Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 119 - We're Sorry

Aria's head now was a mess of all the weird and shocking things that were happening to her .

' The first to shock me was Mana who's actually the creator of the successful brand Rose Sauvage which means that she is a millionaire . A few days ago , I got to know that madam Margrethe is actually Queen Margrethe of Denmark which was extremely shocking ! Now another big shot appears and he's Helios Castejo , the CEO of the Castejo corporation the whom I have been fighting with a lot and called blonde donkey ! Also the one who gives the final blow of shock in my head . No matter how much I think about it , this is just way too unreal . I admit that I am a poor person and it would be impossible for me to casually meet these kind of people . The fact that I have met them means that I have used all my life's luck....Yeah , right if I actually had luck then I wouldn't have met that annoying blonde donkey in the first place , now I am stuck doing all his work ! ' thought Aria then looked at the boxes with files .

' If I try to sort out my thoughts , I won't have time to finish all these files . No choice , I will have to leave thinking for later . ' thought Aria and took the first box then put it on the desk .

" Ahh ! What a pain ! " said Aria and opened the first file then started to read .

While Aria was taking care of the files , Mana and Bekora had arrived at the company . Bekora looked around and went to the receptionist .

" Has miss Aria come ? " asked Bekora with a serious voice .

" Yes , vice president Bekora ! Miss Aria is already in the president's office . " said the receptionist .

" I see ! Thank you . " said Bekora and went to Mana .

" So ? " asked Mana a bit worried .

" I guess we were a bit late . " said Bekora with a helpless expression .

" They may still be in Helios's office . Let's go an give her a hand . " said Mana and dragged Bekora towards the CEO's private elevator .

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" Only you , Ramolo and Alan are allowed to use this elevator . Bring your card out . " said Mana and Bekora took his black card then opened the elevator then both of them entered in .

" Can you think before you drag people Mana ?! " asked Bekora .

" What do you mean ?! " asked Mana confused .

" If we go there to help her , he'll vent his anger on us too and truthfully speaking I have no intention of bearing his anger . " said Bekora with a dejected face when thinking of Helios's angry expression .

" I agree that only a stupid would speak to him when he wents his ager but we still gotta save her . I consider her a good friend to have and I won't let that mad tempered cousin of mine to hurt her . " said Mana .

" He won't hurt her ! " said Bekora .

" How do you know ?! Do you remember what happened last night ?! " said Mana in an anxious tone .

" I remember and that's why I am telling you not to worry about her . He will only torture her by giving her a lot of work to do but he won't hurt her physically . " said Bekora .

" You know Bekora , I found it strange that you were polite to her and Helios was childish towards her . Then I got to know her better and she's indeed a good girl but this reason is not enough for you two devils to keep her near and help her , especially you . " said Mana looking at him with a suspicious look .

Bekora showed a devilish smirk and then looked at Mana .

" You're really sharp ! " said Bekora with a smirk .

" To be raised with two devil like brothers like you , of course I would become a sharp person . " said Mana .

" The reason Helios keeps her near is because of Aria's knowledge . She is good in handling law matters , she knows foreing launguages , she knows how to writte projects with importance and is a trustworthy person . Usually the law people are always people with two faces but she....she just remains herself . That's also the main reason why Helios put her in the group ." said Bekora .

" I understand that she is a useful person that can help us defeat aunt Karen but that's not all there is to it , is it ?! " said Mana and looked at Bekora straight in the eye .

" You're right , there's more to it . There's something that you don't know . Also don't ask me cause I can't tell you for the time being , not until we are sure that it's true . " said Bekora in a serious tone .

Mana got even more curious and wanted to know more . She waned to ask once more but the elevator stopped and the doors opened .

" We arrived ! Let's go an check on Aria now , shall we ?! " said Bekora with a devilish smirk .

" He's definitely doing this on purpose . " said Mana in a low voice and followed him .

Mana and Bekora walked slowly and quietly , fearing that Helios may hear them . Bekora pointed towards Aria's working place and peeked at what she was doing . After making sure that Helios wasn't there , Mana and Bekora entered Aria's working room . The room was filled with opened files and boxes .

" I have never seen so many files all at once in my life . " said Mana and Aria raised her head when she heard her .

" Mana ? Bekora ? What are you doing here ?! " asked Aria and closed the file she was looking at .

" Aria...you're alive ! " said Mana with a happy yet worried expression and hugged Aria with all her strength .

" Ehhh.....I am but you're...hugging to much...I may choke . " said Aria and Mana lossed her hands a little but still didn't let go .

They hugged each other for a few minutes then Aria turned her face towards Bekora .

" Hello Bekora! " said Aria with a serious tone .

" Hello.... " said Bekora who could feel Aria's anger .

" You don't know how glad I am to see that you're fine . " said Mana .

After Bekora and Mana took a seat at the couch that was in Aria's working room they looked at the files . Before they could speak Aria went in front of them and looked at them with an smile .

" You guys said that we are friends but , how come neither of you told me who that blonde donkey really was ?! " said Aria with an angry smile .

" You still call him that ?! " asked Mana a bit surprised .

" Yes ! Even though he was a frog who suddenly turned into a prince , in my eyes he's a frog who's wearing the costume of a prince . " said Aria and Bekora couldn't help but laugh .

Mana and Aria looked at him with a weird expression .

" Hahahaha ! Hahaha....I'm sorry ! It's just that.....I never thought that you would still remain so fearless . I was sure that after knowing who he was you would become more....more...polite towards him but you remain the same ." said Bekora who was still laughing .

" You're saying that I should become like those girl who act cute and be obedient ?! That's out of the question , plus that devil doesn't deserve to be respected by me . Look at all these boxes filled with files . He expects me to reorganize them till tomorrow at noon . " said Aria in an angry tone .

" All of these ?!!! " said Bekora and Mana shocked at the same time .

" Yes ! Now mind telling me why you didn't tell me who he was ?! " said Aria in an angry tone .

' Seeing all these files and the fact that she has to overwork tonight.....it's normal that she's angry now . She's pretty strong to not have lost her mind already with so much work ! The last time that I was punished like this , he gave me a hundred files to reorganize , it took me two days to finish them . With these much files , I am afraid she will at least need two weeks . ' thought Bekora with a nervous smile .

" Don't be angry Aria ! Helios didn't allow us to say anything to you or he would punish us . " said Mana .

" Yeah ! Actually , he's my cousin from my maternal side Aria and....he may be a devil but he's not ia bad person . He just wants to get his revenge for what you did to him . Try to understand that he's a person who's been spoiled from the first day he opened his eyes and to suddenly be considered from a prince to a commoner , to be splashed with dirty water when he's a clean freak and to be kicked in his....manly part...from a girl . It's just too much of a shock ato him you know . " said Bekora .

" So what ?! It's his fault for not telling me who he was . If I knew I would stay far away from him . There's a saying that says , the more powerful a person is you have near is , the more trouble you face . I have already enough trouble ! " said Aria with a serious tone .

' You're the only one who would think like this ! ' thought Bekora with a smile .

" We understand that we have deceived you and we are sorry ! How about we help you and clear our fault ? " said Mana .

' I am angry at them but I can't bear to stay angry at them . I am already in big troubles and they may help me get out of it , plus Bekora was kind enough to pay for my brother's medica expenses . After giving me all these files , I start to understand why they are afraid of him . ' thought Aria .

" Okay , I forgive you if you'll help me with these . " said Aria with a smile .

" Sure ! " said Mana and Bekora nodded .

The moment Mana touched the first file , the door opened and it was Alan .

" Didn't I already tell you that your not allowed to get help from anyone ?! " said Helios in a terrifying voice .

Mana and Bekora felt the chills when they saw Helios enter .

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