Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 106 - Take Care Of Him

" Bekora I am sorry but I cannot stay and look after him . My little brother is upstairs alone and I don't feel at ease to leave him alone . " said Aria .

" Aria , please do look after him I won't be too late . I may be away for three to four hours , please . I can ask one of my staff to go and take care of him . " said Bekora .

' This guy doesn't allow any nurse near him . To leave him alone in such a state , I don't feel calm . If Aria were to stay with him I could go and inspect the case of Klara's kidnapping in peace otherwise my mind will always be at him . I'm afraid that he may cause a ruckus once he wakes up . ' thought Bekora troubled that Helios may lose his temper if he sees the doctor or nurses .

" But….. " said Aria and Bekora interrupted her .

" Please Aria ! Don't worry about your brother everything is under my control and the nanny for your brother is one of my most trusted employees . " said Bekora .

He was insisting so much and didn't leave any room for Aria to reject it . In the end Aria realized that she couldn't say no so she agreed with him .

" If it's like that then….okay . " said Aria helpless against his pressuring aura and then looked at Helios .

He was still a bit pale and the fever hadn't gone down completely .

" Thanks a lot Aria ! I will send the nanny to your room immediately , don't worry . " said Bekora with a smile .

He was able to escape Helios's anger and he could go investigate the case of the princess's kidnapping at ease . His phone rang and Bekora waved at Aria then he left the room . Aria waved at him too and after Bekora closed the door she turned her look towards Helios . She looked at him and kept thinking how handsome he was .

" His eyelashes are long , his hair is like gold , his eyes are a special kind of blue . Even his body shape seems good . I wonder how this handsome person can be so arrogant and annoying . " said Aria then slightly poked his cheek to see whether he would wake up or not . The moment she poked his cheek , she caught a glimpse of his red coloured lips and the memory of the kiss from that night came to her mind . She remembered the warmth that his lips emitted when they touched hers . She thought they were soft yet burning with fire which made her body go numb . He had kissed her forcibly but yet he was being gentle when holding her from her waist . A strange sensation which she had never felt before invaded her body , as if he was marking his possession upon her . As if he was telling her that you are mine and no one else is allowed to touch you . While thinking all this her cheeks became as red as a tomato .

" Gosh ! What the hell am I thinking when looking at a patient ?! " said Aria a bit embarrassed to herself . She covered her red face with both of her hands .

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While being embarrassed of what she had just thought , Aria remembered what Bekora's words . He told her that he was supposed to meet another girl but mistakenly ended up meeting with her and as a result they ended up kissing . Aria looked at Helios again .

' If I wasn't there , would he have kissed that girl in the same way as he kissed me ?! ' thought Aria a bit dejected while looking at Helios's handsome sleeping face . This thought made her a bit sad .

" What the….?! Come to your senses Aria ! How in the world would you think of something like that ?! Only a crazy one would think such things , plus it's not like it was someone important to you anyway . Now you have to get your head straight and not to think about anything unrelated to logical thinking . You have work to do ! Think only about work . Work ! " said Aria who realized that she was getting emotional over something like that .

She felt very upset that she lost her first kiss to someone who she didn't even like or know . This fact perturbed her a lot but when looking at his handsome face she felt a bit better .

' I should think positively ! At least my first kiss was with someone who's annoying but really handsome . ' thought Aria when she remembered the dream she saw the night she was kissed . The good shaped prince whose face turned into a frog's one when he took off the mask he was wearing . That was a nightmare which had traumatized her .

" I have never seen a person talk to himself the way you do . " said Helios while looking at Aria who was lecturing herself .

" It helps me calm and come to my senses . " answered Aria unconsciously then turned her head surprised towards the voice .

" Oh , you're awake ! Since when ? " said Aria a bit annoyed .

" Yeah ! Since when you started talking to yourself . You were so loud that even a half dead person would wake up right away if he heard you . " said Helios with devilish smirk .

" Ha..ha…ha..! Seeing that you're in the mood to fight with me you must be alright . " said Aria in an annoyed tone .

' I regret everything I thought of just now ! ' thought Aria pissed .

Before Helios could speak the doctor entered .

" You're awake sir Helios , good . I have done a few check-ups on you and you're fine . The stomach ache that cause you a fever was due to the fact that you hadn't eaten anything apart from a cup of coffee . Also while your stomach was empty , you received a pressure upon it , like a hit or something and that's why it cause more pain than normally . When and how did you hit your stomach ?! " said the doctor curious cause he was in bed all along .

" Well….." said Helios and glanced at Aria who was trembling nervously .

He laughed a bit when he saw her I that state and then told the doctor that he didn't remember anything before he fainted . The doctor nodded his head and said that as long as you're alright it didn't matter how he got hit . Before the doctor left he turned his head towards Aria .

" Are you miss Aria ? " asked the doctor .

" Yes , I am . " said Aria a bit afraid .

" Sir Bekora told me that your knee needed to be treated . Please sit here ! " said the doctor and she sat on the chair near the first aid kit .

The doctor opened the medicine and carefully applied it on her knee . After applying the medicine he bandaged it and then got up .

" Thank you doctor ! " said Aria .

" You're welcome ! " said the doctor .

The doctor went and adjusted Helios's medicine then he went out . The moment the doctor closed the door Aria released a breath of relief . She waited a bit till she couldn't hear the doctor's footsteps anymore then she went to the door .

" Even though you hit me , I was still kind and didn't report you . Now you should be thanking me , who's become a patient because of you but instead of thanking me , you're even trying to leave . Don't you feel guilty ?! What a heartless person ! I almost remained without children because of you ! " said Helios who was acting as if he was sad and wronged here .

" For the kick I gave you , it's your fault ! For the hit in the stomach just now , I think it's also your fault . Who stands behind a door without making any noise ?! " said Aria with a serious tone .

" Whatever , I am still a patient because of you ! You know well how the law works ! Between the two of us , who do you think the law will judge as guilty ?! " said Helios with a devilish smirk which made Aria angry .

In this case she knew that he was right and there was no way that he would be considered guilty .

' You promised Bekora , Aria ! Just bear with it till he arrives ! ' thought Aria while looking at him defeated .

" Okay ! Fine , I shall take care of you . I promised Bekora I would do so , after all ! " said Aria and went to get a cup of water for him .

" Promised Bekora ?! Where's is he ? " said Helios a bit annoyed that she was doing this not because she felt guilty but because she had made a promise to someone else .

" He received a message and told me that he had an important work to finish . He will come here within three hour at most so in the meantime I look after you I don't wanna argue with you so I propose a truce . " said Aria handing the glass of water to Helios .

" A truce ? " said Helios with a light laugh .

" Yeah ! Only for three hours ! I am very tired and upset today . I don't have the energy to fight with you so I propose a truce . " said Aria .

Helios looked at her then grabbed the glass of water she was handed him then nodded his head in sign of agreement .

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