Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 129 - Specially Made Coffee

Aria looked at Helios with a fake smile then followed the maid to the kitchen . The kitchen was a bit far . On the way, Aria looked at the beautiful architecture of the villa .

' This villa is very beautiful . I like it a lot . How I wish , had a villa like this for my family and myself ! I would be able to live without worries . ' thought Aria with a dreaming smile .

" Miss , this is the kitchen . These are the ingredients and gadgets you need to use to make the master's espresso coffee . " said the maid .

After handing over the gadgets and explaining to Aria how they worked she went out of the kitchen .

' With all these maids in this villa.....he still, wanted me to prepare coffee for him ?! ' thought Aria annoyed while preparing the espresso . 

When she finished , she went to the kitchen door . The moment she approached the door a maid came in .

" Is the coffee ready ?! " asked the maid .

" Yes ! " said Aria .

" Good , let's go and bring it to the master . He's waiting . " said the maid in a serious tone .

' This made is so expressionless...like those maids that serve the vampire lord in the movies . ' thought Aria a bit uncomfortable .

As a commoner, she wasn't used to having maids around . When walking towards the living room she saw that some servants were cleaning the vases , which were put on the corridor as decorations with the utmost care .

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' Looking at how careful they are while cleaning these vases , it must mean that they are very expensive.....Still haven't arrived ?! The kitchen here is far from the living room , and to imagine that it's just the first floor . ' thought Aria when she realized that they were still walking .

After three minutes walk , Aria and the maid arrived in the living room . When Helios heard the footsteps , he turned his head and saw that Aria was holding the gold tray with the espresso coffee inside a beautiful , expensive-looking cup .

' The decorations on this cup are very beautiful , they seem more like a royal coffee set . And this tray seems like it's made from gold . ' thought Aria while looking at them with admiration .

" You arrived , finally ! I was running out of patience . " said Helios .

" I suppose you're well aware of the distance between the kitchen and the living room . Right ?! " said Aria with a polite tone .

" During working hours , you must always address me as president ! " said Helios with a serious look on his face .

Aria looked at the maid then went near him , with the golden tray in her hands and gave it to him . When he was getting the cup of coffee Aria had made , he noticed that she kept looking at the maid behind her with a troubled expression .

' She must not feel comfortable with maids around . ' thought Helios with a serious look .

After getting the cup of coffee , Helios drank a sip of it .

" Tell everyone to go and take care of the chores on the second and third floor . I don't wanna see anyone on the first floor ! " said Helios in an ordering tone to the maid .

" As you wish , master ! Please do wait a bit ! " said the maid then went to gather all the other maids and servants on the first floor .

Aria looked at her then looked at Helios . They waited for five minutes and Aria realized that there were no more footsteps that could be heard .

" Why did you send the maids away ?! " asked Aria .

" I wanted to be alone with you . " said Helios with a seductive smirk .

Aria distanced herself from him a bit scared .When he saw Aria like that he started to laugh .

" Hahaha ! No need to keep your guard up like that . You have no sex appeal , or attractive points which would make me wanna do something indecent , but I admit that I do enjoy annoying you . " said Helios with a smirk when he saw Aria's dejected face .

" Who's afraid of you ?! I....I just find the fact that you enjoy annoying me , very troublesome . " said Aria with a dejected expression .

" This coffee is not sweet enough , bring me another one ! You did learned the way to the kitchen already . " said Helios with a serious look .

Aria took the cup and annoyingly put it in the tray then went to the kitchen again . She boiled the water , measured the temperature then added four sugar spoons . After making it ready , she put it on the tray and went to deliver it to Helios . When she arrived at the living room , she went towards Helios and handed over the new coffee .

" This time I put four spoons with sugar . " said Aria and handed it over to him .

After taking a sip he put the cup back on the tray .

" Not warm enough , make another one ! " said Helios with a serious tone and took a file then started to read it .

Aria went to the kitchen and prepared another one then hurried to go to the living room .

' Now that I came fast he won't have complaints about the temperature ! ' thought Aria .

He took a sip of this new coffee that Aria brought then left it again on the tray .

" Not enough coffee ! Again ! " said Helios and waved his hand meaning that she had to leave .

' This jerk ! ' thought Aria irritated and took the cup from his tray . 

Aria went to the kitchen again and started to prepare a new coffee . This time she put more coffee and more sugar . After finishing it she headed to the living room where Helios was . She looked at him with a clearly irritated expression and handed over the coffee . 

" Good but...I feel like there's something missing in it . Do it again ! " said Helios with a smirk .

Aria , angrily took the cup from Helios and headed to the door to go to the kitchen again . She looked at the tray and wanted to smash it .

When Helios saw her , a devilish smirk appeared on his face .

" Be careful with that tray , it's made of pure gold ! It's very expensive , like the statue that you broke at the airport . You don't wanna double your work , do you ?! " said Helios .

" Pure gold ?! " said Aria and looked at the tray a bit frightened .

Helios was enjoying Aria's expression and the fact that she was trying so hard to keep herself from cursing him again .

When she went to the kitchen she started to make the new coffee again and again for another four times . Each time he would find an excuse to say that it wasn't good enough . 

' I really wanna kill that jerk of a donkey ! ' thought Aria while preparing a new coffee . 

Helios was enjoying the fun and decided to go and take a look at how Aria prepared the coffee then went to the kitchen . When he arrived he stayed at the door and watch her quietly .

" I can't believe I have been studying so hard just to work as a coffee deliver for that spoiled blonde donkey . He's such an annoying rich brat !! My feets are getting tired from continuously walking from the living room to the kitchen . Who builds the kitchen so far ?!!! Seriously ! This guy isn't normal . " said Aria with an angry tone and Helios continued to listen to her from behind the door .

When she was about to get the sugar she saw the salt and a lemon which were near there .

" Hmmmm...He likes sweet coffee huh...The sweetest of the fruits is lemon and that's also the main reason why it lime . Bitter just like his temper ! Since he wants it to be very sweet then I shall complete his wish . " said Aria with a devilish smirk and took the knife then cut the lemon in two parts .

After cutting it , she pressed its juice inside the coffee . She took the salt and added two spoons of salt in the coffee .

' Lemon and salt within coffee ?! Nice move ! ' thought Helios while looking from outside the door .

" Now it's ready ! I can't wait for him to taste it ! " said Aria with a satisfied smile .

Before she put the coffee inside the cup she looked around and her sight cached a chilly pepper that was on the drawer in the wall .

" Chilly pepper ! That will be the final touch . " said Aria and took a chair cause the drawer was very high .

' A chilly pepper ?! Is she for real ?! I didn't know that she hated me so much . Well this makes the competition worth it . ' thought Helios with a sly smile and heade back t the living room before Aria noticed that he had been here .

After getting the chilly pepper , she got down from the chair and started to put the chilly pepper's seeds in the coffee , then put the chilly pepper inside the coffee and left it there for a few minutes .When the coffee finally finished , Aria put it in the tray and started to walk towards the living room .

" I can't wait for him to taste this ' specially made coffee ' ! " said Aria in a happy tone .

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