"

Li Fengjin's hands on the cutlery froze as his eyes met with her inquiring ones. From the way her eyebrows were raised, he knew that even if he wanted not to talk about someone else, she would not drop it.

He sighed and continued slicing parts of the chucken into bits. "To be honest, I don't know who she is," he says.

"Really? Should I assume she is just so unto you because of your handsome face?" Bai Renxiang asked again.

"You can say that. But I swear that I have never seen or met her before," Li Fengjin swore. "Why?"

"Is that t not obvious? Since she stepped into the your bus, everything she has tried to do and done is to get close to you. It is like she did not come for the tour but for you," Bai Renxiang started the obvious.

There was silence for a quick moment before she gasped.

"What if she really came here just for you?" She asked before leaving a pain over her mouth as her eyes stared widely at him.

Li Fengjin frowned. If that was a joke, he was not liking it at all. Plus, his mind and brain were already playing logic and reasons on him. He did not want to think the lady in question is who his mind just popped out.

"Wifey, you are about to ruin my mood with this topic. Let's drop it, okay?" Li Fengjin quickly said.

"But what if she–"

"I don't care if that is her motive. I... We came here for out honeymoon. To feel more bonded and to relax with no care in the world. And that is what we going to do."

"Alright. Don't get mad or anything. Okay, I sorry for bringing her up. I did not mean to ruin the mood," Bai Renxiang apologised while she rubbed his arm.

"Sigh. Don't be sorry," Li Fengjin took hold of her hand that was rubbing his and kissed the back of it. "I only know one woman here and she is the one sitting beside me now."

Bai Renxiang smiled at him. His words were making butterflies dance in her tummy. She felt so happy.

"Let's finish eating so that we can go to that waterfall. We need to cool off."


~In Room 1098~

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and moans and groans of pleasure filled the room as the two figures tangled in the king-sized bed chasing after a release.

Yue Jing and Nao had come to hit it off in her room after the tour. How she got him here was very easy. He had falling for her charm and more throughout the piggyback ride he gave her.

According to her, it was a little 'reward' for his kindness.

A few more thrusts and they were both on cloud nine. Nao pulled out before falling tiredly beside the beauty in the bed.

"Damn! You are so good," Yue Jing complimented as she snuggles to his bare hard chest.

"I could say the same for you," Nao returnes with a smile of his own.

"Hey, I really need your help on something. Can you help me?" Yue Jing asked straightforwardly.

Caressing her thigh, Nao inquired. "Will it come with a reward?"

"Hehehe. A long one."

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