Political Marriage With a Friendly Enemy

Chapter 72

Chapter 72


“…… huh?”

I stared at Kwanach with my eyes upward. Kwanach’s cheeks and the tips of his ears had turned red before I knew it. His lips twitched slightly and said,

“Do you not understand what I am saying?”


“That’s the look on your face. I’m talking about being aroused.”

“…… Oh.”

“No, I’m already aroused.”


“I’ll have to be more patient now that I see you like this. Why does someone who is amazingly smart don’t understand?”

My face heated up as I listened to the words that Kwanach spat out as if he was complaining. Earlier, I had been comfortably embraced by Kwanach, but suddenly everything where I was in contact with him was bothering me and I felt awkward. My toes were naturally twitching.

Kwanach looked troubled, but seemed to have no intention of letting me go. I had no choice but to mutter quietly.

“I’m just trying to comfort you…I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing to apologize for. It felt good. It’s just painful to endure.”

Kwanach let out a low breath. I shrugged my upper body away from him. ‘I’m already aroused,’ Kwanach’s words roared through my head.

‘Aroused?’ Then…..the hard thing that touched my thigh earlier ……no way.

I had always assumed that Kwanach had kept weapons and self-defense items in his pants.

I was sexually ignorant, but I knew what happened when a man became aroused.

S*x education in the North was very fragmented and male-oriented. When it comes to night duty, leave it to your husband. And the only education was any evidence of arousal of the husband.

But that…… That can’t be it. It’s hard to believe that something so big could be attached to the center of a human being.

‘I don’t think so.’

If it’s that big… Can he walk around?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

…… Yes. I’m sure I’m wrong.

By the way, how do you do …… anything with a male thing?

It is said that the central part of men is used for marital union. But I didn’t know what to do with that. Late curiosity arose.

My body was all healed up, we were in the process of resolving Roman’s issues, we had confirmed each other’s minds and even revealed the fact that I was infertile, so we might experience our wedding night in the near future.

But I was suddenly scared and nervous because I didn’t know anything. The body began to feel an unfamiliar heat.

Earlier my mind was confused with various political issues, but now all of that was gone and only the heat remained. I shrank involuntarily, embarrassed and nervous.

Kwanach grabbed me by the shoulders and held me down as he asked.

“…… Why are you moving so much? Did you decide to torture me today?’


“If you move like that, you’ll stimulate me more…….”

“…… stimulate?”

“Aren’t you sitting on it right now?”

I was so surprised that my voice got louder.

“Oh, was it really yours?”


“I see…..”

My face was hot, as if it was on fire. Kwanach’s eyes, looking down at me, seemed even darker than usual.

I felt thirsty and itchy all over. I wanted to get out of his arms, which had been very comfortable before.

“Of course it’s mine, what else could it be?” he said with a grim expression.

“It’s so…. big. I’m sorry.”

Kwanach’s mouth was agape. It was hard to tell if he liked it or if he was throwing a tantrum.

‘’I’m afraid I startled you.”

The faint laughter mixed with the voice that followed made me think that he was teasing me. The tips of my ears tingled.

I bowed my head deeply.

“I’m going to get off your lap.”

“Why? I was going to feed you bread sitting like this.”

“What’s wrong with you? It’s uncomfortable if I keep sitting on your lap.”

“I don’t even know you’re sitting on it. You’re so light.”

“Anyway….. It feels weird. Everything, it touches.”

“What is it?”

“Your …….”

I lowered my head, unable to continue. I heard a small laugh from Kwanach in my ear. He was different from the man who had knelt in front of me and behaved so obediently.

Then he whispered in a low voice.

“So you’re conscious of it. That’s a relief.”

“It’s just that I don’t know much about it, but I’m conscious, of course……… You are my husband. You are also the man I love……”

Silence reigned for a while. I gently raised my head and locked eyes with Kwanach, wondering if I’d said something wrong.

Suddenly my vision was turned upside down.


Kwanach laid me down on the bench and climbed on top of me . A huge, pitch black shadow completely covered me.

Kwanach touched my face with his hand and stared at me. His black eyes were infinitely deep.

“Is your body really all right?”

A low, cracked voice shook me out of my thoughts.


There was some distance between Kwanach and my body, but I felt heavy and suffocated, as if he was holding me down. The pressure I could feel all over my body as I gazed at Kwanach while he was above me was tremendous.

“Then I’ll get greedy.”

I couldn’t understand what Kwanach said and was about to ask him back, when he quickly approached me as he turned his chin.


Our lips immediately engaged each other. I could vividly feel his hot, rough lips.

It was the first kiss I had had in a very long time. I felt an urgent sense from Kwanach. The hot flesh quickly covered my lips and went deep inside my mouth.

Kwanach wasn’t trying to hold me down. There was a little space between us, but the heat of his eruption was still there and was being transmitted to me.

Kwanach’s large palm touched my face, occasionally brushing down my neck. I was breathing through my nose to follow his kisses. A numbing heat rose from the lower part of my body.

I was much more flustered than before, probably because it had been so long since we kissed. If I hadn’t been lying in the chair, I probably would have lost the strength in my legs and collapsed in a heap.

My heart was pounding and my salivating throat was throbbing as if it was on fire. I shuddered involuntarily.

It was a kiss after some of the danger was over. This was the only moment I could forget for a while about the many things that hurt my head.

It was time to focus only on the man who wanted me.

The feel of his tongue sucking roughly inside my mouth was extremely vivid. Everywhere his hands touched went numb.

The kiss continued for a while. Kwanach’s tongue, which had been ravaging my mouth, slipped out. The moist lips fell away. Kwanach looked down at me, about a finger’s length away.

I gasped for breath.


The low voice calling me was different than normal. It was much lower and rougher. I wasn’t foolish to not know the desire and emotion in that voice.

Kwanach didn’t even try to hide his instincts. I could feel his desire from the lower half of our bodies touching. Kwanach opened his mouth again in a husky voice.

“When will you want me..?”

I knew what Kwanach was saying now.

On the day of our wedding he said he didn’t want to force me to do it so I wouldn’t feel like I was being sold. He would postpone our first night until I wanted to.

When will I start to desire him? Will the day ever come when I will feel such desire? I was skeptical.

But as soon as I faced the eyes of the man who now so ardently desired me, I instinctively knew that Kwanach had said it was now.

I wanted to be closer to Kwanach. I liked the kisses he showered on me like arrows, and I liked the way he held me in his arms with reserve, as if I was the most important thing in his life.

Our minds were connected, but our bodies weren’t yet. I wanted to be one with him in every way possible without any gaps.

My face was very hot, but I mustered up the courage to open my mouth.



Kwanach answered me gently with a tense expression. His hand stroked my slightly disheveled hair.

I swallowed hard once and continued.

“I don’t know…… I’m kind of scared.”

“If you’re scared, we won’t do it. I can wait a little longer. Just the fact that I’m in this relationship with you is too much for me. I didn’t mean to rush you….”

Kwanach tried to excuse himself in a perplexed voice. I raised my hand, placed it near his chest and shoulders, and said.

“That’s not what I meant. So, I…….”

Kwanach stared at me with nervous eyes.

“I don’t know and I’m scare….but I’m fine with it.” (Usphere)


“I don’t mean we’ll do it right here. So, whenever the environment  is  right, we can…I’m sorry I’m talking gibberish.” (Usphere)

I turned my head gently to the side as my face felt like it was going to explode. I was embarrassed, but I still confided my true feelings. There was no response from Kwanach while I took a deep breath to cool my fever.

After a few moments of silence, Kwanach only barely managed to spit out a word in an emotional voice.

“…… are you serious?”

I turned and our eyes met again. Kwanach’s eyes were red.


*the next few chapters are pretty hot, you guys. They will have their first night and more….

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