Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 615 My Greatest Duty



The day had just began but the sky was still dark. Only a little sign of brightness could be noticed.

A pair of blue eye steered open and gazed at the darkness before him. After what seemed like forever, those eyes blinked- trying to adjust to the dark background.

Li Fengjin let out a very low sigh. Then his head turned to the woman sleeping peacefully in his arms. The woman who is the center of his world. The one that holds his heart.

A small smile formed on his lips as flashes of the previous night filled his head. It was one of his best considering how long their lovemaking went.

Her sweet moans and plea for him not to stop and stop at the same time replayed in his ears. Li Fengjin was almost getting an erection.

He shook his head to clear his mind. Now was not the time to go into his realm of naughtiness. Once again his attention zeroed on his sleeping face.

Bai Renxiang looks so cute when she is sleeping. He gently swept her hair falling on the side of her face, backwards.

"I love you, Renxiang. So much that I can't let anymore harm come to you because of me. As your husband, my greatest duty is to protect you and our son," he said in a low voice.

"And that is what I'm going to do. So please don't be so mad at me later. I'm sorry."

Placing a gentle and feathery kiss on her firehead, he carefully slid out of the bed. Where his arm was under her head, he placed a pillow there.

After making sure she was properly covered with the duvet, he went into the walk-in-closet. Li Fengjin changed unto an easy wear of black denim jeans, a black shirt and jacket over.

Then he got his feet into a pair of black boots to go. His movement were so quiet and swift that no matter how one would strain their ears, they would never hear a sound.

After getting fully dressed, he stood before a certain part of one of the wardrobe housing his clothes. Without wasting a moment, he parted the clothes a little and stepped into the wardrobe.

He randomly placed his right palm at the edge and it got scanned. Instantly after it was confirmed, there was slight movement in the wardrobe and down he went.

Just like an elevator.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Li Fengjin came out to a place that looked like an underground parking garage. Here, a total of four beast cars in their own parking chamber.

Li Fengjin walked staright to the first car on his left. He took of the grey cover of the car. A black Aston DBS Suppeleggera in its fukl glory and beauty came into view.

He took the key out of his pocket and opened the car. Getting in, he started the engine. Luckily, the walls were sound proofed and no one will hear from up the house.

Steering the car unto the driveway, he sped off.

"Jaz, call Parker," he ordered the AI device installed in his car.

"Calling Parker," a robotic female voice responded. In a few rings, the man named Parker answered the call.

"My saviour. Long time no see, Li Fengjin."

"Likewise. I am on my way already," Li Fengjin said without further details as he knows Parker would understand.

"Alright. I have already sent your ride. Just head straight to the location I sent you before," Parker replied.


"Hey, man. Are you sure you don't want anyone else to tag along? Any of those your badass friends?" Parker asked.

It is not as if he was scared that theu could not take on Zhixin alone. He just wanted Li Fengjin to have another companion in Country P aside from him.

"You know that it's just us and my parents that know about this. Besides, they all have to be here to protect their own. Life is not juat about us men now. Women and children are involved," Li Fengjin explained.

"Ah, I totatlly forgot about them not knowing. Well, what about your parents? You should have at least told them right?"

"I don't think that is necessary."

"Alright. If you say so then. I am enough help for you anyway," Parker remarked with pride.

"I guess so. When I get there, I need full update on whatever you have found about Zhixin and that gang. For now, I need to think of a strategy to end things once and for all," Li Fengjin told.

"I got it, boss. I have got my best tech guys to do some digging. Even I am on it. Just get here with any of those your smart plans," Parker assured him.

"Good. I will see you on the other side."

"I'm well ready to welcome you."

After that, Li Fengjin ended the call. He let out a deep sigh. He was already missing Bai Renxiang and Li Xiaojin.

"I will try to end this as soon as I can and get back to you both. I promise," he spoke as if they were with him.

Long enough, he came to a stop on a leveled surface in a forest. And just as Parker said, a helicopter and three men in black were already waiting for him.

"Boss," they bowed their heads upon his arrival.

Li Fengjin gave them a curt nod in acknowlegment of their greetings and respect.

"Let's go," he ordered.

As soon as the four of them were well settled and secured in the helicopter, the pilot started the engines and soon enough, they were in the air, flying into the unknown.


The sky was well bright and clear now. People had began to wake up and prepare for another day of the week.

Bai Renxiang soon woke up. She had a sweet and fresh smile in her face. The previous day turned to to be awesome from beginning to the end.

She felt a new kind of bliss. Bai Renxiang stretched as she let out a reckless yawn. As soon as her hands came down, it was met with an empty spot.

Her flew open and her head turned to her right. Instead of meeting with the chiseled and fine chest of her husband, what greeted her was the plain white sheets.

There was not dent whatsoever to indicate that a person laid there. Neither was it warm.

"Did he already leave for work? An early meeting perhaps?" Bai Renxiang questioned herself.

But then she knows Li Fengjin's schedule as well as she knows hers and vice versa. And she was sure that he has no meeting till later in the afternoon.

So where must he have gone to? Knowing Li Fengjin, he loved staying in bed till she woke up. Especially when they engaged a sexual activity the night before.

"I should check the bathroom. If he is not there, I will check his study or the dinning room," she said as she made her way out of the bed.

She hissed when she felt a slight ache on her legs, waist and down there.

"Ugh. He was a beast last night. He must pamper me for that."

Aftet checking the bathroom and walk-in-closet and seeing that Li Fengjin was nowhere to be found, she decided to go downstairs and ask.

She slipped into her night robe and headed downstairs.

"Good morning, momma, dad," she greeted the old Li couple that were having their morning coffee

"Oh, hi honey. How was your night?" Mrs Li replied with a sweet smile.

"It was great. What about you two?"

"It was great as well," Mr Li answered this time.

"That's good to hear. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you has seen Jin. He was not in bed when I woke up. Not even un the room," Bai Renxiang asked.

"No, we haven't. We even thought you two were still in bed," Mrs Li shook her head.

"Uhm, no," she also shook her head.

"Maybe he rushed off early to work," Mr Li suggested.

"But he does not have any meeting till afternoon. And no important work as well."

"I see. Have you called him then? Maybe he went for an early morning walk and had yet to come back," said Mrs Li.

"No, I haven't called him. I'll go and do that now. Thanks."

"You are welcome, honey."

With that, Bai Renxiang went back uostairs, to their room. Upon getting there, she got her phone and called Li Fengjin. And much to her surprise, his phone was in the room, on the beside table.

"What the... He did not take his phone with him? That's not like him to do that," she mumbled and ended the call.

Bai Renxiang randomly walked toward the bedside table. It was at that time she noticed a note underneath Li Fengjin's phone.

"Oh, he must have left a note. But I would have preferred if he had taken his phone."

She picked up the note and unfolded it. And the first words her eyes caught, made her heart troubled.

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