Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 29 - Let The Blind Date Begin !

" Am I good like this ?! Well I think I am plus , it's not like I need to change my way of dressing just for a date . It's better for him to look at the real me ." said Aria as if she didn't care but in reality she cared a lot because this was the first date that she had ever had even thought it was arranged.

Aria wore black jeans with a black jacket with white sleeves and a sportive shirt underneath which was black and white . As for her trainers, they were white and really sportive .

" Yes ! I look great ! Now I better get going or I will really be late . " said Aria and hurried to the hospital . Since it was a beautiful sunny day she decided to walk there . It took Aria for about forty minutes till she arrived at the hospital . When she arrived she noticed the cafeteria and went there but didn't take a seat and decide to wait at the door for her date companion .

' Doctor Flaubert did tell me the place but he could at least send a photo of his son so I can recognize him .' thought Aria while playing a game on her phone .

On the other side doctor Flaubert's son , Florence was on his way to the cafeteria while talking to his father on the phone .

" Florence ! Remember son , try complimenting ladies more . And make sure everything goes well ! "said mr Flaubert with a caring but yet threatening tone .

" Sure dad but you promised not to bother me anymore about this topic if she refuses . Please keep that in mind ! " said Florence with a forced smile .

" Only after you try hard enough to win her heart otherwise you will be in trouble ! I will send you a picture of her so that you can recognize her . Bye ! " said mr Flaubert and send Aria's photo to Florence .

Before he could open the photo a loud scream came from the cafeteria .

He rushed inside and saw that an old woman was lying on the ground while holding her heart and she was chocking . The people all stood up and were watching the scene but they couldn't do nothing .

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After Florence had passed through the crowd he aimed to reach the old lady but in an instant was pushed away by a girl in black and white who went straight towards the old lady .That girl was Aria . When she pushed him her hair bounced near his face . Florence smelled a nice aroma of caramel and camomile which for a second made him forget the actual situation .

He started to watch the girl , what would she do .

" She's undergoing a heart attack ! Give me a needle and some alcohol now ! " ordered Aria .

The bartender bought the alcohol and the needle . Aria took a napkin on the table and poured the alcohol in it then covered the woman's mouth and nose . After covering her nose she took the needle and thrust each of her fingers . She put the wet napkins on each of her pulse and then her condition stabilized .

" She's okay for now but she needs to go to the hospital immediately ! Is there a doctor here ?!! " said Aria worryingly while holding her head .

" I am ! " said Florence.

Aria turned her head towards Florence . Their eyes meet for an instance and weren't planing on detaching their eyes from each other till the woman opened her eyes . Aria immediately looked at the old woman in her arms . Her cheeks were a bit red from that moment.

' What a handsome boy ! And he is also a doctor ! ' thought Aria to herself .

Florence was tall , with a muscular and strong body . He was wearing a brown leather jacket with a white

t-shirt and grey ripped jeans with brown shoes . He also had a golden necklace around his neck .

" Let me pass through please ! " said Florence and approached Aria to take a look at the woman .

When he saw that Aria's cheeks were a bit red he smiled a little .

' What a capable girl also a bit cute !' thought Florence .

" You did a nice job , thanks to you she didn't die . " said Florence with a warm smile .

Aria thought that his smile was too shiny then she looked away from him . When the nurses came Florence instructed them to first do some analysis and then call a doctor to check her .

Aria remained outside of the emergency room and was waiting to hear how the old lady's condition was . Florence who returned from the doctor's office saw Aria with a worried expression who was stand outside the emergency room and went there .

" You seem worried . She will be fine don't worry about it . " said Florence then Aria turned her head to see who was talking .

" Oh it's you ! Shouldn't you be inside the room now ?! " asked Aria confused .

" I just graduated from the medical school . I have been working as a doctor for only seven months ." said Florence while thinking that it was better if he hides his identity otherwise she would cling to him like glue .

" Oh so you are a beginner ! Well you're still a doctor so it doesn't really matter if you have just finished school as long as you're good at what you do . " said Aria with a smile then the nurse came outside the room .

" What's her condition ? " asked Florence .

" Now it is stable and hopefully she was able to survive thanks to first aid that was given . " said the nurse and looked at Aria with a smile and left .

Aria sighted in relief .

" I am kinda curious about something ! How did you know that first aid ? " asked Florence .

" Ooo that's because I have stu.." said Aria but didn't continue cause she caught a sign if the time and it was pretty late .

" I gotta go now , I have an appointment and I'am super late . See ya ! " said Aria and hurried to the cafeteria . Florence thought that she was a bit weird when she saw rushing like that .

" Anyway I better get to that date or dad will turn me into a cripple . " said Florence and got annoyed just from the thought that his date may complain nonstop about his late arrival , since she was a good student with a lot of capacity , usually these girls are very arrogant types .

His phone rang and he saw that his dad had sent him a picture of the girl so that he could recognize her . Florence had arrived at the cafeteria and bumped into Aria who had gone to take the menu .

" I'm real sorry !" said both of them at the same time .

' To who I bumped again now ?! '

thought Aria while lifting her head to see who it was . Unexpectedly it was the guy she left at the hospital. She remained really surprised and then noticed that his phone fell on the ground .

She took it to give it to him and noticed that her photo was in it .

" Are you a stalker ?!! " said Aria furiously .

" What ?!! "

" Don't act so gentle now cause I am warning you , your handsome face won't save you from my anger ! " said Aria . She had a bad time once when someone secretly took a photo of her and continued to annoy , her as a result she became really angry . She hated stalkers and maniacs the most .

Florence looked at Aria and wasn't quite understanding what was going on but when he saw Aria's face on the photo in his phone he understood.

" Are you perhaps Aria Sarehan ? "

" You even know my name ! What in the world you want you maniac ?!! " said Aria angrily then realized that she was in the cafeteria and lowered her voice .

' She is really weird !!! ' thought Florence a bit shocked cause her sudden change .

" Let's seat there and I will explain to you ! " said Florence and together with Aria they seat in the table at a corner .

" My name is Florence , I'm doctor Flaubert's son and your date for today . A pleasure meeting you ms Aria . " said Florence with a smile .

When he looked at Aria he saw that she was petrified and her cheeks were really red from the embarrassment . Her face was so funny that he couldn't help but laugh .

' I'm domed ! ' thought Aria to herself while trying to hide her embarrassment.

" Sorry about that and nice meeting you ! Please don't tell your father about what just happened. " said Aria still not looking at him .

Florence seat in a cool way that made you feel mesmerizing but Aria was totally ignoring his pose and worrying about his father's change of mind .

" Okay ! But you just need to make sure that I have a fun day today ! I went through great lengths to get a day off from work , I am a pretty busy person . " said Flore in a charming way but in Aria's eyes he looked like a total brat .

" Well then miss Aria , let the blind date begin ! " said Florence when seeing her worried face .

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