Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 190 The Underground Bizarre Placement Auction Begins

A beautiful woman walked onto the stage with a charming, charismatic smile. She had neck-length brunette hair, slightly curly, with blue eyes and slight dimples. While she didn't want to be the announcer, it was her job to broadcast everything people hated publicizing.

"Welcome to the first Underground Bizarre Placement Auction!" Kylie announced boldly, making three hundred people clap in unreserved excitement.

While old-wealth aristocrats usually comprised high-end auctions, everyone in the auditorium that night, save leaders, was below the age of 28, most younger.

So they were ecstatic to participate in the auction, showing off their new status as Earth's elites.

The auction was the first integrated event with the ex-Maltian Special Forces soldiers after they became official Immortals. Since every original member watched them fight for Immortal Skye, pulling more than their weight, their acceptance was smooth and without issues.

A solid section was made of Lockheed elites or ex-Maltian Special Forces soldiers.

The rest were individuals who shrewdly traded people for their Skye or reputation points directly after release.

All remaining seats got auctioned to the highest bidder from the remaining Immortals.

A new world order was taking root within the Luxe's basement.

"Tonight, we celebrate freedom!" Kylie announced, riling people up, "Within the walls of the Underground Bizarre, individuals can legally engage any service they desire, so long as it's consensual, physically safe, and doesn't have a severe negative impact on our society.

Immortal Skye encourages all Immortals to express themselves and safely fulfill their desires within the new world's first entertainment and commerce district!"

Explosive applause rocked the ballroom, leading to a short standing ovation.

"I wasn't sure about Kylie, but she's proven herself." Sage commented, glancing at the emperor.

"She has." Kaze smiled, "It's easy to commission individuals with social skills. However, it's demanding to find anyone with the mindset to support something loathsome for the sake of stability."

"Do you find this bizarre of yours 'loathsome'?" The redhead mused, seductively uncrossing her right leg and crossing over it with her left.

"No." He shook his head, "While I will not accept women who have sold their bodies into my romantic life, I do not find them unclean or their profession disagreeable."

"You don't find them unclean, but you won't accept them romantically?" Sage giggled, "That doesn't inspire much confidence, you know."

"I'm a selfish man." Kaze smiled shamelessly, "While I'll sleep with transparent, non-exclusive women, the thought of another man touching a woman that has sworn herself to me disgusts me. Even a fleeting reflection of a woman I'm bound to selling their body is worse."

"Don't you think that's a bit... hypocritical?" Carmen asked with a sassy smile, "Is that not how you became famous, Emperor?"

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The emperor scoffed breathlessly, rolling his eyes as he turned to her with a mocking smile. "Is the word [selfish] too shallow for you?"

Her eyes widened, and she turned away, looking at the stage. "Are you implying a single term can capture your personality?"

"Of course." Kaze replied with a brazen, mocking tone, "Kaze Lexicon."

The police chief scoffed in exasperation, turning to him to the sound of Sage giggling playfully. "You know what I meant."

"I do not." He scoffed, "I still lack the answer to my question. Is [selfish] too shallow to describe my mindset?

It's defined as a person prioritizing egocentric actions over the consideration of others. Would you have me lie and allege I'm a con man who feeds on female insecurities for hedonistic pleasure?"

Carmen opened and closed her mouth, trying to find words but falling short.

"I suggest you give up." Sage giggled, turning to her with a venomous smile, "Kaze Lexicon's transparency with his actions doesn't change their impact or virtue, but it makes it impossible to attack him unless you go for the kill. And I would highly advise you don't do that."

Icy static jolted through the police chief's body, hearing the woman's words. Beyond her implicit threat, she had a tone that declared [I'll volunteer to be your executioner].

"Selfish...." Carmen said, "Is too much when you attribute your definition to the word. You lack greed and prioritize others when you're not affected. So I would only deem you lecherous."

"A higher insult, but also a compliment." Kaze chuckled in amusement, "I'll accept both."

The police chief sighed a breath of relief, glad she was honestly captivated by the emperor, so her words were natural.


"This auction has two parts." Kylie announced boldly, "We have people offering services who have bid reputation points for the placements.

However, they may not have enough reputation points to earn a spot."

The brunette panned the audience members' faces with a strange smile. "You can change that."

Excited whispers rippled through the crowd.

"You may invest reputation points in exchange for equity or services." Kylie stated boldly, "You can also obtain the first service by investing the most!"

The Immortals met her words with enthusiastic applause. Everyone knew what type of [services] were available, so hearing they could [go first] was worth a significant amount in their eyes.

After all, Kaze handed them wealth only days before, and they could now spend it on thrilling services with non-professionals. It was a boon.

"Let's get started with the auction." Kylie announced grandly, "First, we will cover the most thrilling part of the Underground Bizarre's Placement Auction--sex work."

An explosion of primal battle cries met her words, mostly from males who were unreserved in their acceptance. After everything they went through in the past few days, the thought of sex made them feral.

"Each individual offering services is different." She explained, "They set their prices and what they are willing to do.

While anyone can bid for the placement, some women tonight seek to charm you into funding their operation."

Chaos and excitement crashed into the room. No one knew that the event would be a burlesque-style show.

"Sex work seed funding guarantees the investor will get the offered service if they win the placement." Kylie continued, "Those who invest the most will go first, followed by the next highest. Let's get started!"

A spotlight flashed onto a section of the red velvet curtain. After a moment, it trembled, creating tension and making everyone gasp.

Two seconds later, it opened slightly, but no person was there. People groaned in anticipation, feeling helpless to the teasing.

However, a slender, toned leg slowly came out of the curtain, instantly creating an uproar and detonating a wave of whistles and excitement.

"Open the curtain!"

"Let's see the goods, lady!"

"Don't be shy; we won't bite--unless you let us!"

An explosion of laughter rocked the ballroom.


"These men are animals." Sage scoffed, looking away in disgust, "You would think they'd act more reserved before their Emperor and police chief."

Carmen nodded in assent, looking to the emperor for his words.

"Herein lies the purpose of the Underground Bizarre." Kaze announced dryly, "During times of panic, excessive pressure, and violence, men and women seek to release pressure through their primal desires.

If we deny them, they will find ways of releasing pressure. It's preferable to contain barbarity and force consensuality than to let it run rampant."

The police chief's expression turned complex, and she turned back to the stage pensively. "Before and after our battle, this place is so normal that I forget we live in the apocalypse. It's strange."

"It's quite the achievement, isn't it?" Sage smiled mysteriously, "It fills me with thrill and excitement."

Kaze smiled strangely and turned back to the stage.


"You want me to come out?" A magnetic voice asked shyly from a microphone.

"Hell yeah, we do!"

A surge of assenting statements waved through the crowd, picking up steam and confidence as they made the rounds.

"If that's what you want." The female said coquettishly. Two hands shot out of the curtain and grabbed both sides.

The tension built, and built, and built, until--


--the curtains opened, exposing a beautiful brunette soldier with a stunning body in a forest green thong and matching bra.

"This is what I've waited for!" A male soldier yelled, creating an explosion of excitement.


"For a soldier, that woman knows how to work the crowd." Sage smiled, "Do you like that trait, Emperor?"

Kaze looked at her with a strange smile. "Effort and flare when offering me sexual gratification?"

"Yes." She replied, narrowing her eyes subtly.

"Of course." He confirmed, "Though I do like it subtle."

"Is that so?" Sage smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear to expose her earrings while changing her crossed legs and cutting off the conversation.


"For those who don't know me, my name's Makenzie Levi." The brunette soldier announced, putting her hand on her tanned hip, "I'm offering a night fulfilling [conventional] sexual desires for 50 RP, without a Skye price."

Whispers and groans of annoyance spread through the group, hearing an absurd number out of the gate. However--

"I'm the most expensive woman tonight--for a reason." Mackenzie declared with a confident smile, "You are not looking at a sex worker.

I'm a valiant soldier with a dignified track record of distinction seeking power and new heights. A year from now, I will be a famous figure that investors can brag about.

I'm more than a good time--I'm an investment in your pride and ego. So if you seek pleasure, power, and wealth, make sure to act like it, kay?"

Mackenzie blew a kiss or winked at the men gripping their bidding signs or asking for advice, and the area went wild.

Her words marked the start of a decadent and depraved auction that was expressly illegal in Malta only a month before.

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