Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 107 Turning Point: Relationship With The Elites

After Evalyn left, the Lockheed students fell silent in fear. Most people climbed into bed or joined budding support groups, but no one used the recreation services.

Sage sat on the couch in the main room with two dozen people surrounding her. They gravitated to her because she seemed grounded.

Despite her calm demeanor, she was anything but.

Veronica was alive—that's all she knew about her friend's well-being.

Beyond that, the only thing she knew for certain was something bad outside the walls, and she was alone now. It was driving her crazy.

Many people had similar thoughts going through their minds.

"It seems that Evalyn's done a number on all of you." Kaze commented from a corner of the room.

Many jumped in surprise, unsure how he got into the room or if he had been hiding the whole time.

"Please permit my strange entrance." He requested cheekily, "I didn't use the door to prevent hysteria. If I lightly knocked on it twice, people might have rioted."

"Kaze…." Sage whispered with a complex expression.

"Hey, Kaze."


"Emperor Scrawn!"


Most were uncertain how to approach him after what happened. However, once someone showed relief he arrived, everyone flooded him without reservation.

Many women were crying, and he pretended to care. He didn't have real sympathy for anyone there at present, but he needed to convert them into his personal loyal army in less than two days.

"Yes, yes." Kaze said calmly, "Please gather everyone. I'll talk to you then."

Students immediately ran out of the room to gather everyone.

Once assembled in the main room, he stood from a couch and moved to a wall so everyone could see him.

The emperor gave everyone a complex expression as he addressed them.

"I'm not here to lecture or admonish you, and I will not decry your actions." He announced with a neutral expression.

Everyone sighed breaths of relief. The atmosphere was tense, so even the slightest positive reinforcement felt like free air.

"My words haven't changed, so I won't squander anyone's time repeating them now that you've uncovered significance within them." Kaze chuckled.

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"Instead, who wants to free their mind of the negative emotions plaguing them?

If you do, sit on this side of the room, and I'll use a tranquility technique to help you calm down."

He pointed to a wall, and Larkin got up and ran there as quickly as possible.

The stupid hype man was a leader in ways; once he sat down in the lotus position, a dozen people followed him. Then another two dozen joined afterward.

Kaze waved his hand, and an ambient green glow washed over the area.

Everyone in the area gasped in relief, and many laughed in disbelief, ecstatic to be free of their mental prisons.

The emperor turned to the other five dozen students. "Don't be shy. No matter the time or place, relief from negative emotions is desirable."

"It's not…." Kylie, the popular brunette cheerleader with slightly curly neck-length hair, began before falling silent.

She wanted to ask if it was mind control but remembered they should trust him.

Kylie was right on both fronts, and he didn't fault her for pointing out the obvious.

"Mind control?" Kaze smiled mockingly, "Of course it is. Do you think I could rid people of their fears and anxiety with a physical cultivation technique?"

Everyone gasped for a moment before their eyes glazed over again, understanding his sarcasm.

"Right…. That was a stupid question." The woman giggled awkwardly, "Well, in that case, I want it.

Hell, I'd take being one of those over-hyped sex puppets if it made me feel happy and calm again."

Bewildered giggles and laughter spread through the room as the cheeky brunette joined the group getting Forced Tranquility.

Kaze smiled and waved his hand over the group, radiating the area with a light green aura.

Kylie looked down at her hands and then back at Kaze. "I thought you said this was mind control? I feel far more rational.

Not to start controversy, but it's only making it easier to find you an asshole instead of a savior."

Kaze chuckled in bewilderment, and everyone followed him, bursting into laughter.

She blushed slightly, but her embarrassment disappeared instantly, replaced by a gentle smile.

"This technique only rids you of negative emotions so you can think." He smiled.

"So once we've stripped you of your anxieties, fears, and irrational delusions, that's what was hiding beneath. That's your genuine thought."

Kylie turned her head back and forth to see everyone's mocking expressions in confusion. They were laughing at her, and she was having difficulty caring.

"Yeah… sorry for thinking you're an asshole." She apologized with a slight smile.

Kaze laughed in disbelief and gave her a strange smile. "Pray tell, Kylie. Why do you think I'm an asshole? I am oh, so curious."

The cute brunette's emotions temporarily broke past the intentionally weak technique, and her face flushed bright red in embarrassment.

Then, in a surreal twist, her face relaxed almost instantly. It was an extremely quirky sight that left many bewildered.

"You don't have to answer that question." Kaze smiled, "It looks embarrassing and we don't want anyone thinking I'm using strange interrogation mind control on you."

He wiggled his fingers mockingly, a dozen women giggled, and some men laughed.

Kylie sighed and give him a bitter smile, but it kept disappearing. It made her frustrated, but that kept disappearing too. "Why is it so hard to pout?"

Everyone burst into giggles and laughter at her concerted effort to pout. It was cute and endearing.

"What on your mind requires you to look dissatisfied when you say it?" Kaze laughed.

"Stuff." Kylie replied bitterly, leading to more laughs.

"If you insist." The emperor smiled, waving his hand.

The green aura on her body disappeared, and her negative emotions began returning, making her realize the cost of her game. "Talk about [be careful what you wish for]."

More laughter followed, leading to her giving the students wry smiles and him puppy dog eyes.

"I'll use the technique again." Kaze laugh-scoffed, rolling his eyes, "I was just helping you maintain your false front when you expose the reason behind my assholetry.

You needn't tell me. But if you're not, tell me so I can put you out of this cringe-worthy misery."

"Hyumph!" Kylie huffed loudly, standing up to face him, "That was rude!

It's not like a girl just shares her secrets casually. I can't believe you're expecting me to just lay it all out for you in front of everyone."

Everyone's eyes widened, looking forward to a juicy reveal.

Kaze smiled at the crowd getting pumped and then narrowed his eyes at the cute brunette. He looked forward to learning her game.

Kylie huffed again, crossed her arms, and tapped her foot multiple times, looking at people's expectant gazes.

"To ensure people don't think you're doing something sketchy… I'll explain…." She blushed, cringing slightly, "I think you're an asshole because you chose Sage over me at the party!"

"Here we go. Spin it up, girl." Sage chuckled bitterly, laughing at her friend's legendary pettiness.

"Then I learn you're world famous, absurdly rich, and a sex god, and it's just making me more bitter!" Kylie cried, "It's simple petty jealousy. Happy, jerk?"

Kylie crossed her arms tighter, closed her eyes, turned her body slightly, and then opened one eye to peek at him. It was the cutest pouting that anyone had seen.

Everyone gazed at her with awkward smiles and gentle gazes.

"While I'd like to rectify this unforgivable transgression of mine…." Kaze began with a charming smile, "I can't have people thinking I'm enslaving people with mind control.

That's what your grandiose confession sought to dispel, was it not?"

"You're worried about trust issues?" Sage laughed across the room, "There isn't a single person here that doesn't trust you after Evalyn's sketchy visit.

In fact, everyone [loves] and trusts you now. It's universal."

Kaze's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. He was surprised at how effective Evalyn's tactics were.

He expected a long, drawn-out wrangle session, but everyone nodded in agreement.

Kylie was also surprised, as Sage was the one who aided her argument.

"Is that so?" The emperor mused, looking around him, "Well, my rules against my members having sex with each other until the morning after tomorrow have not changed."

Everyone gulped and gave him wry smiles. They were grateful.

"Bu-t." Kaze smacked, "I'll never turn a beautiful woman down without a pressing reason, and even Sage has aided you.

Considering that you're asking me and I own this place…."

He panned everyone's gaze. "Surely, everyone's grown out distrusting my every action, correct?"

"Yeah, sorry, Kaze."

"I appreciate your rules now."

"Me too."

"This is your house, Emperor Scrawn! Get some!"

"Larkin… yeah, I'm not sure what's going on. But I'm grateful."

"I was grateful from the beginning. Now I'm confused, but that's not on you, man."

"You do you, emperor."

"You don't need our permission."

"Hah. I'm grateful for your tranquility technique. I feel so much better."


"Hey, can you hit me with that before you run off with the princess?"

"Yeah, I really want to be free of this too."

The conversation evolved from consent to gratitude before people asked for the technique.

Absolute trust.

Kaze smiled and waved his hand. It filled the entire room with a light green aura, instantly relieving everyone of their anxieties.

They looked at him in surprise, confused when he hit everyone with the technique after asking everyone directly.

"I won't let my elites suffer when I can fix their ailments easily." He scoffed breathlessly, "Who do you think I am? A kidnapping serial killer?"

Everyone's eyes widened as their brain processed the strange statement.

It occurred to them that this was the first time Kaze expressed indignation for being treated as a serial killer. It was strange to the point of hilarity, and people burst into laughter.

"Now, I must make amends for a heinous transgression I've committed." Kaze smiled, picking up Kylie in a princess carry, "I will see you all in a bit."

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