Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 554 Ji Jianyu



"The person with that mysterious phone number and bank account that has been sending Lin Ying cash has been identified."

Bai Renxiang's eyes brightened at the drop of those words. She abruptly sat up straight and placed her left hand on the table.

"Oh really! Well that is a piece of good news," she remarked.

"It is, young miss."

"Tell me more. Was our intuition correct of the person being a male?" Bai Renxiang inquired.

"Yes, young miss. Very correct if I must add."

"Then who is the man?"

"He goes by the name Ji Jianyu. I just sent you the info I got on him to your email, young miss," Xie replied.

Just as he said, Bai Renxiang received a new notification in her email. She clicked on it and all information gathered on the man, Ji Jianyu was on full display on her screen.

"Apart from what I said about his name being Ji Jianyu, he is around the same age as Bai Guiren or a bit younger," Xie began to analyse the information for her.

"Surprisingly, he is a businessman like every other businessmen in China. But he does indulge shady stuffs like killing, framing and also stealing to climb his way up to wealth."

"Okay. Then how did he and Lin Ying meet? Is there any information on that?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"They met in City T. But that is all there is to the search. I met with a dead end," Xie said and then sighed.

He was not happy with that. He was already happy about the way things were unravelling for him. But his joy was short-lived when he found nothing more.

"Is that so?"

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"I am afraid it is. But I have not given up yet. So do no let that bother you, young miss."

Bai Renxiang let out a small smile and nodded. "I am not bothered at all. I trust that you can lay your hands on any information you want to get."

"Thank you, young mis. I will do my best to not let you down." Xie said as he beamed a happy smile at her compliment.

It had been long he received praises. But ever since their leader, Charlie assigned him to take care of her task, he got plenty of it.

He even used it to boast amongst his colleagues. Getting a word of praise from thier boss' granddaughter, their goddess, was literally the best thing they could ask for.

"Hmm. That is good to hear. Aside that, did you perhaps manage to get a photo of Ji Jianyu?"

"Yes. I would send that to you as well."

"Alright. Is there any other thing?" She asked.

"Ah! Yes there is. From how recent his transfer to Lin Ying is, it shows that she has asked for another sum of money," he replied.

"I see. That must be what she would use to bribe other members of the board of Bai Jewelries into supporting Bai Ming," Bai Renxiang mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I did not quite get you there, young miss," Xie voiced out.

"It's nothing. I have another task for you."

"I'm ready to do anything, young miss."

"Good. Bai Ming and her mother has been going about bribing some members of the board to their side. I need you to look into the members she succedded in winning over. Can you do that?"

"Certainly, young miss," Xie affirmed.

"Alright. Send me a report after you are done with the first," she told.

"Yes, young miss."

With that being all, they ended the call and Bai Renxiang took her time to go over the email of Ji Jianyu that Xie sent to her.

Indeed, he was a normal businessman. But that was in the outside. He had bribed, framed and even killed people to reach the top he is in City Q.

Not only that, he was fond of having call girls and women. Bai Renxiang was disgusted. She hated people like him. He was just like Mr Lin Tian-yu.

After going through his info, she opened the other Xie recently sent. A picture of Ji Jianyu. His face clearly spoke of his age.

Black hair, deep set black eyes and slightly full lips. He had a silver tooth a little by the side of his mouth and he made sure it was visible.

If she was to rate his handsomeness, she would give him four out of ten.

Just then she felt cold fingers brush slighlty over her neck. She shivered and abruptly turned to the culprit.

"Jin. Oh my gosh. You got me scared for a moment there. Why did you sneak up on me like that?" Bai Renxiang questioned.

​ Li Fengjin chuckled as he moved to her side by the table and leaning on it. "I knocked more than two times before coming in but you did not even notice. So I decided to see what has trapped all your attention."

Then his eyes trailed from her face to her laptop in the desk. "And it turned out that my dearly beloved wife was busy looking at some other man. An oldie for that matter," he frowned.

"Oh, this?" She returned her gaze to her laptop. "He is the man I have been looking for," she said.

When she did not get any response from Li Fengjin, she looked up to his face. He had one of his brows arched up in a questioning manner. She then smiled.

"Remember that I told you about a person who has been in constant contact with Lin Ying, Bai Ming's mother?" She decided to start her explanation from there.

Li Fengjin thought for a short while before he nodded as his reply.

"Good. Xie finally found the man and sent me some details about him. This photo is one of it," she told.

"Who is Xie?"


"Sigh. Is that the only thing you picked from all that I just explained to you?" Bai Renxiang asked back.

When Li Fengjin nodded, she rolled her eyes at him. Of course she knows why he is asking. He possessive hormones are staring to get worked up.

"Xie is the person that does all the findings for me. He works for my grandpa so do not give me that jealous vibe," she sent him a warning glare.

Li Fengjin looked away and coughed into a fist. "I am not jealous. I just wanted to know who and who you associate with. That's all," he said.

"It has better be all. Anyway, looking at this man's picture, I can't help but get a little inkling about something," Bai Renxiang switched back to the previous topic.

"And what is that about?" Li Fengjin asked as he leaves over to take a closer look at the picture in her laptop screen.

"I am not so sure. But I oddly picked out a few features of his that reminds me of someone. But I can't place my finger on who though," she answered.

"You will know in a much later time. It would just strike your head when that time comes."

"Do you think so?" She asked with her eyes set on him now.

"Yeah. It happened to me too," Li Fengjin nodded before standing straight. "Anyway, let's forget about this for now. Dinner is ready so I came to get you."

"Dinner is ready to so soon. What time is it anyways?" Bai Renxiang asked as she reached for her phone she had dropped beside the laptop.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Time sure knows how to fly when you are working."

"Yeah. And so does the food knows how to get cold. Let's go. They are waiting for us," Li Fengjin said as he held his hand out for her to take hold of.

Bai Renxiang chuckled. She quickly shut down her laptop before placing her hand in his. He gently pulled her up and wrapped his other hand on her waist.

Now they were just a breathaway from each other with their eyes locked.

"Hubby, we have people waiting for us downstairs at the dinning table," Bai Renxiang softly reminded him.

Li Fengjin brushed their noses together. "I know," he whispered a reply.

"Okay, should we not get going already? The food will get cold and I am starting to get hungry."

"Hmm," he hummed.

"Jin we have to–"

"A kiss," he interrupted her halfway through.

Bai Renxiang blinked.

"I will take what as a yes, then."

Saying that, Li Fengjin leaned in more and claimed her lips in his. Softly and slowly. When he broke it, a sigh left his lips.

"Now that's better. A kiss before a meal makes it all satisfying," he said with a smirk.

"I keep saying it and I will continue saying it. You are unbelievable," Bai Renxiang managed to say and it earned her one of those ear tingling laughter of his.

"And that makes you love me even better."

Bai Renxiang scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Too much pride."

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