Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 114 [Kaze Maxwell Lexicon]

Kaze smiled and got under the covers, opening them up for her to join with an open, charming smile.

Evalyn took a deep breath and approached cautiously but crawled onto the bed and got under the covers.

Laying on her back, she slowly and choppily inched closer on her back. It was as awkward as imaginable, and the speed was truly cringe-worthy.

Kaze laughed, rolling his eyes, and reached out at a ghostly speed.

Evalyn squeaked in panic when she found herself in the air. Her awkward eek was replaced by primal fear, and she immediately turned and punched at full force.

She only remembered what was happening once her fist connected.

The blonde watched her fist bounce off Kaze's face with terror and regret flashing across her eyes.

However, she forgot her regret when--

"Gahhhhhhh!" Evalyn screamed, whipping her hand around. She punched with superhuman force, and her fist met the cultivator equivalent of a steel wall.

It was eerily similar to when Kaze hit Gregory in the face on his first day back on the Mortal Plane.

The blonde pulled back but couldn't move. A moment later, her pain disappeared when a hand touched hers, and it radiated with golden light.

She looked down and found Kaze's vibrant green eyes and charming smile staring back at her.

While she almost broke her hand, his face was still pristine; there wasn't even a red mark!

"W-What the fuck?" Evalyn cried.

"That's a rather unintelligent question, don't you think?" Kaze mused mockingly, "What part are you concerned about?"

"What part?" She laughed in exasperation, "All of it! You grabbed me randomly, I hit you at full force, you're not hurt in the slightest, and now you won't let me move!"

"I thought letting you hit me and releasing your frustration would be beneficial, as it wouldn't hurt me." He smiled in amusement, "As for everything else, I did what you wanted, did I not?"

Evalyn's eyebrow twitched when he brazenly declared she was so weak that he let her hit him.

However, when she heard the last part, her face contorted into mixed confusion.

"I wanted this!?" She cried in involuntarily aggressive puzzlement.

"Of course you did." Kaze laughed, "That's why you chose for me to act on your desires instead of awkwardly treating me like a doll, yes?

Well, you were awkwardly treating me as a doll, so I pulled you on top of me.

Now you're on my chest like the morning after getting frostbite, and you're not worrying about life.

Those were the things that you wanted, if I recall."

Evalyn blushed furiously. She tried to look at her breasts but saw a chest instead.

It sunk in that she was almost naked on his chest!

She opened and closed her mouth several times, trying to counter or say something.

"Now, you're worrying about life." Kaze grinned maliciously, "That's unacceptable.

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Embrace the situation, or I'll resort to desperate tactics and tickle you.

I guarantee you'll get what you want, but it will be far worse than your current dilemma."

Evalyn flushed with aggressive intent, looking up to threaten him against tickling her.

She couldn't believe a five-thousand-year-old immortal was threatening her with tickling like a child!

Evalyn turned to him to lay into him, but her emotions melted when she saw his smile and gentle gaze.

She turned red, turned away in annoyance, and buried her face in her chest.

It annoyed her that she hid her face on [his chest] but gave up fighting against her immaturity.

Kaze smiled and watched her, staying silent for a minute until he felt her heart calm down and her tension disappear.

His fingertips illuminated in a soft [blue] light, and he touched them against her back.

"Mhmn~" Evalyn moaned involuntarily, but not sexually. Whatever he did, it released true relaxation and contentment.

"This is a simple tranquility technique." Kaze said gently, "It only helps ease tension in your muscles.

It's a popular technique with massage therapists in the Heaven Plane on up."

"Wait... you're telling me that there are supremely powerful massage therapist Immortals?" Evalyn laughed in amusement.

The emperor sent a strange smile to the ceiling, suppressing his desire to tell her that he had a royal harem of twenty-five such Immortals and five massage therapists.

Each was capable of wiping out life on earth.

"Contrary to expectations, most people in the higher planes aren't aggressive." Kaze claimed.

Evalyn looked at him in surprise and found his honest expression matched his tone.

"Like you and I, most were forced to fight in wars or survive conflicts." He explained, "Cultivators live for tens of millennia, and countless wars occur during that period.

So, naturally, cultivators ascend sooner or later. They're survivors, not conquerors."

Her eyes widened in surprise, hearing him chuckle bitterly over the irony.

"So people generally seek more peaceful lives when they transcend to higher planes, as they get increasingly peaceful." He asserted.

"They get more peaceful?" Evalyn asked in confusion, "Everyone on higher planes still got there from fighting, right?"

"Correct, that's why it's peaceful." Kaze smiled, staring at the ceiling.

"Since everyone's a proven warrior, people understand that insulting a humble street musician could result in their death.

So face-slapping becomes rare, and society is more respectful."

Evalyn giggled in bewilderment, amused by the image of an offended street musician beating a heckler to death with their celestial-grade flute.

"Also, there are less warriors as people move up, as the fighters and travelers instantly become the weakest." Kaze chuckled.

"Wait, what?" She asked with wide eyes.

"As people move up, fewer and fewer people and divine beasts populate the realms." He explained, "But the needs stay constant.

So, cultivators will give resources and treasures to people for simple services.

You wouldn't believe how many treasures a cultivator will give to a massage therapist."

Evalyn narrowed her eyes with a slight smile. "Were you a massage therapist at one point?"

Kaze gave her a strange smirk. "I was. Do you think I'd get so much power waging war without pause for thousands of years?"

Her eyes widened in bewilderment, laughing that he got supremely powerful as a humble massage therapist.

"I suppose not." She chuckled, "Still, you're the most hardcore massage therapist of all time. People should make a movie about you."

"I don't want people to see my life." He laughed in amusement, "I generally dislike the people that would appreciate such a film."

The blonde narrowed her eyes in interest. "What type of people?"

"People that seek smut films, and enemies doing research to help them strategize." Kaze replied in a devilish tone.

Evalyn blushed furiously, remembering [she] was half naked, on top of him, and would end up in the film! She also didn't deny she'd end up in the film as a costar one day--if not the current.

Seeking to change the topic, she got back on track. "I see... I now understand how you are so charming despite being so lethal.

Did you usually live your life so peacefully?"

"There was nothing peaceful about my life." Kaze smiled before returning his gaze to the ceiling, "Being a massage and dual cultivation therapist was the fastest way to earn power.

I got paid in treasures, dual cultivation gave me constant Qi, and my power increased exponentially by sleeping with clients far stronger than myself."

Evalyn's eyes widened, remembering that Kaze was bringing Mortal Realm women into Earth Realm after having sex--once.

"I see... and it wasn't peaceful because of jealous men?" She asked, remembering the mercenary incident.

"Correct." He confirmed, "With powerful women come correspondingly powerful treasures and jealous men.

I had a background check system to prevent sleeping with people's wives and girlfriends, but I still had visitors seeking to kill me daily."

Evalyn listened with interest. "If you weren't sleeping with people's wives, why were people trying to kill you?

Jealous that their love interest slept with you? Simple jealousy?"

Kaze smiled, satisfied she was thinking about it. "Yes, there were challengers for all those reasons. However, there were two major reasons."

She narrowed her eyes, staring at his bitter smile. "And those were?"

He looked down and gave her a hopeless smile. "Men couldn't please their new partner centuries after they used my services.

And revenge for killing people who tried to kill me out of jealousy. It was a vicious cycle."

"Wait, what?" Evalyn asked, her eyes widening in shock, "So everyone that sleeps with you here will never be satisfied again?

Isn't using dual cultivation at your level condemning a woman to a life of displeasure?"

"I refuse to apologize for being the best at anything." Kaze laugh-scoffed, "I also refuse to apologize for showing women the pleasure they deserve."

Evalyn opened her mouth but found no words to argue with. "I...."

The blonde understood that people shouldn't be deprived of the right to do something just because they're better.

She was an ultra-competitive record-breaking tennis star, so arguing with him would be shamefully hypocritical. Still--

--something about his statement still felt wrong. Toxic even.

He went around showing women ultimate pleasure and then leaving them behind, never to feel pleasure again.

Something about that felt wrong. However, so did him killing thirty mercenaries, and she learned the consequences of blatantly distrusting his words.

"Can't you hold back, pleasing them to a level far greater than they've had but obtainable later?" She asked, compromising.

"Do you find my talent so lacking?" He laugh-scoffed, "I always hold back to the minimal level necessary for full cultivation to prevent immediate sex addiction."

Evalyn gasped in shock, understanding that Kaze didn't lie about his skills. In fact, he usually downplayed them. "You're good enough to create an addiction?"

"Oh, love." Kaze replied charmingly, "I can drive any woman here into permanent lunacy with my techniques. Sex addiction is the least of their worries."

She pushed herself off his chest and sat down with trembling eyes. "Your sex is that dangerous?"

"Why do you sound concerned yet sit with your breasts fully exposed before me?" He asked with an amused expression.

Evalyn looked down and flushed bright red to the tip of her ears. She covered her chest, thought about how ridiculous she was acting, and then put her hands down on her legs.

Her pose let him see her bare chest without reservation to prove she wasn't being hypocritical, childish, and prudish with her actions. It was a matter of integrity.

However, she was pouting aggressively, which had the opposite effect in the cutest way.

She turned to him after a few seconds and found him giving her a mocking smile.

"What am I supposed to say?" Evalyn pouted, "And what should I do about exposing myself? Everything I do will be awkward."

Kaze glanced at her chest with a slight smirk, proving he wasn't ignoring them, and then looked her in the eyes. "Whatever you want to do.

I only asked why you're pretending to be wary and distrustful of me?"

She looked at him for a moment before averting her gaze with a complex expression.

"Part of me wants to hate you." Evalyn confessed honestly, "I watched you massacre a thousand people and seen you manipulate thousands more.

I should be afraid of you; I should hate you, but I don't."

Kaze listened with a slight, amused smile, letting her speak her mind.

"You embody everything I hate about myself right now." She said solemnly.

"I feel stained by killing and manipulating people. My mind cannot stop caring, despite it being logical.

Yet... your eyes hold no empathy or regret. You continue enjoying your life like it's only natural--as if human life holds no meaning.

I should hate you; I should be afraid of you, but I'm envious instead."

Evalyn stared into his vibrant green eyes. "I see you sleeping with every woman in sight, knowing they'll never be pleased again and that you'll never be exclusive with them.

I should find you a despicable human, using women like they're playthings...."

She averted her gaze, blushing slightly, and fell silent.

After ten seconds of silence, he gave her a dastardly grin.

"Hoh? Is this where I ask you what you want to say so you can play coy?" Kaze asked devilishly, "Or would you like me to complete the statement for you?"

Evalyn turned to him with indignation in her eyes. However, her front disappeared when she saw his charming smile.

"Or, would you like me to continue giving you what I think you want?" He mused.

She dry swallowed nervously, not wanting to move forward and backward. "I... liked it when you were giving me what you think I wanted."

Kaze gave her a mysterious, hypnotizing smile. "As you wish."


[A/N: I chose this chapter as his character chapter because there's a dark implication surrounding Kaze's life path, and it gave rise to who he currently is.]

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