Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 132 Manufacturing A Rebellion

—July 2nd, 2032 | Immortal Sky Amphitheater | 5 Days Until the Rapture—

"Making douche weasel here a cripple for starting shit would make a great public demonstration against other shit starters, don't you think, cool lady?" Kiera mused.

The man felt waves of terror pulse through his veins, and he looked around, looking for people to back him up.

"Look, stop playing the games." Regina scoffed, rolling her eyes, "I'm not here to play the hero or argue over the legality of the situation."

She turned to the man, making Kiera frown in annoyance. "Look. I simply won't let myself or anyone else get in trouble for your actions.

So sit the fuck down and stop causing problems, or I'll knock you out, so you're forced to do both."

The pressure in the atmosphere multiplied, cooling rapidly during the stare-off.

"ENOUGH!" A brunette yelled, losing control, "I don't like what he did either, but this vigilante justice shit is going too far.

You two are far worse than that guy!"

Everyone took a deep breath as if the woman had lanced lethal emotional inflammation.

Ripples of whispers spread through the audience, and soon people started throwing out their two cents.

"Yeah, that's right!"

"I agree."

"Sit down you two."

"God, you're so entitled."

"Shut up the hell up." Regina barked, releasing her cultivation base.

The man who started the trouble dropped to his knees; everyone outside of the area cringed when they heard his kneecap pop from hitting the sandstone steps abruptly.

Everyone else in the vicinity gasped for breath.

"Coo coo." Kiera shrugged, looking around, completely unaffected by Regina's pressure, "It's lame we couldn't just do this from the start.

But whatevs. Release the noobs so we can go back to worrying in peace."

Regina released her cultivation base, and everyone gasped for breath.

The entire atmosphere fell dead silent. No one moved or complained, including the man who started the problem, who was quivering on the ground.

Evalyn looked around and confirmed the two had captured everyone's absolute attention.

She clapped slowly from a blind spot, regulating the pacing and loudness for ultimate dramatic effect. "You two managed to shut down the trouble without worsening the situation. I'm impressed."

Kiera and Regina acted shocked, especially the latter, who got chosen for the role because she was excellent at being an entitled stuck-up cunt.

"Thank you… Ice Queen… Ice… General… General Skye." Kiera stammered comically, genuinely slipping up.

Kaze chose her specifically because she didn't have a filter unless she kept quiet. So no one would suspect she headed the enforcement team if she insulted the co-leader.

The blonde sent her a wicked, amused smile, pre-warned of the response.

"Ice General." Evalyn mused, "I like that. I think I'll keep it."

Everyone shuddered at the woman's genuine appreciation for the horrifying, derogatory title.

"I hope you're being sincere, General Skye." Regina followed hesitantly, "I didn't want to end up in lockdown or get punished for someone's immaturity, and I had the strength to stop him.

So I gave the man a warning before resolving it."

"I saw." The blonde nodded, "You did well. As everyone can see, things are worse outside than anyone anticipated. We'll update you all soon.

In the meantime, preventing panic is critical. Since you averted a potential crisis without making it worse, I'm giving you 100 reputation points. That's a lot.

You can buy an earth-grade technique, a private room, take exclusive classes, buy luxuries, and you're almost guaranteed to get your job of choice if you don't spend them."

The faction members gasped at the blunt, decisive acceptance of Kiera and Regina's actions.

There wasn't a [you're both partially wrong] modifier.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Listen, everyone! Good leadership is about solving problems without worsening them—how you do that is irrelevant.

They're being praised for succeeding; however, I'd be punishing them harshly if they did make it worse.

So don't start causing problems to earn points because it doesn't work like that. Do you understand?"

The faction members dry-swallowed nervously, nodding in general understanding without processing the extent of her statement.

"Good. I'm leaving now to show the returnees into their new campsite for the next month." Evalyn announced chillingly, "Don't cause problems or you'll join them."

Everyone froze and stared at the line of returnees, who were visually traumatized.

"General Skye…." A good-natured man called out hesitantly.

"Yes?" The blonde asked bluntly.

"They… look extremely unwell." He winced, "Can't you let them off with a warning?

It seems a bit… harsh to make them leave when they already experienced something horrible."

The faction members averted their gaze from the blonde, agreeing.

Hearing the returnees were still kicking them out of their rooms to eat less in tents felt cruel—merciless.

Evalyn panned her gaze around the amphitheater to ensure everyone was watching her. Then she turned to the returnees. "Do any of you have a problem sleeping in tents after classes?"

Most people in line began to shake their heads sheepishly. However—

"N-No General Skye!"

"No problem!"

"I'm grateful to be here. It's no problem at all!

"I wouldn't mind living in the tents forever!"

"Thank you, General Skye!"

"Yes, thank you!"

"I assure you that I'll never complain!"

Those on Jake's skycruiser were very loud and definitive about their acceptance and praise. Each burst into tears or shook, averting her gaze in fear.

Evalyn narrowed her eyes, glancing at Veronica and then back at them.

Both the members and returnees were stunned by their response.

Most returnees were shown aerial footage two hundred feet up, showcasing the long soup lines, blood-soaked streets, burnt buildings, and riots below.

The military pilot explained the situation on the ground, the economic conditions, and the death toll as if it were a museum tour.

It was horrifying, twisted, and raw.

The trip was a wake-up call that made everyone grateful and more trusting of Kaze, Evalyn, and Immortal Skye.

However, those on Jake's skycruiser left severely traumatized, symbols of what the situation on the ground was like.

Every returnee understood at a glance they got near the ground; it magnified their fear significantly.

"There you go. The people have spoken, so don't bring morality into this." Evalyn replied coldly, glaring at the man, "We already explained the price of the ticket.

We spent millions on these rides, so squandering them deserves consequences."

"You're telling us that our families are in hell, yet you're worried about money!?" Another screamed, "You're placing value on human lives!?"

Panicked whispers rang through the crowd.

"Resources." Evalyn replied chillingly, "Can you feed, clothe, house, teach, and protect this many people?"

The woman's eyes trembled, and then her anger returned.

"Kaze is one of the wealthiest people on earth!" A man snapped, causing more panicked whispers to ripple through the area.

"No, he's not." Evalyn scoffed, "He only has a hundred million US dollars left after spending billions creating this place and providing teaching for free. That won't pay its expenses for a year."

"So what!?" Another man yelled, "We're just supposed to sit around while you let our families die and not complain about it?"

Evalyn grinned at her maliciously and then turned to the returnees. "Hmmm. As I recall, there was a 100% return rate.

Tell me, does anyone [regret] their decision to abandon their family and return here?"

"No, General Skye!" The man Jake held out the door of the skycruiser by the neck replied definitively, "I only have gratitude!"

"Me too! They aren't speaking for us."

"I agree, p-please! All of you! Stop making a scene!"

"Please… don't drag us into this or get us in trouble."

The woman who expected Jake to throw her out of the skycruiser into the goblin den began shaking.

She covered her face, burst into tears, and her legs gave out, dropping to her knees sobbing.

It was melodramatic, but everyone could tell it wasn't a joke because the other women in the line burst into tears and many men did.

It was unnerving to watch.

Evalyn turned back to the woman. "You four—you're going with them.

We'll put you on a skycruiser tomorrow if you're unsatisfied, but you won't return.

We're running a faction, not a daycare, charity service, or orphanage.

Cause problems, and you'll face expulsion like every other school or organization you join."

Everyone in the amphitheater froze and shuddered, understanding the lethal connotation and seeing Jake's group shake violently, all crying save Veronica.

Those who yelled blinked multiple times, holding their breaths.

They didn't want to go; they wanted to argue, but the blonde's eyes required absolute obedience.

"Everyone's stressed, Ms. Skye." A brunette interjected, "Please let them off the hook."

"I agree, please, General Skye." Another followed.

"You two are coming too." Evalyn replied instantly, causing her and everyone else to freeze in disbelief.

"W-Wait, why!?" The woman cried, "I was just trying to help and beg for mercy!"

"Hoh? Unless you didn't hear, the people in line begged for you to stop." The blonde smiled sinisterly, "Am I wrong?"

Everyone froze in shock, unsure of what to say.

"They're grateful; you're not." Evalyn smiled maliciously, "Think about that for a moment.

100% of the people that flew to Meridian City returned. Now, they're moving out to live in tents for a month.

You claim it's cruel and unjust, but they call it benevolent and generous."

The faction members shook, especially the punished.

"I'm not penalizing you for asking for mercy—I'm punishing you for being stupid." She laughed breathlessly.

"You're biting the hand that feeds, arguing while people are getting punished, and not representing the people you claim.

No words are powerful enough to express such stupidity."

She panned her gaze around the audience. "Is there anyone else stupid who wants to join these people?"

Dead silence.

"That's a lie." Evalyn chuckled ominously, "The only question is if you're amongst the stupid. I recommend you avoid that."

Everyone gritted their teeth at her declaration. Even if she saved them, they were certain they'd hate the woman for life.

She was punishing trauma victims and then punishing good-natured people.

Now, she stood before them with a steely glare. However, if they could feel her real emotions, they'd completely flip their opinion of her.

The pain she was experiencing was excruciating. It cut through her soul.

—July 1nd, 2032 | Strategy Meeting | 6 Days Until the Rapture—

"About the camps; those are a long-term reminder about going against our recommendations, right?" Evalyn asked with pursed lips.

She hated intentionally giving people the trauma that she suffered from. Hearing they'd get punished afterward cut through her icy heart.

"Can I answer?" Sage asked the emperor.

He gave her a slight smile filled with interest. "Yes. Go ahead."

"It's not about reminding people of their trip outside the walls; it's about solidifying the economy." She explained, "Reducing housing and food degradation are harsh consequences for not working.

It disincentivizes panic and rule-breaking and solidifies the strongest control mechanism we have at Immortal Skye.

We're announcing it outright to prime people's minds. Is that right?"

"That's correct." Kaze half-smiled in satisfaction, "The purpose is to establish the economic system, which will allow self-governance.

To that end, demonstrate the consequences of fighting against the economy and maintaining order within that zone."

Everyone felt waves of negative synesthesia cut through their bodies. The demonstrations that Kaze proposed were increasingly worse.

"How?" Evalyn asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"We need to spark a rebellion within." The emperor asserted, "However, the people that return will be too docile to rebel.

The system is meant for rambunctious or sanctimonious fools, so we must add both to the camp."

"You mean leading people to break our rules on purpose?" The blonde asked with murderous eyes.

"Yes." He replied coldly, meeting her gaze, "We're avoiding mass atrocities with petty punishments.

Everyone will be traumatized two weeks from now, so stop acting like we're brutally sacrificing people like pawns.

The rebellious people will be rebellious later, and the good people will live comfortably after their short camping trip. Our benevolence hasn't changed."

Everyone smiled wryly, understanding but wishing to deny his words. "What do you need from me?"

"You must continue your indiscriminate punishment." Kaze said seriously, "You already have a reputation for punishing dissidents.

Use that to our advantage to pick up loud people."

Evalyn looked at the table bitterly. Her first punishment wasn't a punishment—no one could cultivate, so it was an even playing field. This was different.

"Hah. So I'll be the symbol of punished trauma." She chuckled bitterly.

"Evalyn." Kaze said calmly, "Not only are you saving lives, everyone punished in those camps will avoid breaking the rules when the consequences are serious.

You're helping them. It's hard for people to think like that, but soon everyone here will feel it's common sense.

Until then, I ask that you trust me. You're saving the people with trauma from the hell that awaits."

—July 2nd, 2032 | Immortal Sky Amphitheater | 5 Days Until the Rapture—

"I'll be back in an hour to collect the others that cause trouble." Evalyn warned, "What's your name."

Kiera pointed to herself in confusion, replying hesitantly after confirmation. "Kiera… Snow."

"Okay, Kiera Snow." The blonde replied ominously, "When I return, I want a list of the people worthy of joining the encampment."

The fiery eighteen-year-old looked around in horror. "I… can't you give that job to someone else?"

"Unfortunately, no." Evalyn replied definitively, "You're the most powerful person in the audience, including the elites.

If I gave the role to anyone else, they could get hurt by desperate people. So that leaves you."

Kiera's eyes trembled in genuine discomfort. "But...."

If she didn't know how powerful the blonde was, she'd kill her for outing her to everyone! She kept a low profile, and now she was at the top!

"It's not an option—it's an order." Evalyn clarified coldly, "Do your job, and you'll get reputation points. Refuse, or give me a list with zero names, and you'll get punished."

Everyone gasped at Evalyn's cruel order and the perspective on the reward she gave her. The pink-haired teen had a get-out-of-jail-free card and would lose it for not complying.

"Okay, whatever." Kiera huffed subtly, trying not to cause problems. She looked at everyone around her with a sharp expression. "Listen up!

I'm not a fan of becoming hated for a random job I didn't sign up for, so here's the deal.

If no one talks until she returns, I'll pay the 20 reputation points. If people do, and they cause problems, expect at least a dozen names on that list.

I don't want to be hated, but I refuse to be punished over something I didn't sign up for. Got that?"

Everyone was stunned, she declared she'd intentionally defy the general mid-punishment—in front of her.

Evalyn rolled her eyes when people looked at her in confusion, wondering why the slang riddler wasn't getting in trouble.

"It seems no one was listening." The blonde scoffed, "It's okay for people to solve problems however they see fit within very few limitations—these fools weren't solving a problem.

If Kiera can pull that off, I won't punish anyone. However, I guarantee that people will start whispering within a few minutes of me leaving, so I'll be expecting that list.

Now get down here, and join the others. We're leaving."

The audience watched with heavy hearts as Evalyn led almost 150 people into an orderly line across the amphitheater for dramatic effect, looking like the warden before a chain gang.

Everyone watched in silence as she left, taking the traumatized members and their supporters to the western forest where a shoddy encampment awaited.

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