Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 547 The Twins



The meeting with Mr Sun ended after a few more talks. Bai Renxiang left first as the time for her next meeting was near. All through her rude back to the company, he thoughts replayed allege told her.

She could not help but place a call across her mother. It rang a few times before the call got connected.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you?" Jiang Meilin's happy voice rang in through her ear.

"Hey, mum. I'm fine," Bai Renxiang breathed out.

"Huh? Sweetie what's wrong? Why do you sound so down? Are you alright?" Jiang Meilin asked.

Bai Renxiang smiled at how attentive her mother has always been to her. She suddenly felt the urge to hug her. But unfortunately, Jiang Meilin and herself were a flight distance apart.

So she could only let out a shaky breath to calm herself down.

"I'm okay, mum. I just miss you that's all," Bai Renxiang half lied. Indeed, she missed her mother. But thqtbwas not the reason she called and Jiang Meilin knew it.

"Aww! Sweetie, I miss you too. But I know that that is not the only reason you are down. Don't you want to talk about it with me? Remember you can yell mum anythung," Jiang Meilin reminded her.

"I know, mum. I just..." she paused and took deep breaths. "It's just that you have done so much for me even without me knowing. You have always had me in mind, mum. I just wanted to thank you for it," she said.

Jiang Meilin smiled and went to seat behind the counter I'm her grocery store. "I see. The both of you have already talked, haven't you?" She inquired.

"Huh?" Bai Renxiang uttered in confusion.

"You have met with Mr Sun from Bai Jewelries, right?" Jiang Meilin expanciated more on her question.

Bai Renxiang's mouth opened but no words or sound made their way out. She was shocked.

"How... did you... know," she managed to stutter.

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Jiang Meilin chuckled. "Mother knows you better than you think she does. Whenever you call, it is always to check up on me, the boys, the store and Zhao Fu. Or we will just talk about our day. But now you called... You called for this."

"But I always thank you during those calls. How is today any different?"

"You thanked me because you feel my pain. To be honest, since I knew of your arrival at City X I was expecting him to make a move. But I did not know it would be this early," Jiang Meilin explained.

"I see," Bai Renxiang slowly nodded. "Well, according to him, those two are making quick moves. Fifteenbout of ten have been bribed over to support her. I need to act quickly."

"Then you should act quickly. Someone else would call you soon. He was my lawyer and friend. Tell and bride me about the meeting," Jiang Meilin informed her.

"Alright. Thanks mum."

"Anything for my daughter to reap the good fruits of my labour.," Jiang Meilin replied with a smile even though her daughter could not see her.

"I love you, mum. Kisses."

"Love you too, sweetie. Bye."

"Bye. Oh, don't forget to say hi to your heartbeat," Bai Renxiang quickly ended the call after saying such.

Jiang Meilin was at first confused by her daughter's words. But it did not take a minute for her brain to know who Bai Renxiang was referring. A hot blush spread across her cheeks as she quickly put the phone away.

"Tsk. My own daughter is now having the nerve to tease me now, huh?" She murmured and shook her head.

"And what are you doing here talking to yourself?" Zhao Fu spoke very close to Jiang Meilin's ear.

The latter jolted in shock and abruptly turned.

"My goodness, Zhao Fu. Don't sneak up on me like that," Jiang Meilin sighed out as she patted her chest as if it would stop her racing heartbeat.

Zhao Fu chuckled before moving closer to her. He pecked and her lips and smiled.

"Did I tell you that you look exceptionally beautiful today?" He asked as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"You ready told me, Zhao Fu," Jiang Meilin answered.

"Well then I am telling you again. You areb stunning, Mei."

"Thank you. You also are handsome. Now, if you would excuse me, I have to check a few things in the storage room," she stepped backwards and walked passed him.

Zhao Fu quickly caught her wrist and slightly pulled her back. "I am getting a different reaction today? What happened to your blushes?"

Jiang Meilin rolled her eyes at him. "I am at work, Zhao Fu and so are you. Now behave before someone sees us," she hinted at Shin and Shane who were not too far from them.

"Those two would not mind us even if they see anything. Especially, Shin," Zhao Fu refused to let her go. He even pulled her close to himself.

"If Yoy don't let go now, consider that dinner date cancelled," Jiang Meilin threatened him with raised brows.

Zhao Fu pursed his lips and weighed the pros and construction. And as usual, he preferred dining with her than just a peck that was not satisfactory.

So he let her go.

Jiang Meilin smiled and lightly patted his cheek saying 'good boy' before she left.


Meanwhile, after Bai Renxiang ended the call with her mother, she carried on with her thoughts until she arrived back at the company.

As her schedule goes, she went through with her last meeting before calling it off for the day. But instead of going straight Li Xiaojin's school, she headed to the shopping mall.

Since there was still time until five o'clock when the school would be closing and Li Fengjin could probably be busy, she wanted to see what she could get for them.

Going through the different clothing collection, she thought of buying the same hoodie for the three of them. In a few minutes, she found herself staring at exactly why she wanted.

Without wasting a single second she picked the family matching set of hoodies and admired them.

"They would look so cute on these. Perfect," she whispered to herself. "I shall be taking these."

Just as she turned to make her way to the cashier table, she bumped into someone. A lady.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"My apologies." They both apologised.

When their eyes met, shock was evident on the other ladies face. She was clad in a black jean pants, a pink turtle neck long sleeved shirt and a black jean jacket over.

She also had in a comfortable heeled pink shoes on. Her dark chocolaty brown hair was was pinned up in a neat ponytail. She was an average beauty nonetheless.

One look and one would know that the lady was well off.

"My oh my. Look who I fate made me numb into today," the lady voiced out in a not too happy tone. "Long time no see Bai Renxiang."

Bai Renxiang was quiet shocked that the lady before her knew her name. But the funny thing was that she could not remember who she was.

"I'm sorry but... do I know you?" Bai Renxiang asked and made sure she did not come off as rude.

The lady was taken aback at the question thrown get way. But soon that shock turned into something else... Something hostile.

Scoffing, the lady eyed Bai Renxiang from top to bottom. "Hmph. Just because you have got ten rich does not mean you can act all haughty."

Bai Renxiang's brows arched in amusement. "Excuse you, but the one who is literally being haughty is you, Miss Unknown."

"Oh! I see her name is not the only one that has improved. Her mouth seemed to have gone through some training. Hahaha," the lady laughed.

"I don't have time for a person I don't know," Bai Renxiang shook her head and took a step forward to leave.

"I'm not done talking to you," the lady blocked her path.

And just as Bai Renxiang was about to give the troublesome lady a piece of her mind, a voice interrupted them.

"Kira, are you done already? We need to..." the person's voice trailed off.

Both ladies had their eyes moving to the new person. Bai Renxiang's brows shot up even more and a small smirk stained her lips.

"Kai, look who I happened to meet," Kira spoke out, drawing her brother out of his daze.

"Yeah. Hi– Hey. It has been a really long while Bai Renxiang or should I call you Mrs Li now that you are married?" He smiled at her.

He used to have heavy feelings for this woman before him. Now she was in his sight again but she was not his. That aside she looked more beautiful than before.

"I could say the same for you, Dai Kai," Bai Renxiang nodded at him. "You still are the sensible twin."

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