Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 94: Punishment

Chapter 94: Punishment

“Dust of Light.”

Shen Yi lying on the bed repeated the word, word by word as if to engrave it in his mind.

It was only September, but the Beland was already ushered in cold.

“This house really doesn’t work, the wind is leaking again.”

If Shen Yi were to be a normal person with no extraordinary power, he would long catch the cold.

As he looked at the house, he put an agenda of buying a better house first as soon as getting money from Chris. 

The market price for a house is quiet high in Beland…. But I should be able to afford it, right? 

From Yare’s soul ball he knew how outrageous the prices in the Beland was.

But it was something he had to done after getting money, so he put it in the back of his mind and decided to focus on the current things.

Dust of Light – a powerful organization, even Yare was afraid of it. 

Shen Yi grabbed the soul ball from the bedside table and hold it in his hand, and a scene appeared on his mind – Yare and the Sect leader of the Quiet Word were talking about the Dust of Light.

The Sect leader was fully hidden in a cloak and wore a silver mask on his face.

In the scene the Quiet Word and the Lightless Dust had a certain conflict few years ago, and the first reaction of the sect leader was to avoid an “all-out war” with the Lightless Dust at all.

The Dust of Lightlessness was a highly exclusive, elite organization of the most skilled and powerful wizards in the world. With strict membership requirements and a clandestine nature, its goals and number of members remained a mystery to outsiders. Only those who have been initiated into its ranks know the true extent of its power and influence in the magical community. 

However, one thing is for certain – to be a member of The Dust of Lightlessness was to be among the most respected and feared individuals in all of wizardry, because they were all at least at a top of disaster-level.

For top of that, the leader was a mysterious figure whose identity was recorded as “untouchable”in the internal records of the Anti-Magic Bureau.

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The leader level was on par with the “chess player”.

Shen Yi seeing this couldn’t help but lamented. 

“He is real ‘untouchable’, and I am fake ‘untouchable’…”

Lightless Dust, a secret organisation with an unimaginable power. Even Yare, a Priest of the Quiet Word, have limited information about this enigmatic group. 

As for how powerful, one well-known battle proved that the Lightless Dust had destroyed a powerful Order in just half a month.

The defeated Order wasn’t some nameless small group rather it was even more powerful than the current Quiet Words. It was completely comparable to the embers of chaos at its peak, controlling a small country.

However, such a powerful force had also been obliterated by the Lightless Dust.

Placing the soul ball back on the bedside table Shen Yi sat up.

He didn’t know what kind of attitude the Lightless Dust had towards him, but he knew one thing – these people wanted to assassinate the Light Chasers, so they were hostile to the Corona Church and will also the one supporting the pseudo gods.

Plus, the fact that the Lightless Dust were actively in contact with Byron- a wanted person prove that the members in it should not be law-abiding people.

However, as mentioned before those top wizards hide their identities and disguised them among the commeners, only few were known to the outside.

Shen Yi fell into deep thought and muttered to himself: “I wonder how they will pay attention to me. Will they send someone over to test me?”

It suddenly occurred to him that Byron said that people from the Salian family forced him to join the Lightless Dust, and the patriarch of this family was a member of the Lightless Dust.

I think I’ve heard of the Salian family somewhere else.

As Shen Yi look back on the encounter he had it strike on him,the Salian family was mentioned in the information collected and presented by the Chaos Ember Order.

It was mentioned in the Earl Bute’s part that Earl Bute’s backer in the inner world was the hidden wizard family- the Salian family!

“It’s all connected.”

Shen Yi suddenly felt that supporting Su Ling’s “just execution” he might be able to reap the unexpected “benefits”.


In the Anti Magic Bureau.

Ten minutes have passed, since Su Ling was called to the director’s office.

Su Ling, dressed in black, stood by the wall without any expression on her face. Like a true iceberg beauty.

Of course, anyone who knew her well knows that she was anything but an iceberg.

Su Ling had long known the consequence she was going to face once the matter was over so she made up her mind of accepting any out come, so since entering the door she didn’t utter a word.

The stoic-face director didn’t even bother to spare her a glance since she entered. He was as if he was alone in the office calmly approving a document one by one with no words.

Until the last document was approved. He opened his mouth, without raising his head his tone was calm yet majesty.

“Did you do this?”

“Yes.” Su Ling gently nodded her head, indifferently acknowledging what she had done.

The director put the pen aside and his sharp eyes raise and fell at the girl in front of him.

“You were used to being free and loose in the past …… As a descendant of a demon hunter, there was no shortage of illegal things that you claimed to be righteous.”

“When we admitted you to the Anti-Magic Bureau we thought about all the possibilities and for the current situation.” Saying here his tone darkened.

“The Anti-Magic Bureau is an official organization, that requires organization and discipline, not relying on extraordinary power to assassinate councilors.”

Since it wasn’t normal assassination but involved extraordinary power, the incident was kept under wraps to prevent public outrage. The councilor’s death was officially attributed to a sudden relapse of an old illness, shielding the true cause from common knowledge. 

Though the commoners were left in the dark about these events as they were not privy to such insider information, the same not goes to elites since they had connections to transcendental individuals, whether for protection or other favors, so they had insider information on what truly happened.

Apart from that rumors have been circulating, some say it was an assassination by a powerful individual, while others claim it was a result of supernatural forces. Regardless of the truth, this event has sparked fear and paranoia among the upper class, leading many to reinforce their guards and take extra precautions. 

Su Ling was no longer silent and said: “Through formal channels, we will never be able to make him pay the price he deserves.”

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