Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 99 [Addison Bishop Chase]

[A/N: This is a character chapter first, lemon second. I'm preparing to turn this novel into a circus.]


"W-Why am I embarrassed?" Addison laughed in self-deprecation, "Mistaking the situation isn't embarrassing?"

"Normally, yes." Kaze laughed, "But you were getting naked for the massage, were you not?"

"No... it's not that." She grimaced, "It's more like... I figured you invited me just to sleep with me.

Now, whenever you help me and do something nice without taking me, I feel embarrassed for thinking you only wanted sex. I'm confused."

Kaze froze for a moment in shocked confusion. "Wait, did I do or say something that would leave you with such an implication?"

Addison flushed bright red again and buried her face in a pillow. "N-No, it's just... why else?

You're rich, powerful, attractive, mysterious, and charming. What else could I offer you?"

"A haircut, woman!" He scoff-laughed in bewilderment, "Do you think a rich, powerful, and attractive man would waste his time on a woman lacking talent, beauty, and charm?"

Addison's eyes widened in shock and regret. "Sorr~ahhhhhHHH~!"

Kaze grinned and used all ten fingers to trace the redhead's meridian networks in her back.

The redhead stopped apologizing to scream in pleasure, gripping the red silk sheets passionately.

Each of his fingers left after-trails of light illuminating light pink Qi. Her back looked like a gorgeous pink computer chip, glowing in a complex network.

It was both beautiful and sensual.

"I refuse to let a woman of your talent flog themself with such belligerent proclamations of inferiority in my presence." He declared.

"So long as you're here, I shall replace all feelings of disvalue with pure pleasure."

"I-I'm sorr--ahhhHHHhhhaaahhHHH~!"

Addison stopped apologizing to moan loudly, cut off by his fingers moving across her meridian networks like he was playing her like an instrument.

"W-What are you doing to me!?" She moaned in pleasure, "I've never felt so much sexual pleasure!"

His eyebrow twitched, and he looked down at her back. "This? I'm only tracing your meridian network.

How has the world been so cruel to deprive you of genuine sexual pleasure!?"

"W-What? I'm confused. What do you mea--AhhhHHHhhhaaahhhHHHhhhaaahhhHH~!"

A violent wave of pleasure abruptly assaulted Addison, making her scream in ecstasy as he moved all ten fingers up her pleasure channels.

"I was only helping you learn cultivation, as promised." Kaze explained, pulling his oily hands from her body, "Yet there are priorities.

Right now, your need for sexual release far exceeds teaching you cultivation or building your confidence to where it should be."

"W-Why are being so good to--AhhHH~!"

She got cut off again, moaning loudly into his pillow as he moved his fingers down her lower back, gripping her ass slightly before continuing.

He wasn't letting her voice her anxieties.

"Why not?" He asked half-mockingly, "We're here to enjoy ourselves. So why wouldn't I treat you as you deserve and prioritize your pleasure?"

"I-I don't know--"

Addison stopped talking and moaned into the pillow at full volume as he ran his palms up her smooth thighs, slightly between them, to increase sexual tension.

"Why must humans always treat life as a zero-sum game?" Kaze laughed breathlessly in disdain, "The power of my soldiers is my power, and the pleasure of my women is my pleasure."

"D-Did you just say I'm one of your w-wom--"

She got cut off by a vibrant pulse of energy that cut through her pleasure channels, causing her to scream in pleasure, unable to ask if he said she was his woman.

However, she didn't need to voice her question aloud.

"I'll be the man of any beautiful woman who wants to be my woman." Kaze replied in a hypnotizing voice, "Naturally, that won't change my life or behavior. It's more... symbolic."

He slowly ran his fingers up her inner thighs, moving closer and closer to her freshly shaven pussy. "Yet, noncommittal as it may be, it does make things more intimate."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I want to be your woman!" Addison gasped in ecstasy, "Lie to me, put me in a harem, or make me into your maid or personal stylist.

If I can be your woman if only symbolically, I'll accept any terms!"

He blinked twice after her words and smiled wryly to himself, shaking his head.

"I promised you I wouldn't let you devalue yourself, yet here I am grinning in the face of your bold and alluring declarations." Kaze chuckled in self-deprecation.

"I already told you that you could be my woman, as can any other that wishes it.

So you needn't prostrate yourself for me to accept you. On the contrary, you should prostrate if you want to accept me."

"W-What? You want me to prostrate for you to accept me?" Addison asked in confusion.

"Would you like to find out?" Kaze asked charmingly.

"Y-Yes. Do with me as you wish." She replied softly.

"As you will." He chuckled, gently grabbed her hips, and pulled her ass into the air, forcing her face deeper into the pillow.

She was now [literally] prostrating to the wall, with her smooth lips facing him.

"You see... this is a symbolic gesture you're using to get me to accept you." The emperor grinned, "However, you can use the same symbolic pose to accept me.

Tell me, Addison. Would you rather me accept you or for you to accept me?"

Addison's eyes widened in understanding and her face heated up.

The redhead realized something horrifying--she'd [accept] either.

She couldn't remember when she became so attached to Kaze.

At first, she believed it was a strange fetish for geeky men.

It was a horrifying thought, but she couldn't deny it because she couldn't remember her conversation with Kaze or feel its emotion.

It became an abstraction.

There was a geeky, acne-riddled weeb of eighteen who walked into her work.

Somehow he charmed her and left her anticipating his phone call.

Eventually, she forgot why she was drawn to him, but she just was.

That changed when she found him on Yanko.

She felt vindicated when she saw the Lost Emperor and Scrawn Fu videos.

Kaze was just as charming as she remembered, and he was instantly the talk of all women.

So she wasn't alone in her fixation.

While seeing him and feeling justified felt good--

She instantly became jealous!

Jealous of Evalyn, who he courted!

Jealous of his homeroom teacher.

He was on her mind even more then.

Then she abruptly got a phone call a week later saying he wanted to meet up briefly.

She was overjoyed and immediately took him up on it and went to lunch.

However, despite her expectations, a weeb didn't arrive.

A handsome, charming man arrived instead. However, he spoke and acted the same, had the same haircut, and was equally well-dressed.

It [was] him--Kaze Lexicon.

Once his appearance matched his personality, her attraction to him exploded, and her mind broke slightly.

Kaze flirted with her, as always, and she became a shy, helpless kitten.

Yet he didn't judge her for that.

When their lunch was over, he gave her a present.

He taught her Illuminesent Breathing and said she should practice it, then join him.

She didn't know why she should practice it or where she'd join him.

But she practiced it because he was on her mind.

Two weeks later, she got on Yanko and saw that the legendary Emperor had posted a video stating that he was starting a faction, and the ticket--was Illuminecent Breathing.

Her mind began twisting in confusion when she read that.

Was the Emperor Kaze?

Or was he powerful enough to know the Emperor?

The thought sent her mind into overdrive.

Within a minute, she had made a video of her cultivating the technique.

It made her the first person in the world to do so.

She posted it on Yanko and realized her mistake.

Her phone exploded with messages and comments.

It made her panic because her phone kept dying while she awaited Immortal Skye's call!

She deleted her account almost instantly, which led to a firestorm online.

It was a fiasco.

Yet, lo and behold, she ended up at Immortal Skye.

When she got onto the campus, she looked for Kaze every day.

Yet he didn't show.

Not the first day.

Nor the second.

Or the third.

It wasn't until the day of the opening ceremony that she laid eyes on him.

Not as Scrawn Fu.

The Emperor.

And yet--

--it was still him.

The charming weeb.

The internet celebrity.

The mysterious cultivator.

The world-famous sex god.

The leader of her new faction.

The most sought-after man there.

The man who was treating her well.

Kaze Lexicon was on her mind five hours a day and then another five inadvertently, as everyone was talking about the Emperor.

When their two identities merged, she realized she was thinking about him almost exclusively.

It was mind-bending.

Now she was naked before him.

And she'd do anything to continue her fantasy.

To make him happy.

To be his woman.

So she thought of the option that would please him.

He wanted her to be confident.

And he didn't want her to beg.

What he wanted... was sex.


"I-I... please let me accept you!" Addison yelled into the pillow, releasing her anxiety, desperation, and frustration.

"As you will." Kaze smiled, unbuckling his pants.

She listened to the action with a beating heart, desperately praying it wasn't all a dream.

"Maybe I shouldn't make a spiritual connection." He whispered under his breath pensively, "She seems a bit..."

Addison heard a minor noise, and her heart thumped unnaturally, confirming his suspicions.

She was obsessed with him.

No, she was obsessed. Only after he began to fulfill her expected fantasy her obsession replaced her nervousness.

Now her desperate fixation on him was gruesomely clear.

Addison Bishop Chase would do [anything] he asked her to do.

The emperor wasn't opposed to that, so long as she didn't interfere with his life or others.

In fact, he found women like her charming and often useful.

Even if he didn't use her, she was currently an obsessive fan girl, but that would fade naturally with time and experience.

However, it was a volatile time with impending trauma and stress.

Spiritual Connection would only make them feel more connected, and her distorted mental state could make her a pathologically obsessive stalker.

Or, if she sought exclusive comfort and got rejected, it could break her mind and make her snap in anger.

Hell awaited if he took things too far.

"I-Is everything okay?" Addison asked nervously.

"I was just admiring your body." Kaze replied charmingly, making her blush furiously.

"I see. I was just worried--"

Addison stopped talking and screamed into the pillow in full volume as he pressed his tip against her lips and pushed.

He decided not to cultivate with her--yet.

For now, it was time to let her experience pleasure.

"How are you doing, love?" Kaze asked with a hypnotic voice.

"I-I'm so happy." Addison gasped with a beating heart, "Having you in my body feels like a dream."

"Then let's make it a lucid dream." He smiled, "One you'll never forget."

Kaze pulled his shaft back and thrust again, making her scream in pleasure again.

The redhead gripped the red silk sheets, pressing her breasts against them vigorously.

Every time he entered her body, she felt more connected to him.

Moreover, she felt intense sexual pleasure and powerful emotions.

She was lost in a labyrinth of ecstasy under an ocean of happiness.

Kaze smiled, knowing that he pleased her so much.

There was nothing he enjoyed more than helping women experience true pleasure.

For the emperor, who had experienced sex with powerful dual cultivating women, a human woman could never please him.

It wasn't about physical pleasure.

Kaze enjoyed pleasing them and sharing their emotions through a spiritual connection.

That's why he gave women whatever they wanted during sex and let them expose the darkest parts of their personalities. Whatever they may be.

It was what pleased him about sex after thousands of years.

As for Addison, her emotions were extremely satisfying. He was helping her live out her dreams and fantasies, as concerning as they were, and shared in that emotion.

So he pleased her for hours until she was too tired to desire more.

"Sleep well." Kaze smiled, turning off the light and laying next to her naked body, "Tomorrow you'll learn that it wasn't a dream."

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