Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 570 It's My Fault



"It's all my fault, Chaoxiang. It's my fault she had the accident."

Ning Xiaozhi cried against his chest. Ye Chaoxiang kissed her head and rubbed up and down her back.

"Ssh ssh. It is not your fault, darling. Don't say that," he corrected her.

Ning Xiaozhi shook her head and looked up at him. "If I had not told her to meet with me, she would have not gone out and get hit by a car. If I had just heard her put from the very beginning, she would have not been overthinking while crossing the road."

"Hey, that's not true. It's not your fault or her fault either. Somethings just happen. Don't blame yourself."

"I am a cruel daughter. I don't want her to die. I still love my mum, Chaoxiang. I will not be able to bear it if she leaves."

Ye Chaoxiang sighed and hugged her tightly. He continued telling her the opposite of what she called herself and it was not her fault at all.

Though not too much, people still started at them. Why would they not? Ye Chaoxiang is a known figure. It even shocked the buzz cut man that Ning Xiaozhi had anything to do with him.

"Ahem! Good afternoon, Mr Ye," the buzz cut man greeted politely.

Ye Chaoxiang nodded im acknowledgement as he carefull observed the man. Seeung as he already knew who he was, Ye Chaoxiang dis not feel bothered. Many people knows of him.

That and the buzz cut man did not seem like a threat he should be wary of.

"Ah! I forgot. He and the man who hit my mum brough her to the hospital. He was the one who called me through her phone. Thia is my husband," Ning Xiaozhi explained and introduced them.

It gave Mr Buzz cut a surprise. So she is already married? Sigh. And here he was thinking he has found his Mrs Perfect. Oh, well better luck next time for someone else.

"I see. Thank you for your kind help, sir," Ye Chaoxiang appreciated.

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"No problem. I would take my leave now since you have your husband here," said Mr Buzz cut.

Ning Xiaozhi and Ye Chaoxiang nodded and thanked him once more. Even apologising for the inconveniences caused to him. If only they knew it was never an inconvenience to be besude a beauty like her.

He then left as he no longer had any business there. After a while, the emergency theater opened and Mrs Ning was wheeled out by two male nurses.

Ye Chaoxiang and Ning Xiaozhi quickly rushed to one of the doctors that came out of the theater.

"Excuse me. I am the patient's son-in-law and this is her daughter. Could youplease tell us about the patient's health?" Ye Chaoxiang inquired.

"Yes. I will need one od you to go with me and the other to follow the patient to the assigned ward if payment has been made," the doctor said.

"I have made all the necessary payment," Ning Xiaozhi informed him.

"Alright. So which of you will come with me Tge doctor asked.

"I will. You should go and be with your mother, okay?"

Ning Xiaozhi nodded without delay and hurried after the nurses taking her mother to wherever ward assigned. While Ye Chaoxiang followed the doctor to his cabin for a talk.

~In the doctor's cabin~

"I am surprised that the patient is your mother-in-law Mr Ye," the doctor spike as he offered Ye Chaoxiang a seat.

Ye Chaoxiang took it and smiled without a word. "So tell me, how is the patient? Is there anything we should be worrued about?"

"Not necessarily. The patient's left kneecap suffered the major damage since that was where she majorly got hit," he began.

"But luckily it was operatable. She may not be able to walk for about four to six weeks for everything to heal accordingly. After which she has to limit the activities she does so that the knee would not be too pressured."

The doctor spike a few more words and prescribed drugs that Mrs Ning should be placed under. After that, he called Ning Xiaozhi to tell him the ward he mother is in.

He arrived a few minutes back. But he remained silent as he watched Ning Xiaozhi hold one of Mrs Ning's hands.

"What were you thinking of that you forgot to watch the road, huh? If you had... If you had died, do you think you would be able to apologize to me?" Ning Xiaozhi asked the unconscious woman.

"Who would give accounts for your actions then? Who will I have forgiven and how will we make amends? I know I should not have said those harmful words to you. I didn't mean it. You are still my mum and i still live you even if it's a little bit. So get well soon and make up for your past mistake. I want my mum back."

A small smile appeared on his face as he watched. He knew it. He knew all aling that she still has a soft spot for her mother. Things only needed to be solved for it to show.

"How is she?" Ye Chaoxiang asked after he knocked.

Ning Xiaozhi wiped her eyes and stood up. "I don't know. The nurses said she might wake up later this evening. What did the doctor tell you? Is her condition bad?"

"Well, I would not say bad or good either. Her kneecap suffered damage but things will be fine if she has that cast on for a month and two weeks. Plus her treatment," he briefly explained.

"Oh no! She won't be able to walk again?" Ning Xiaozhi began to tear up.

"Hey. Stop crying," he pulled her in for a hug.

"She will walk again. But not too much cause the knee doesn't need the pressure. She will be fine, okay?" he assured her.

Ning Xiaozhi nodded weakly.

"Get some rest. You look worn out to the maximum."

He helped her to the couch in the room and they both sat down.

"I don't think I can rest with her like that. I won't be able to," she sighed out.

"Then just rest your head. Come on," he patted his thighs and Ning Xiaozhi sat on him.

Her face nuzzled against his neck while he held her. They remained quiet like that as being together is comforting enough.


Meanwhile Bai Renxiang was already being attened to at the hospital when Li Fengjin arrived. He did not need to ask for anything as one of the bodyguards was waiting for him at the entrance.

"First of all how is my wife?" He asked.

"The ladyboss is not in a lot of danger, healthwise. According to what I overheard them saying, the bullet just grazed her skin. But they still neede to check for damages and other stuffs," the bodyguard reported.

"Other stuffs like what?" Li Fengjin stopped in his tracks and shot the guard a deathly glare.

"L-Like debris or particle pulled in by the bullet due to the speed."

"Where was she hit and what are her chances of survival?" he asked again.

"I'm sorry boss. I am not sure of that until after they are done," the bodyguard apologized with his head down.

"What about the people who started the shooting? Tell me you guys caught them all."

"We did and killed sime because of the gun battle," the bodyguard nodded.

"What about the lawyer? Any wound?"

"No. He is taking care of the police since we broke a few road rules." Li Fengjin nodded.

"Explain everything?" Li Fengjin demanded after a short while of silence.

He could use the time for the doctors and nurses to be done to get information. After all, he would be all about Bai Renxiang's if she out.

"It was an unexpected attack. We were already leaving the company when they started firing at us."

"What about scouting the perimeter for anyone suspicious? You were all supposed to ensure your ladyboss' safety so the goddamn hell did those b*st*rds do all they did?" Li Fengjin belowed at the man.

The bodyguard could not say a word. They took their work unseriously this time and lives was at stake.

"You know damn well how I hate silence for an answer," Li Fengjin reminded him. Now he looked more of the ruthless and cold-hearted man.

"W-We have no excuse. Please forgive us," the bodyguard stuttered.

"Oh I forgive you alright. But failure to do what you should is punishable. You all know what to do."

"Yes, boss," the bodyguard sighed as it was expected.

"Now get the f*ck out of my sight before I lost it."

It took a while, yes. But Bai Renxiang was finally out. luckily the bullet did not cause much damage to her right shoulder. However she still needed to refrain frim using it.

It was after she was put in her ward that Li Fengjin called his parents and hers to inform them.

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