Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 126 - Look For Her

' They have started to work on this case already . I knew my grandma is fast but this time she looks like she's in a real hurry . Could it be true the rumor that my grandfather left a will before he died ?! Some people suspected that the will contained the name of the future crown prince of Denmark . That tittle that used to belong to me.....' thought Helios with a dry smile .

" What do you think about this ?! Bro , I personally find it strange that they choose your construction firm to take care of the library 's structure since they didn't tell us anything .I tried asking my father but he doesn't tell me a thing about this matter and avoids it . " said Ramolo as if he felt neglected that his father didn't tell him about this matter .

' Butler Albert didn't say anything ...hmmm ?! If it's really about the crown prince position then….I know that grandma is on my side , I know that for sure . The fact that she's not telling me , must be because she doesn't want me to feel hurt . It's most likely that she doesn't know that the project for the reconstruction of the royal library is done by my company . I am very curious to know who advised her to work with my company . Grandma doesn't know that I have recently joined the field of construction and she never interferes with my company's matters . Who's the one that recommended her to choose my construction firm ?!

" I don't know but I there's something that I suspect . " said Helios with a serious tone and got up from his .

" I heard from my brother that you handed the case over to Aria . This time seems like it's a very important deal . I am curious why you handed it over to her . Do you trust her ?! " asked Ramolo with a smirk .

" Trust her ?!.....Well , I wonder . It's getting late now , sleep here for tonight . " said Helios with a devilish smirk and headed towards his bedroom .

" Thanks bro ! " said Ramolo with a smile .

" You have worked hard for this info , get some rest now . tell the maids to prepare a room for you . " said Helios and left the living room .

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Ramolo followed the maid while Helios headed to his bedroom on the third floor .

' Trust her ?! If she really finished the building project of the library , I guess I have no reason to doubt her anymore . She neither after me or after my wealth , she just wants some help to be able to become someone . ' thought Helios and while walking up the stairs .

He arrived at his bedroom then opened the door . When he saw that the lights were off and the room was only lightened by the moonlight that came from the window he remembered the dance and kiss in the night , he and Aria shared .

' Her behaviour remains the same even after knowing that I am the CEO of the Castejo corporation . Although she has changed her tone when talking to me , she's a bit more formal when she addresses to me . I thought that she would gladly beg me once she knew who I was but that little tigress clearly doesn't feel any affection towards me . She only regards me as the thief of her first kiss . ' thought Helios with a smile while laying on his bed .

' First kiss...yeah , first kiss ! How come I never thought about this before ?! I got that girl's first kiss . For a girl like her , first kiss is very important . I already have taken most of my revenge by taking her first kiss . I remember when we were kids that Mana told us , for a girl the first kiss is very important . I do find her behaviour a bit unusual though , apart from the naivety and stupid things that she unconsciously does , she has the souls and principles of noble ladies…..still I plan t torture her a bit more , then I'll try to get along with her . ' thought Helios and slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep .

While in Denmark a new case showed , in London , things have gotten busier . Ace would begin his studies tomorrow at the prestigious university of Cambridge .

" I can't believe my son will be going to the university of Cambridge tomorrow , we will definitely throw a big party tonight . " said Ace's father with a proud tone .

" My sweet boy has grown up , now he's going to a university where most of the royals attend . As a mother I am very happy and a little bit sad that I won't get to see my dear baby till winter vacations come . " said madam Kejt with a spoiled tone .

" Mom , I will only be one hour away from home . No need to be sad . Your son will soon be able to become the CEO of a successful technology development company . " said Ace with a smile and hugged his mother .

She patted his head and the two of them laughed while Ace's father looked at them in a warm way . Madam Kejt played with her son then noticed that time had already passed .

" Oh my ! I should start baking the cake . " said madam Kejt and hurried to the kitchen .

" Mom, let me help you . You know , I am a good cook . " said Ace .

" Wait , Ace ! has your sister called you ? " asked his father .

Madam Kejt stopped and looked at Ace with a serious look .

" Dad , sis hasn't called me yet because she doesn't have a phone . She broke her phone and told me that she would call me as soon as she brought a new one . " said Ace with a nervous smile .

" So that's why she hasn't called me ! " said madam Kejt with a relieved tone and headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner .

' Luckily they didn't insist on me calling her . If I called her she would definitely ask me about the contract since the both of us signed it . She will definitely start to question me about the fact that I hid Helios's identity from her . If Aria knows that I hid it from her who he was she'll beat the hell out of me . ' thought Ace with a worried and tensed expression filled with fear from imagining his sister's angry expression .

While Ace was celebrating with his parents , doctor Flaubert just arrived home . He had a busy day full of patients that had come for a visit . When he opened the door of his villa , he went to the couch and sat on the living room's couch .

" What a day ! I am dead tired ! I hope my son has had it a bit more easy than me . " said doctor Flaubert then opened the tv and noticed that a new love drama was about to begin . He went to the kitchen , got a drink and popcorn then he went back to the couch .

" This stupid stubborn son of mine ! Look at normal people his age , they get to meet the a girl with the whom they will fall in love and marry , then after nine months a beautiful baby comes and plays with his grandparents . So happy , so peaceful , so cute while my son has yet to decide on his partner . I found hm a great girl and he couldn't get a hold of her . Hasn't he inherited a tiny bit of my seductive skills ?! " said doctor Flaubert infuriated while watching the love drama on tv and eating popcorn .

After two hours passed , the door opened and Florence entered quietly .

' I have been sneezing a lot for the past two hours . Is my father talking behind my back again ?! ' thought Florence with a grinning face with sweat .

He noticed that his father was looking at the tv and decided to head to his room without being noticed by him or else he would have to open again the discussion for marriage .

" Where do you think you're going mister ?! " said doctor Flaubert in an angry tone while watching tv .

" H...H...H..Hello father ! " said Florence with a sweet yet nervous smile .

' Crap , this old man's ears are very sharp ! I would gladly do another medical thesis rather than hear his babbling about marriage . ' thought Florence with a forced smile .

" Come here ! " said doctor Flaubert and then Florence , a bit reluctantly , went and sat near his dad on the couch .

" Look at this ! What's this called ? " said doctor Flaubert pointing at the tv , the kissing scene .

" A kiss ?! " said Florence who didn't understand his question .

" You idiot ! Do you think that as a doctor and a father I don't know what a kiss is ?! I am talking about the girl . What is she in this case ? " said doctor Flaubert in a serious tone .

" A girlfriend ?! " said Florence again with a weird expression .

" Wrong again ! She's that idiot over there's wife . " said doctor Flaubert .

" Why did you call the guy and idiot , dad ?! " asked Florence while looking at the screen .

" Because that idiot resembles the idiot that's next to me ! A successful and rich you man with a cold character like yours . He at least managed to find a wife and his idiot tittle is removed from him but you....!! When will you get your brain straight and think about starting a family ?! I even found you a very nice girl and you didn't catch her . You can't do something this easy , as coaxing ! I seriously doubt that you have won those medical prizes by right means . " said doctor Flaubert in a very angry tone .

" Dad , come on ! Don't you think you're exaggerating ?! " said Florence .

" I am stating the truth . You better go at another appointment with Aria and get to know her better. " said doctor Flaubert with a serious tone .

" Dad , she isn't in London . " said Florence with a tired tone .

" What ?! Not in London ?! Isn't she back from Denmark yet ?! " asked doctor Flaubert surprised .

" No , she hasn't ! " said Florence .

' This old man really refuses to let go of this matter . Although I find her cute and adorable , she said clearly that she isn't interested in starting a relationship cause she has too many things to do . ' thought Florence while touching his forehead in an annoyed manner .

" Okay ! I will take leave for you from the hospital . Go to Denmark and look for her . That way you can even take a vacation . " said doctor Flaubert with a smile .

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