Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 563 The Board Meeting



The time for the meeting drew closer. Li Fengjin could not stay till now as he received an urgent call from the company. So he left.

It was fifteen minutes to the time of the meeting at Bai Jewelry. Bai Renxiang being a punctual woman suddenly decided to make an entrance today.

A late one at that. Afterall, no one knows of her attendance. It was going to be shocking for them all.

"We are going to stomp the yard, Lawyer Long."

"It seems like CEO Bai is very excited about today's meeting," Laywer Long pointed out.

"Well, I am excited. I can't wait to see those people crumble before my feet," Bai Renxiang replied with a slight smirk.

Lawyer Long just shook his head. He could not blame her as he also felt the same. He has been waiting for this for years.

"Ah! The meeting will soon start. I assume that you are already on your way."

"You would be shocked to know that I am still in my office," Bai Renxiang chuckled.

"What? Please tell me that you are joking right now, CEO Bai," Lawyer Long spoke with disbelief clearly heard in his voice.

"I am not joking. I do not plan to be early today. I want to see the shocked expression on every members' faces as i waltz into the meeting room," she told.

"I see. Please inform me of the time you leave your office. I would wait for you at the entrance since we are going in together."

"Alright then. I will see you there."

"Very well."

Ending the call, Bai Renxiang gathered a few of her things and kept them on her desk. She then walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and filled her eyes with the city's view.

"Things surely did change in this city," Bai Renxiang sighed out.

~Bai Jewelry~

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While Bai Renxiang was taking her time in surprising the while of the company, Bai Ming was sweating over the meeting. She kept pacing back and forth in her office.

Just then her phone rang. She instantly rushed to her desk to pick it up. It was from her mother, Lin Ying.

"Hello, mum. How did things go? Was your plan enough to scare her off?" Bai Ming threw questions even before the person at the other end of the line could say a word.

"Calm down, honey. You are too edgy," Lin Ying tried to calm her daughter down.

"Maybe I will if you just tell me about what I asked," Bai Ming retorted.

Lin Ying sighed and shook her head. "Alright. I will tell you. The work has been done. A warning message to scare her. And according to him, he was sure she would think twice before doing anything against us."

Bai Ming let ou a slow relieved sigh. Her worries were gradually washing off enabling her breathing to return to normal.

"That is good to hear. I can proudly ascend the position of CEO without anyone interrupting," she said.

"Luckily she does not know about today's meeting. With us having the majority on our side, it would be easier to shut those other board memebers," Lin Ying smirked.


*knock knock*

"Who is it?" Bai Ming asked.

"It is Judy, Ms Bai," the person spoke out. She is the assistant assigned to Bai Ming in the company.

"What do you want? Out with it quickly," Bai Ming barked her order.

"I-I just wanted to let you know t-that meeting is about to begin, ma'am," Judy, the assistant stuttered.

"I hear you. I will be there soon," she said.

The assistant nodded as if the door was transparent and Bai Ming could see her. Bai Ming returned her attention to the call she had placed on hold.

"Mum, I got to go. It is time for the meeting," She informed her mother.

"Alright honey. I wish you the best of luck."

"Luck? Oh mum. I don't need luck when I already have what I need," Bai Ming stated before making her way out of her office.

"Alright then. When you come home, I will have them open a new wine for us to celebrate," Lin Ying sang out.

"Now that's more like it. Bye, mum."

Bai Ming raised her chin higher than usual today. Even her black stiletto heels were an inch higher. All for the purpose of making her look more imposing.

As she made her way to the meeting room on ninth floor, she started making an imaginary list of those whom she plans to get rid of.

The first on the list was grandpa Bai for sure and following would be that arrogant Mr Sun. A slight evil smirk fraced her red painted lips at the thought.

In the elevator, she adjusted her hair to properly fall on her shoulders unto her white bodycon dress. Her make up was more pronounced and the jewelry she wore spoke of wealth and class.

It was one of the set her nice boyfriend, Feng Yisheng had given her on a date. Soon the elevator dinged and the metal doors slid open. Bai Ming sighed and stepped out.

She took several steps and soon she was fact to face with the black door. It had meeting room writing boldly in gold. She put her sweet girl smile as she went in.

"I hoped I came in on time," Bai Ming spoke as she cat-walked to her designated seat.

"Yes, Ms Bai. You are as timely as usual," a member praised her.

Bai Ming rendered him a professional smile and thanked him for his kind words of praise. She sat quietly and observed. Out of the twenty-five members of the board of directors, nineteen were seated.

The remaining six were yet to make it to the meeting room. And those six were among her major supporters in the board. Tume fkew oast and the set time for the meeting, ten o'clock, was due.

"Now i wonder were the other memvers are. Everyone is aware of today's meeting as it is important," Mr Sun began with sterness in his tone.

Bai Ming rolled her eyes in her mind. She could not wait to get rid of him. Maybe now he is the top person on her list.

"Let us just spare them two five more minutes. Who knows if they are held up by an urgent matter," another member quickly appealed for the latecomers.

It did not take up to five minutes before the other six hurriedly entered the meeting room. They apologized for their inpunctuality as they each took their seats.

Mr Sun glared a warning at them bedore he cleared his throat. "Shall we begin?"

"What about Chairman Bai?" One of the board members curiously asked.

For meetings as important as this, it was strange that Bai Guiren had not arrived.

"He has an important appointment clashing with this open. One he cannot forsake. He would be here halfway through the meeting," said another board member, Mr Yu.

He was also one of the board memebers with higher stance than the others. Unfortunately, he was on Bai Ming's side for God knows why.

Nevertheless, there were two higher board memebers on Bai Renxiang's side along with Mr Sun. So she had the upperhand there. Hopefully, it would make a difference when the decision making starts.

With no one else holding them back, the meeting kicked off. Some pressing matters were brought up first as that was the agenda of the day.

"We need more funds and materials for the star project."

"Importations will begin from the upper week, so that should deal with that."

"How about New Era? They are demanding for a terminaton of contract. Unfortunately, we have not been abke to supply our newest lines of jewelry to them."

"According to our jewel makers, New Era said they wanted something else."

"A new design and a fantastic one at that. Afterall, they are known by the masses for theur never ending fresh sales."

"It is understandable. Ms Bai how are the designs going? As the head of the jewel desigb team, you should have a solution to this?"

"I for one have a solution. I just need a few more days to make fine, finishing touches to the designs in hand," Bai Ming proudly answered.

"A few more days. Like how many days are we talking about? We need specifics?" Mr Sun asked.

Bai Ming swore she felt like ripping him apart. But for image's sake, she behaved. Her emotions are not to be seen.

"When I say a few more days, I mean like five days, she replied directly looking at him.

"Five days? That is a whole working week, Ms Bai. And we do not have that kind of time. Make it three days. Have your team work things out, if you must," another high standing board member ordered.

"We do not want New Era to be on our neck. Plus, we need to compensate for failure to meet our requirements."

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