Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 145 July 4th, 2032 | Impending Combat | 3 Days Until The Rapture

Kaze oversaw the training the next day with the soldiers and faction members.

It started with the soldiers learning [Fertility of Growth], the same breathing earth technique used by all his members.

Watching the Lockheed students train highly disciplined elites was comical. Also, seeing the soldiers accept feedback despite the disorder was strangely wholesome.

That said, the scene was also tense because both groups were subtly competing at all times.

"Next up, offensive techniques!" The emperor clapped, "Soldiers, you are vastly superior in killing with cultivation techniques. However, your power is lacking. Brad, please hit a target."

Brad nodded, walked to the firing range, locked onto a dummy, and waved his hand.

ShiiiiinnNNK! … thud.

A slash of warping Qi cut through the area and hit a lightly protected black mannequin, slicing it in half after resistance and continuing until it hit a Soul Qi-reinforced T-Wall installed that morning.

The Qi didn't scratch the wall. It only rebounded, making an impact thud like punching a steel wall.

Everything about the demonstration felt lackluster, from sloppily cutting a dummy in half at the waist to having zero impact on the wall.

"Soldiers, who want to show my elites how to aim to kill?" Kaze asked straightly.

All the soldiers dry-swallowed. They knew they could cut the mannequin wherever they wished, but everyone was acutely aware that the emperor claimed they lacked power.

"Sandra Miles, sir. I'll do it." A female soldier with her straight hair in a neat ponytail, "I doubt I'll be able to cut it in half, but I can cut it where you want."

Kaze slightly narrowed his eyes at the blue-eyed soldier in interest. She was the person helping strategize the day before.

While every attempt was futile, she did provide the most rational strategy—aside from retreat.

"Middle of the neck." He nodded, "You needn't cut it in half; the black is a covering that will rip off during the attack."

The brunette nodded and walked forward, entering the lane next to Brad's, as the elite had already cut it in half.

She took a deep breath and smoothly waved her hand.

A beautiful arc of Qi rippled through the air, sending dead leaves and twigs flying as it passed.

As Kaze requested, it hit the black mannequin in the middle of the neck—


—however, it only left a shallow gash highlighted by a thin white streak.

Sandra could believe her eyes. She could see the target clear as day, so she knew how minor damage she had done!

The elites smirked in satisfaction when the special forces soldiers gasped in astonishment, seeing the same thing.

Many soldiers felt indignant at the comically childish and undisciplined members' snide looks when the same people couldn't hit the dummy! Raw power without skill is dangerous and unuseful.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Aaron Levingston. Please let me try it." A muscular male with red hair and freckles requested, "We're not used to cutting into something harder than an armored vehicle.

So our strategy and mindset didn't bring out our full capabilities."

The special forces soldiers nodded in agreement. It was a valid point.

Sandra's slash could tear through an armored humvee, so she wouldn't use her max strength to cut through a clothing mannequin!

However, Sandra winced because she knew that wasn't true, and his words were a double-edged sword. Failure meant reinforcing their weakness.

The soldier wasn't perturbed after seeing her face, which intrigued the emperor. It seemed that he had something else in mind.

"Go ahead." Kaze smiled, motioning his hand upward.

The red-haired soldier walked up to the line and turned to the elites.

"As Mr. Lexicon pointed out, we lack the strength behind our attacks, but we are better at using it offensively." Aaron stated, "I want to clarify that point.

A weapon is a tool; precision is a requirement to use it. However, the person, not the weapon, kills something."

Kaze grinned, looking at the elites with a mocking expression, excited for the show.

The red-haired man turned around to face the target.

Whooooosh! Whooooosh! Whooooosh! Shink. Whooooosh! Shink. Whooooosh! Shink. Whooooosh! Shink. Shink. Shink!

Most people watched in shock as the soldier released six rapid-fire air slashes. They moved so fast that three were out before the first connected. On the sixth one—


—the head of the mannequin dropped to the ground.

Every Immortal Skye elite was stunned, looking to the emperor to see if the soldier had broken the rules. However, they met a mocking smile from their leader.

"This demonstration shows what offensive means." Aaron asserted, addressing the elites, "Sandra's attack left a shallow cut in the target's neck; that's all we can do.

However, I created an offensive strategy to attack the same weak point and had the skill and precision to hit it six times in a row at high speed."

The elites smiled wryly at the man's assertion.

"In a battle between someone who can use a weapon offensively and someone who cannot hit a target with a weapon, the former will win." He continued.

"That's why I hope you'll continue treating us like equals. We're both lacking, so I'd appreciate it if we continue teaching each other from that perspective."

After a couple of seconds—

"That was badass, yo!" Larkin yelled, "Teach me that, and I'll crank up your power any day!"

​ —the jester yelled, and the whole area burst into cheers and applause.

All the soldiers were relieved to be vindicated.

"Okay, it's time to get started!" Kaze clapped, capturing everyone's attention, "Elites, you will watch the soldiers breathing patterns and tell them when they improve for the next hour.

Soldiers, you will teach my elites how to aim and practice their slashes for an hour. Take turns demonstrating so you can practice.

There are 65 elites. So break into teams of eight so one can join. You may begin!"

The soldiers began gasping and laughing not fifteen minutes later as their meridians improved.

Kaze had already given the elites instructions to help point out the soldiers' meridian network but not to use the dual cultivation techniques to show them.

As a result, the soldiers began improving by leaps and bounds.

By the hour's end, the soldiers were more than happy to teach the elites how to aim and practice. Most even let their elite practice nearly exclusively between demonstrations.

It was remarkable how fast everyone grew.

After the hour concluded, a new round began, allowing further growth.

As the groups trained, Kaze walked around touching soldiers' foreheads and transferring the [Tranquil Sky] technique to each soldier, who gasped in amazement one after the other.

Once the period was up, the emperor moved into the next part of training.

"Now that you're getting more comfortable with cultivation, we should move onto the tranquility technique, as it's why you're here." He announced, triggering excited murmurs.

"I've transferred knowledge of the technique to all of you. As a result, everyone should now understand the technique's basic concept and glaring limitation.

Sandra, what is the glaring limitation of the Tranquil Sky technique?"

"One must have spirit Qi from high emotions, which rapidly disappears after use." The brunette soldier replied coolly.

"Correct." Kaze affirmed, looking at everyone present, "Therefore, if there isn't a reason to use it, you cannot practice.

Therefore, I offer everyone a voluntary solution, subject to the consent of General Michaels and Coronel Ryker."

Everyone's eyes perked up, and looked at the two men who were confused to get the information sprung on them out of the blue.

The general and high-ranking intelligence officer understood the glaring weakness. Therefore, they imagined he'd teach them, give demonstrations, and let them work on it in the wild.

However, they could hear something else on his mind in his voice.

"Live battle is the best way to stimulate high energy." Kaze asserted, shocking everyone, "It's also the experience everyone needs most.

With people on site to treat your wounds, it's a perfect opportunity to practice your cultivation.

It would also supply ample emotions for practice. So I'm offering anyone who wishes to spar in live combat a healing technique as compensation.

Subject, once again, to the decisions of your superiors."

Excited murmurs spread through the area. The news pumped up many soldiers but didn't inspire enthusiasm in others.

As for the elites, they all dry-swallowed nervously for obvious reasons.

"So long as it's voluntary and you heal my soldiers to full health." Kane announced decisively, "Please ensure they understand what they're up against as well."

Kaze nodded and turned to the soldiers and elites. "If you participate, you will not die. I can guarantee that.

Beyond that, I will not coddle you until you resign or are incapable of fighting. The matches will end the second that someone yields.

If an individual seeks the technique, they must fight until one person has a significant injury.

Otherwise, everyone will show up, get in the sparing area, and leave."

Everyone gulped nervously, looking at one another.

The elites were shaking, fearful of fighting anyone, especially the special forces soldiers.

Evalyn and the managers were stunned, blank with disbelief. They were shocked to hear that live battle experience would come before basic sparring.

However, it would only be a few more days before hell broke loose, and everyone was forced to fight in harrowing and permanent conditions.

Therefore, it was better to instill the images into their minds, let soldiers show them how it was done, and also teach them what they were up against.

"I do not need to speak to the soldiers, as they already understand what I am about to say." The emperor asserted, "So I'll speak to the elites.

There is nothing enjoyable about combat.

One person always leaves injured or killed, and most leave in excruciating pain. That is the price of battle."

Everyone was stunned by the uncharacteristic bluntness of his words.

"However…." Kaze said mysteriously, "Battle gives you feelings of accomplishment, vindication, retribution, and glory.

It makes you feel strong and confident. And if hell comes knocking on your door, you know you're prepared to face it head-on.

Prepared to save your loved ones.

Ready to defend your home and people.

To safeguard those things which you find precious.

Elites, this is your home, and these are your people!

The world is in chaos, and fires spread across the land. If you wish to face that unprepared, you can do so.

However, you have an opportunity to learn from special forces soldiers and grow under my protection and healing.

So raise your hand if you are willing to train to protect your country and those you love!"

Evalyn, Jake, Kane, General Michaels, Kylie, and Sage were all shocked to see ten hands go up immediately. Then it spread until twenty-five people were willing to fight.


Kaze smiled and turned to the soldiers with a derisive smile. "Don't you dare hold back on my elites!

While most will lose here today, those at Immortal Skye will stand atop the world. So do not do them the disservice of pity or going easy on them."

He turned back to the elites. "And do the same. I will block any attack that could be lethal, so don't hold back!

Now let's move to the training ground!"

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