Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 165 The First Victory

Kaze flew above the lake at the center of the Immortal Skye campus, overlooking the Immortals and soldiers. They circled the lake, backs to each other.

Their eyes were on the sky with Guided Arrows out front, awaiting the Airbreaker Unit's arrival.

In the center stood Evalyn on a glacier pillar twenty feet in the air, circling everyone's backs.

"Malta's approaching us!" Evalyn announced loudly, "To defend ourselves is natural; to fight back is to survive.

Aim your arrows to the sky if you seek to fight and protect those around you."

The nervous Immortals looked to the sky, in denial that they were getting attacked or that they'd be killing humans. Their lives were deceptively peaceful the day before. They were in shock.

However, the special forces soldiers reacted immediately, preparing to release their arrows without question. Even those that blamed Kaze for their plight refused to stand around and die.

Malta trained them to protect themselves and others decisively, precisely what they were doing.

Many elites and regular Immortals followed, preparing to attack. However, they were in the minority.

Jake dry-swallowed nervously, turning to Veronica. She nodded decisively, letting him know that she supported him. He was grateful.

"Let's go, elites!" He yelled nervously, "We don't want brave soldiers; we want living people. So let's get this over with so we can bring this nightmare to a close."

The regent represented ordinary people who become strong. Therefore, his words that lacked complete confidence but didn't waiver gave them energy and courage.

A row of elites lifted their hands to the sky.

"What are you girls doing?" Rein scoffed, looking around at her group, standing around with frozen expressions.

Each mansion had elites, and those in each congregated around them. As a result, the women around the short-haired brunette knew her well.

"If we don't kill these people, we'll all die here." She snapped, glaring at their wincing expressions, "That's a fact.

Now aim your techniques at the damn sky. While Evalyn's asking for volunteers, I'm not.

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If I see you refusing to protect your life, I'll ensure you don't enjoy it if you survive. Now move!"

All the immortals shook momentarily but fell into line. Getting orders to kill the troops helped them psychologically, allowing them to prepare to strike.

Larkin's group followed him more passionately, with the jester leading the people with his passion.

Kaze nodded to Evalyn, letting her know that the airforce was coming.

"They're almost here, Immortals." The Ice General announced, circling the area, "Do not waiver or hold back; these people do not see you as humans and will not show you mercy.

If you fear regret, enjoy that [privilege] when you're alive."

Everyone dry-swallowed, watching the sky.

Kaze closed his eyes and waited. After a few more seconds, he waved his hand at a ghostly speed, and the thousands of soldiers and Immortals radiated with orange light.

Time slowed to the point that they couldn't talk, as it felt like saying a word would take ten seconds or longer.

While everyone was confused, they couldn't worry about it. Once time slowed, they finally saw the jets cutting across the skies.

The jets flew at Mach 4, over 3,000 miles per hour. As a result, even with their enhanced cultivation senses, they would've only seen a black streak and heard the jets break the sound barrier.

Now, they saw the planes flying past the northern wall at speed reserved for ultra-slow-motion shots of objects exploding or animals attacking their prey.

As a result of the speed, everyone could see the planes opening their hatches, revealing bombs ready to drop on the faction.

The sight sent everyone's brains into overdrive, making them realize that they'd die if they didn't react.

Before they could question it, a sharp streak of Qi shot across the sky, shot by Rein. It curved slowly, making its way to the first jet.

While the arrow and the jet moved slowly, it was faster than the jet, and the trajectory showed that their collision was preordained.

Seeing the decisive action with near-guaranteed success,

Larkin released his arrow. It was a fraction of the size of Rein's and was destined to miss every plane. However, his courage set everyone's hearts ablaze.

One after the other, dozens, hundreds, and then thousands of people released their arrows, each capable of seeing their arrows alongside the crowd.

The pilots inside the Airbreaker Unit jets' eyes widened in horror when they saw a wall of warping Qi shooting at them.

Even if they flew upward at full speed, dropped down, or moved sharply to either side, they couldn't avoid destruction. There was nowhere to move.

Everyone's world sped up, blitzing their senses. While they could see every detail before, everything that followed happened beyond their mind's comprehension.

If they could, they'd see thousands of Guided Arrows shredding the jets. It was a terrifying sight for those who could see it. However, they didn't, so they could only hear the aftermath.

Boom! Boom! Boom, boom, boom… Boom!

Their minds snapped to attention when large chunks of scrap metal fell from the skies, hitting open areas within Immortal Skye.

One shredded plane crashed into a residential mansion, destroying a section of the fourth floor.

Once the residents comprehended what happened, their eyes flashed with wrath. They were furious that Malta tried to kill them and still managed to wreck their lives even after failing!

However, before anyone could feel anxiety or extreme anger, Immortal Skye's most unlikely leader spoke.

"GET SOME, BITCHES!" Larkin yelled in a feral battle cry, "WE'RE IMMORTAL SKYE! YOU BEST RESPECT!"

His enthusiasm triggered an eruption of battle cries, shattering the airwaves.

After their short celebration, Kaze flew above them with a strange smile. "Does anyone still doubt we are the strongest country in the world now?"

Explosive cheers met his words, leading him into a powerful speech about their strength. He whipped everyone into a frenzy, bringing out their pride, nationalism, and feelings of strength.

The emperor then called out distinguished members by name and praised distinguished soldiers, welcoming them into Immortal Skye.

It was a festive occasion that wasn't interrupted by Maltian forces. Immortals and soldiers bonded, becoming one in a stunning display.

Once he finished, he panned his gaze over the members.

"Now, I must cultivate to regain my strength." Kaze smiled, "I seemed to have misplaced a good amount of Qi somehow."

The emperor looked over the south side wall with a cheeky smile, triggering a wave of laughter and cheers. Now that they had killed soldiers, they felt excitement and pride in his actions.

"You have done well, Immortals, new and old!" He asserted, "Tonight, we shall feast and celebrate the rise of Immortal Skye after crushing Malta and their foolish invasion!"

The atmosphere became delirious with violent zeal.

"But first, we must crush Malta!" Kaze yelled boldly, "So I expect you all to fight, as your leaders cannot always protect you. This is your home, so defend it!"

After confirming their enthusiasm and resolve, he put up his hand.

"Now, I must go." He said straightly, "As you can imagine, I must recover a significant amount of Qi. So during the period of closed cultivation, I cannot aid you."

Everyone's eyes widened, and their hearts pulsed. His words reversed their enthusiasm instantaneously.

"You just shredded Malta's trump card after only a few weeks of training, yet you feel yourself defenseless without me?" The emperor scoffed dramatically, peaking at them out of one eye.

Once they saw his charming confidence in them, their eyes widened again, and they erupted into overwhelming cheers.

"That's what I thought!" Kaze roared, "Shed your weaknesses, discard your craven thoughts—tonight, you will become legends!"

He panned their gazes, bloodthirst and determined, listening to their voices shatter the airwaves. The atmosphere became suffocating, nearly hallucinogenic.

"You are not weak!" The emperor declared, "You are Immortals! Each of you is a monster among men and a valkyrie amongst women!

We do not back down or rely upon the generosity of others! Our strength sets us apart!"

Their voices echoed from the mountain, traveling for miles without the forest acting as a barrier. The world could hear their battle cries.

"You do not require my aid because you are the world's elites!" Kaze declared, triggering more cheers, "And you have leaders of overwhelming power.

Surely you haven't forgotten about Evalyn, have you!?"

Everyone turned to the woman standing on the ice pillar in the lake's center. She looked unfazed, looking into the distance, awaiting the next attack.

"She is your general and thus your leader!" The emperor declared, "So listen to her without reservation, and do not underestimate her strength!

I expect to hear legendary stories from her tonight at our victory celebration!"

He gave them a strange smile after the cheering calmed and flew away, traveling over the south side gate into the cut clearing.

After flying above the massacre sight where Major Wheatfield and his soldiers were a moment before, he closed his eyes. "Reap."

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