Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 600 Birthday Celebration



Li Fengjin held tightly into Fu Bolin's wrist. He even twisted his hand backwards and pressed his head against the table.

"It looks as if the last lesson I taught you had no effect, huh?"

"Let go of my wrist," Fu Bolin groaned and hissed in pain.

Han Yuri was shocked her eyes bulged and she gulped. What is happening?

One moment she was badmouthing Bai Renxiang and the next moment she was splashed with a milkshake. And now her husband, is being pinned down to the table by Bai Renxiang's husband.

"The next time I see you even raise your hands against my woman, I might as well just chop it off," Li Fengjin belowed before releasing him with a push.

Fu Bolin groaned and glared at Li Fengjin. He noticed that attention has been drawn toward them. He decided to use that to his advantage.

"Are you threatening me, Mr Li?" Fu Bolin adjusted his clothes.

"Oh you of all people know pretty well that I don't do threats, Fu Bolin. My fist made it clear when you acted stupidly brave at my wedding," Li Fengjin remimded him.

Fu Bolin gulped as his face turned pale. No one apart from his parents and a hand full of persons know about the incident at Emperor Palace Hotel, on that wedding day.

Li Fengjin held unto Bai Renxiang's hand as she stood up. "The last time you got a bit far. This time you almost. But next time, you won't even get a chance before you find yourself six feet down below."


"Don't push your luck, Fu Bolin. And that's not a warning either. Let's go, my love."

With that said, Li Fengjin gently pulled Bai Renxiang out of there. She cast a last glance and the pathetic couple before she settled on him.

His jaw was tight and his expression was as cold as ice even after leaving the food court. Once they were out of the shopping mall as a whole, he stopped.

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"Are you okay?" Li Fengjin asked.

"I'm fine. Although I should be the one asking you that," Bai Renxiang answered.

She then moved to stand in front of him and held his face in her palms. Li Fengjin averted his eyes away from her.

"Hey. Look at me. Tell me why you are still mad," she gently demanded.

"Why the hell were you with him, Renxiang?" Li Fengjin asked and he finally set his eyes on her.

"It was him who came to me, Jin. I was waiting for you when his wife came to cause trouble and then he came along," she told him.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to apologise and be friends."

"What? The bloody nerve of that bastard. After what he did to you he wants to be friends now. What a fool," Li Fengjin let out in anger.

Bai Renxiang held unto her laughter and pecked his lips. "Don't stress over it, love. I told him I am not interested in anything that will connect two of us."

"Really? You told him that?"

"Yes. His wife wanted to be all b*tchy so I wasted my milkshake on her face. Now I did not get to savour it till the end," Bai Renxiang said and then pouted.

Li Fengjin chuckled and pecked her own lios this time. Bit a bit longer. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I will get you another milkshake and a nice reward for being a bold, brave and good girl."

"Really? What reward?"

"How about a nice foot massage?"

"And a belly rub after dinner?"

"Hahaha. Yes. And a belly rub after dinner," he laughed and tapped in her nose.

"Yay. I look forward to it. Now let's go and have lunch somewhere else. I'm hungry," Bai Renxiang beamed at him.

"Sure, my love. The atmosphere in this place has already been tainted. And I can't let my wife eat with those wannabes around, can I?"

"Of course not."

"Hmm. Then I'll get you the best of the best jewellery and shoes. Let's go."

~The birthday celebration~

It is a huge celebration. One a mansion can't contain. After all, it is the celebration of a well-known man.

In one of the biggest event halls in City S, men and women, old and young alike were trooping into.

Even a red carpet was present and the paparazzi took advantage of that. Taking pictures nonstop of various attendants that care to pose for the camera.

As lively as it is outside, so is it inside.

The decorations were beautifully done. Nothing to glaring or dull either. A glitter gold, red and white. The lightings were appropriate especially with the gold chanderlie hanging down the ceiling.

A beauty indeed.

Tables arranged for self-serving purposes. Varieties of pastries, finger foods, traditional Chinese dishes, you name it. There was enough to fill tummies and make one salivate.

All in all, it all shows that this party is going to be remarkable.

The celebration soon kicked off. Friends and well-wishers gave Old man Jiang their birthday wishes.

Soon the guest were all ushered to their respective seats and Old man Jiang took the stage. The spotlights shone on him, the celebrant.

Old man Jiang wore a red traditional Chinese tang suit and a black trousers. The prints of the suit were made of silk and a dragon of gold embroidery sat at the centre.

On his left hand was a fine crafted walking stick. It had a dragon's head nestled at the tops as an handle. Red ruby stones were used as its' eyes.

His shoes matched the silliness of his top suit-clearly a designers brand. He had a bright smile in his face as he pushed his glasses up by the rim.

Though age has caught up with him, Old man Jiang can still be considered a handsome man. A strong one at that.

"Good evening, everyone and welcome to the celebration," he greeted and what follow was cheers of the attendants.

"So at long last, it is my birthday. The day I have actually been looking forward to for so long. I could not be happier today because everyone is here. From my family to my friends. The best part wouod have been that no one is missing, and everyone has shown up today..." he paused.

"But it isn't... If only my beloved wife were here, it would have been the best."

There was a certain calm and sadness that washed over everyone. The passing of his wife was no new news. And how much he adored her cohld not be disputed.

"However, you all are here, to fill my heart with joy and to bless me. For that, I am really grateful. I thank everyone that has made this celebration a working success. You have my deepest gratitude," he slightly bowed.

"We love you, grandpa," Bai Renxiang yelled out causing him to chuckle.

"Now join me to celebrate, eat, drink and make merry. Thank you."

A round of applause resounded in the hallway as old man Jiang made his way to the table were the cake stood. It was time to sing to the celebrant.

Li Xiaojin and Ye Lee and walked up to a side of the stage. A grand piano and microphone held by a stand awaited. Whispers arosed.

While Ye Lee Ai took the microphone, Li Xiaojin sat behind the piano.

"This is for your, great-grandpa," Ye Lee Ai said.

Ye Lee Ai: Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you~

As she sang, Li Xiaojin played the piano. Everyone were in awe and adoration for the two. They looked so cute.

Soon everyone stood up as a sign of respect and began to sing along. Tears filled Old man Jiang's eyes at the presentation. He gently wiped them off.

When the song came to an end, he made a silent wish and blew on the four candles on the cake-each symbolising twenty years he has lived.

The guests clapped and cheered as well as join their classes to a toast.

"To good health and many more years. Cheers!!"

"Enjoy the party," Old man Jiang gave the go ahead.

Most guests took the opportunity to take a picture with him. Laughter soon filled the hall as everyone made chit-chats here and there as they dined. Be it business or social-like.

Singles mingled and married sticked to their spouses as they talked to friends. Even Old man Jiang was enjoying himself. Of course.

He sat in the company of his long time friends. Home and abroad. They teased, bickered and laughed. It felt like they were in their old days.

Well good for them.

Later on, family members were asked to go up the stage and say a thing or two about Old man Jiang. Everyone else went first before Jiang Meilin, his daughter and Bai Renxiang, his granddaughter.

And each words they spoke, touch every fibre of his being. He was moved to tears.

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