Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 602 ...My Water Broke...



This time around, none of them left Lisa's side. Whomever wants to talk, can walk to their table. After all, they were all business personnels, right?

They discussed all while eating and drinking and even laughing out loud. Once in a while the oldies would come to check up on them, especially Lisa.

Lisa felt overwhelmed by the care and attention they shower her with. She began to feel better after those words from the three ladies.

"It's getting late," Bai Renxiang said as she gazed down at the sleeping Li Xiaojin in her arms.


The guests in the event hall had reduced as some had gone home.

"Are you tired? Do you want to go home and rest?" Wang Tingxiao asked Lisa.

"Resting sounds nice. But let's greet grandpa first before we go. It will be rude to just leave," she said.

"Okay." Wang Tingxiao picked up her pair of shoes and her purse before standing up.

"We will be heading out first, guys," he told them.

"Oh, sure. Lisa needs the rest," Ye Chaoxiang nodded.

"Have a safe trip back," Ye Yumi wished them.

"Thanks. Can you stand or should I carry you?"

"I'm pregnant not handicapped, Tingxiao. Standing is not much of a stress. And there are people around. You should not carry me," Lisa lazily waved her hand against it.

Her words made them laugh. Wang Tingxiao has been very careful with Lisa since her bumb started becoming visible.

He treated her like a delicate flower- one wrong move and it will ruined. He almost stopped her from doing anything. Even bathing by herself.

But Lisa kicked against it saying she needed to do simple day-to-day task or exercises. She stays home all day while he works.

It would be selfish of her to make him do everything including taking care of herself.

"I know you are not handicapped, love. At least let me help you up," he held out his hand for her to take.

Lisa sighes and took it. Just as stood up, she felt a sharp pain run through her entire body.

"Ah," she let out a little yelp of pain.

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"What? Are you alright? Did you hit something?" Wang Tingxiao worriedly asked as his eyes scanned her from too to bottom.

"No, I'm– aah," she yelled again and this time much louder with much pain.

It drew attention to them.

"Lisa, what's–"

"Oh my gosh, Lisa you are soaked," Bai Renxiang pointed out as her eyes remained in Lisa's back side.

Her clothes appeared darker than usual there.

"Oh gosh my water broke. I think my water broke, Tingxiao," Lisa panicked.

"What?" Wang Tingxiao shouted in shock.

"Let's go to the hospital quick," Li Fengjin said.

"I... I can't move. It feels like the baby... is about to come out," Lisa shut her eyes and bit her lips.

Contractions had started nd it was hell painful. That and she trying to hold in whatever she feels is about to come out of her.

"F*ck," Wang Tingxiao cussed not caring about his professional image.

Who would give a damn about that now?

He dropped her purse and shoes and swiftly but gently carried Lisa. He walked straight to the entrance without a word.

Ning Xiaozhi collected Lisa's shoes and purse from the ground before rushing after them. The others followed suit.

"What's going on?" Old man Jiang asked as he and the others approached them.

"Lisa's water broke. She might start getting labour pains," Bai Renxiang answered as she handed Li Xiaojin to her mother.

"Oh my!"

"Mrs Wang is about to give birth."

"Is she going to be alright?"

"She has to."

Whispers and murmurs from here and there filled the hall. Everyone watched as Lisa was being taken away.

"You guys should take care of wrapping things up here. We are going to the hospital too," Ye Yumi said before rushing off.

Mrs Ye nodded. She watched with worry as they left. Praying deep inside her that Lisa gets to the hospital safely for her delivery.


"Yimo!" Li Fengjin called for his driver.

"Boss? How may I–"

"We need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Where's the damn car?" Li Fengjin shouted.

"Packed at the lot. I will go and get it," Yimo said before dashing off as quickly as his feet could move.

Soon enough Li Fengjin's tinted black Porsche Cayenne packed right before them. Ye Chaoxiang quickly opened the back passagers' seat for Wang Tingxiao.

He then rushed to the other side with Li Fengjin. While Bai Renxiang took the front passenger door.

"I'll drive," Li Fengjin ordered as Yimo quickly alighted from the car.

As soon as they were all well seated in the car, he got the steering wheel working and sped off.

"Arghh," Lisa groaned as another wave of sharp pain hit her.

"Lisa breathe. Take deep breaths okay?" Ye Chaoxiang instructed her.

Lisa nodded. She inhaled and exhaled through her mouth several times. She could not take anything slow, so her breathing was fast.

"Not too fast. Take it easier... Yes, that's it."

Lisa did as she was told with both hands clutching tightly in Wang Tingxiao and Ye Chaoxiang's hands.

"Am I gonna have a car baby? Is it good?" Lisa asked anxiously.

"How long is the nearest hospital?" Ye Chaoxiang asked.

"Ten minutes away," Bai Renxiang answered with her eyes fixated on her phone.

She had a Google Map running.

"Alright. You won't have a car baby. You will make it to the hospital. Just stay strong. You can do this, Lisa," Ye Chaoxiang assured and encouraged her.

"Oh, I don't think I can. It's coming out," Lisa shook her head.

"Please drive faster, Fengjin," Wang Tingxiao finally spoke.

"I'm on it, buddy. Trust me, we will get there in less than ten minutes," Li Fengjin winked at him through the rearview mirror.

"Tingxiao, our baby..."

"I know, darling. I know. Just hang in there a little bit more. You will be fine. Just breathe. Just breathe," Wang Tingxiao said and pecked the side of her head.

It took a bit of a while to get to the hospital as there was mini hold up in the way. Lisa's contractions became short at intervals.

The pain was unbearable but she had to go through with it. Wang Tingxiao and the others keot on assuring and encouraging till they got to their destination.

"We need a stretcher," Ye Chaoxiang yelled as they rushed into the hospital.

A stretcher was brought immediately and Wang Tingxiao gently laid Lisa on it.

"Tingxiao, don't leave me. I'm scared," Lisa said in a small voice.

"I won't. We got you into this together. We will get you out together. I'm here."

They wheeled Lisa into the delivery room and began working.

"Ma'am, you will need to take off your dress and jewelry and out this on," a nurse said.

She handed a hospital gown to Wang Tingxiao. They helped her out if her dress and underwear and also to put on the hospital gown.

Luckily Bai Renxiang was there so she held unto Lisa's wears and jewelry.

"Renxiang, will it hurt a lot? I'm scared."

"I won't say it won't hurt. But you are a strong woman and at least you have Tingxiao with you. You will be able to pass through this. Just think of the joy you will get from holding your baby in your arms. Think of wanting your baby alive and then you push with everything you've got, okay?" Bai Renxiang explained to her.


"Good. We will be outside waiting. Tingxiao, Lisa, fighting!" She cheered before leaving.

Just then two doctors came in and greeted Wang Tingxiao and Lisa. The nurse wore them their necessary medical material. Soon it was time to start.

"Doc, will my baby be okay?" Lisa asked.

She was very worried as it's her first delivery. It is only natural for her to be like that.

"Don't worry, ma'am. You and your baby will be okay. You are in safe hands," the doctor that seemed older assured her.

Although she could not see his full face as he had on a mask, bit his eyes held an assuring smile. It calmed Lisa a bit.

"Let's get started, shall we?"


Minutes had gone by since the delivery began. The others sat and stood in the waiting area close by as they were not allowed inside.

Their anxiousness and interest were piqued as they could hear nothing from behind those walls and door. But they knew that one way or the other, it is hella noisy in there.

After a long while of waiting, the doors to the delivery room opened and Wang Tingxiao stepped out. He was a bit pale and sweaty.

His eyes were not focussed amd his steps were a bit staggering.

"Bro," Li Fengjin called while he quickly approached Wang Tingxiao.

The latter almost lost his footings but Li Fengjin caught him on time. When he looked at Wang Tingxiao's face, his heart sank.


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