Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 14 - The Documents Got Stolen

Helios , Mana and Aria were waiting in the hall while Bekora went to get Aria's usb . Mana was still trying to keep herself from laughing . Aria and Helios turned their back at each other . They took the phone out of their pocket at the same time and started to stare at it .

Mana though that it was quite a nice show to watch these two .

Meanwhile Bekora arrived at the top floor where the president's office was . He entered the office and noticed that Aria's usb was in Helios's desk standing next to the cv documents of Aria .

"She sure has caught his attention, hasn't she ." said Bekora .

Before he could leave the office the lawyer entered in fast speed .

"President ! Emergency ! said the lawyer in a panicked state .

"What's wrong ?! " asked Bekora .

"Vice President ! The documents brought here by that girl who interrupted the meeting that day are missing . Without those evidence we can't be present in the today's court seance or we will certainly lose . We have tried to call the court and request to postpone it . " said the lawyer even more worried than before. If they didn't win this case then he would be fired . The president's words were clear and everyone knew his temper . Mistakes weren't allowed in this si situation.

"WHAT ! Missing ! Have you checked carefully ?!! How can papers just disappear ?!!! " said Bekora worried .

"I ... doubt.. they were.. stolen Vice President . " said the lawyer in a low and scared voice .

"Stolen !!! Where were you ?! What do we pay you for ?! Mr Jakob , you better search everywhere for the documents and find them otherwise all the law department will be fired was I clear . " said Bekora in a serious and angry tone .

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"Yes , Vice President ! " said the lawyer whose face had turned blue from fear .

Mr Jakob went out of the office in a hurry leaving Bekora in a deep mess .

Now everything would be over without those proofs. Bekora glanced at Aria's usb and thought that the only person who could help them right now that was her .

On the other hand in hall A7 Mana , Helios and Aria were still waiting for Bekora . Aria kept looking at her watch . She had to go get Aden's medical report in the hospital .

The silence was interrupted by Bekora who opened the door with a face full of worry. Aria run towards him to get the usb he was holding in his hands . Bekora wasn't letting go of the usb .

"What's wrong Bekora ? " asked Aria .

Mana and Helios immediately noticed that something was wrong with just a look at Bekora's face . Bekora looked at Aria .

"Bekora can you give me my usb now ? " said Aria . Bekora came to his senses when he heard Aria .

"Aria , can I ask you to stay and help us today at court, please ? " said Bekora in a desperate voice .

"No I can't, today I have an important job to do . " said Aria and tried to take the usb from Bekora's hand but he wasn't letting it go .

"Please Aria !" said Bekora.

"What's going on ?" asked Helios and Mana at the same time .

"The files that Aria found last time are missing. Without those proofs we cannot go to court or we will lose . The law department has looked everywhere for them but can't find them . They .....suspect someone may have stolen them ." said Bekora looking at the ground and lowering his voice at the end .

Helios was about to explode from anger but kept himself under control. Mana was terrified by Helios's look right now .

"I am sorry but I really can't help . I have to go and I am already running late ." said Aria and extended her hand waiting for Bekora to give her the usb . He realized that it was useless to try convincing her so he gave up and was ready to give her the usb .

"Wait !" said Helios and took the usb from Bekora's hand . Aria remained surprised at how he treated him . She thought that Helios should show respect to Bekora since he was his superior but instead he acts as if he is the boss . They started to be a bit suspicious in her eyes .

Helios understood that what she was thinking . He looked at Mana and Bekora .

"Apart from Aria , the others , please leave . " said Helios in a serious tone .

Bekora and Mana went out without saying anything to defy Helios . The hall was left in a quiet atmosphere. Aria and Helios kept looking at each other .

"You aren't just a simple worker here , are you ? " asked Aria looking straight at Helios .

"Maybe !" said Helios and went towards Aria with slow steps . The more he approached her the more she walked backwards to distance herself from him .

"I will tell you who I am if you help us ." said Helios , continuing to approach Aria .

"Why would I care to know who you are ? As long as you don't interfere with my job then I don't care at all . "

In these words Helios noticed that Aria must have faced some trouble in finding jobs even though her academic performance is outstanding .

"We had a deal , remember ?! " said Helios .

"I remember and I never go back on my word but today is impossible . In the deal we clearly said that I would help you win the case but not particularly participate in it myself, furthermore I have my own things to take care of too . " said Aria in a strict voice .

"Fulfill your promise first !" said Helios.

"In terms of fulfillment I have done more than enough but it's your department's fault who cannot protects the evidences well !"

Helios kept drawing near and Aria kept distancing herself till there was nothing except the wall behind her . Helios blocked Aria's way with his arm and looked straight in her deep brown eyes which's color resembled that of a caramel chocolate . Aria also looked straight in Helios's blue eyes which resembled the sea and the sky . She thought that they were like blue clear diamonds stuck in his flesh .

"What is so important that you refuse to help us so much ? Is it a date ?" asked Helios a bit angry which ruined the nice atmosphere that was created a few seconds ago .

"Is dating the only think your brain is capable of thinking ?!! " said Aria in an annoyed tone while sighting.

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