Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 109 [Kylie Alexandra Shultz]

[Warning: Kaze roleplays in a non-dominant (but not degrading #obvi) dynamic. He takes pride in fulfilling women's fantasies in bed—within obvious limitations.

Fulfilling fantasies is alpha af. He satisfies desires, so women worship him in bed, title him a sex god, and feed his reputation and desire to be lauded over. It's a narcissist's wet dream.

If you prefer Kaze only hold purely dominant roles, please skip the next two chapters. I give disclaimers hoping people don't drop over one-off non-trope sex scenes. So please use them!]

Kylie looked at Kaze's grin with an abstract expression. She didn't know how to feel about him creating a spatial rift to [playfully] hit the woman with a pillow.

It wasn't that she was worried about him hurting her. Instead—

"You… look like you genuinely like her." She commented nonchalantly.

—it was simple pettiness, the kind he enjoyed.

"I genuinely like most ladies." Kaze replied charmingly, "But you're correct.

I think the term for that one is [friend]. Or… potential friend."

Kylie's eyes widened in amusement, and she burst into giggles. "Everyone else treats friendships as expectations and sexual developments like monumental achievements.

Yet you treat sexual experiences like expectations and friendships as distinguished honors with insurmountable bars to entry. It's… cute."

"Since everything you've said is correct, it seems I'm [cute]." Kaze replied magnetically.

"And hot…." Kylie blushed coquettishly.

He gave her a sharp, mocking smile, which made her shiver slightly.

"While I do not doubt your desire to sleep with me, can you tell me why you publicly mocked yourself to get here?" Kaze mused mockingly, "The real reason."

Kylie's face turned bright red, and she nervously curled a lock of her hazel-colored hair, glancing at him and turning away.

"We're ground floor on something big, right?" She asked nervously, "Sage and Veronica have already earned your trust and respect.

I'll be left out if I don't catch your attention now and prove myself.

I figured embarrassing myself publicly with my petty confession would get your attention."

"Well, it worked." Kaze smiled in amusement, "Now you have my attention—what do you offer?

Veronica's social skills are lethal, Sage has vital accounting skills, and Jake is remarkably loyal, adaptable, and competent.

What value do you bring?"

Kylie's expression turned shy, and she kicked the ground cutely. "Communications work is also a vital skill, right?

Veronica has amazing interpersonal skills, but there's a difference between public and private communication.

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That's what my degree is in and what I'm good at."

Kaze narrowed his eyes with a slight smile. "You speak the truth, and public speaking is critical.

In this situation, the question is [why] you do communications work."

"I want people to know me and remember me, to be beloved." Kylie replied without hesitation.

"I'm neither ambitious nor driven by power and money.

So I picked a career to become publicly famous, piggybacking off the talent, fame, and reputation of others."

The emperor smiled in interest, amused by her answer. "You're exceedingly honest."

"As in law, when it comes to public relations work, the client must tell the speaker everything bluntly." She replied.

"That way, we're prepared for any situation and to protect the client's reputation."

Kaze narrowed his eyes slightly. "You'd set aside your morals, ethics, and ideals for your work?"

"Only if the client provides true value and can maintain it." Kylie clarified. "You proved the former by organizing this place, achieving wealth and status, and keeping us safe.

You proved the latter by skillfully handling Haiden and the other dissidents."

"Are you saying you'll only set aside your beliefs and protect my interests when I provide value?" He asked with a mocking smile.

"No, I'll set aside my beliefs to protect the people." Kylie replied, shaking her head, "In politics, lies often have more value than truth.

And personal actions and scandals can cause detrimental damage to benign systems.

Generally benign, intelligent, and capable leaders are rare.

So when someone provides prosperity to people at a mass scale, their value as a leader far exceeds their actions as a person."

"So you're a pragmatist?" The emperor asked with a slight smile.

She smiled and looked him in the eyes. "Yes. Everyone else is bad at their job."

"I couldn't agree more." Kaze smiled, "However, I think you're naive. Those beloved are usually the mouthpiece of prosperity, not the bearer of bad news.

Surely, you understand you'll be the latter, yes?"

"Yes." She dry-swallowed nervously, reminded of Evalyn's visit.

"Yet you still seek such a grisly role?" He asked sharply, "For fame and love no less?

I must warn you, within three days, thousands of people will loathe your image."

Her expression crumbled, dejected by his words. However, she built up the courage and rebounded.

"People become beloved during times of prosperity [and] peril." Kylie reasoned.

"If you can bring lead us out of peril and into prosperity, we'll both become beloved.

My unwavering belief is that you can, so I will do whatever it takes to put you on top."

Kaze studied her facial expressions for a moment. He wouldn't torture enemies with such a role.

Yet her judgment, foresight, intelligence, philosophies, and motivations aligned with his needs.

"If you wish to test the depths of your mental fortitude, I will give you a shot in my cabinet." He said seriously, "However, you seek a thankless role, so do not expect any."

The brunette gave him a mixed-signal smile, both anxious and pleased. She knew something horrifying was happening but didn't know its magnitude.

"Thank you… but…." Kylie blushed, putting her hand in front of her mouth, "Can you wait to give me the horrifying details… later?

I wasn't joking about wanting to sleep with you; few people don't."

"Tell me, Kylie Alexandra Shultz." Kaze replied hypnotically, slightly narrowing his eyes.

"How does someone who wishes to be beloved wish to be loved? What is your greatest dream—or darkest fantasy?"

Kylie blushed furiously, averting her gaze. "I… don't think that you'd approve. I'm very different in bed; nearly the opposite person."

"Don't be shy." He smiled, "I give women whatever they want in bed, within limitations.

Naturally, what I'll do for women far exceeds what I'll let them do to me. However, I'm very open to dynamics and role play."

"I see… The thing is… I get off on how skillfully you manipulate us." She cringed, looking at him in shame, "It far exceeds psychopathy—you're a tyrant. In the classical sense."

The emperor gave her an amused smile. "Thank you for the compliment."

"Yes… it was." Kylie dry-swallowed, "And it makes me want that too. I fantasize about taking control, to kind of… use you as you use us. You know?

Of course, that's just a fantasy. As I said, I'm the opposite in bed!"

"I did tell you I give people what they wish in bed, yes?" Kaze laugh-scoffed in disbelief, "Yet you believe I'd be offended over something so mundane?

What type of man would I be if I deprived one-fourth of the women I encounter of their fantasy?"

Kylie's eyes widened in surprise. "You just seem so… prideful. It's hard to imagine you'd even be slightly submissive to people."

"BDSM is a lie, Kylie—an illusion." He smiled mockingly, "From start to finish, I'm still in control. I choose what I do and what I'll let you do.

No matter what I let you do to me or how you feel about it, I'm not submitting to you or letting you degrade me.

In fact, many enjoy letting people think they're in control, knowing it's a lie. So it can be symbiotic."

The brunette was caught off guard by his answer. It was mind-bending to think that some people enjoyed acting submissive to feel dominant.

"What about you?" She asked hesitantly, "Do you enjoy that?"

"No, I get pleasure from pleasing women." Kaze replied charmingly, "Partners believe me a god when I push them to the breaking point and spread the belief to others. It's a narcissist's wet dream.

That's what's beautiful about sex. If done with an open mind, it satisfies everyone's desires, no matter how contradictory they may seem."

Kylie was stunned by his revelation and burst into bewildered giggles. "If my fantasy to use you helps your narcissism, I'll gladly oblige. Just say the word."

"Begin." He smiled.

The cute brunette grabbed his dark grey button-up shirt and pulled him into her, pressing his lips against her plump, lipgloss-glistened lips.

"Undress me." Kylie ordered hesitantly, releasing her hands from his shirt.

"As you wish." Kaze replied charmingly, reaching under her black shirt and pulling it up. His eyes narrowed with interest when he saw what was underneath—a yellow pushup bra.

"So rare." He remarked about the bra's color, skillfully unbuckling it and exposing her b-cup breasts, "It's a pity you seek to remove it so unceremoniously, even to reveal breasts this perfect."

Her fantasy made her desire telling him to keep silent and fulfill her requests. However, he wasn't disappointed by her real breast size.

His vivid green eyes were vicious and predatory when he looked at them. It made her shiver.

Kylie whimpered as he finished unbuckling her belt and unbuttoning her jeggings.

Kaze only removed his mesmerizing gaze when he circled her, kneeling to peel her black, half-rayon jeggings off her perfect bubble butt.

It exposed her matching solid yellow panties.

The fact she came to Kaze's party hoping to seduce him wearing such plain cotton panties, in the most controversially undervalued color imaginable, was bold. Derisive even.

He enjoyed it, staring at her perfect ass as he slid off her cute black flats and pulled the jeggings off her ankle.

Kylie shuddered at his words and actions. Hearing she was always in control, regardless of his dominance level, was an exotic turn-on. "Who are you?"

"Someone who will make you beloved, so long as you have the talent to uphold your duty." Kaze replied gently, switching to her front, his head before her crotch.

She blushed but forgot her embarrassment when he crossed his wrists, gliding his hands up her inner thighs to strip the last piece of clothing from her body.

The cute brunette closed her eyes and shivered—he was fulfilling every fantasy she had.

Less than an inch from her lips, he switched his hands to her outer thighs, driving her wild and making her aggressively dissatisfied.

However, when his hands grabbed the elastic, she dry-swallowed, and her heart pounded.

It only got louder and more aggressive as he slowly peeled them off, exposing her cleanly shaven pussy.

Kylie had never slept with anyone but her two ex-boyfriends, so showing him something so intimate was embarrassing, but she wanted him to see.

Kaze stood up slowly and looked into her eyes with a mocking smile that said, [what's next?], driving her wild.

"I have a question." Kylie said pensively, "I'm curious about male fantasies my friends have enjoyed.

I want to try them, but… they're kinda degrading—to me.

If I'm giving the orders, is using you to degrade myself still a show of dominance?"

[A/N: I spent excessive time explaining Kaze's mindset to ensure readers don't think he's letting women step on him—he doesn't.

Please don't misinterpret his willingness or encouragement for women to express their desires first or showcase dominance as a show of weakness, simping, or self-degradation.]

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