Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 55 - I Found Aden A New Doctor

Aria went into the corridor and took the phone then called Ace with video chat . When Ace opened the video chat he remained a bit surprised yet annoyed by seeing Aria .

" Hello dear brother ! " said Aria acting as cutely as possible .

" Leave it , you won't change my mood by acting like that . First ! Why in the world are you talking with Bekora's phone ? Where is your phone ? Second , do I have to block the Kastijo corporation's computers each time I want to talk with you ?! " said Ace furious .

" Well....you see things kinda got.....a bit more complicated than before . Things are like this....." said Aria and started to tell everything to her brother . She told him about her meeting with madam Margrethe and how she got herself involved in her lawsuit , how she lost her phone and how angry she was with Helios .

" That's all ! Don't you think that blonde donkey is very annoying . I get so angry just by thinking of him . " said Aria .

" Dear sister , you have no right to be angry with anyone ! Do you know why ?! Because you're the biggest airhead , muddle head , stupid person that has ever lived on earth ! " said Ace irritated while massaging his forehead .

" Why are you....."

" You're not allowed to say another word ! What kind of idiot would throw a newly expensive phone like that out of the window just because someone asked for your phone number . Plus what person would agree to work for free as you do ?! " said Ace and continued to lecture Aria .

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At that time Helios received a message from the company which holds a problem with the tech system . Bekora and Mana saw that his face made a troubled expression and asked him what was going on . Helios said that it wasn't anything serious but he had to respond to this message . He opened the door and went out .

' Ah , these two siblings ! They are so troublesome ! Both of them ! ' thought Helios when reading the report that half of the corporation's computers were facing serious server error block .

He walked to the corridor that was lighted by the lights on the wall . When he was about to walk down the stairs to go on the first floor to the office where he had been working and get some materials that were needed he saw Aria . She was sitting on the first stair and talking via video chat with her brother .

' Think of the troublemakers and they appear right in front of you....' thought Helios a bit annoyed .

While she was talking with Ace , Helios heard that they were discussing madam Margrethe's lawsuit case and decided to eavesdrop them a little just to be sure they weren't planing anything bad .

" Ace ! She is a nice old lady . I really want to help her . I can even earn more experience . "

" I know , you are kind but others take that as a disadvantage and treat it as your weakness . You need to be careful . Not everyone is like you ! " said Ace worryingly .

" Don't worry I will be more careful ! " said Aria with a warm smile when hearing her brother's worried tone .

" Half of the energy and time that you dote on them .....can't you dote it to your holiday with us . Don't forget , you will have to study for another year and we won't be able to see each other . " said Ace with anger . Aria knew that she couldn't really say anything back to that . She was away from home too long and it was understandable that they wanted her to pass more time with them .

" Ace , do you really think that I will sacrifice my precious break with my family and help strangers for free?! " said Aria with a bitter expression .

" What do you mean ? " asked Ace .

" I need their help . I found Aden a new doctor . He was recommended to me by doctor Flaubert and he said that this doctor is a true specialist but..." said Aria taking a deep breath .

" But ?? " asked Ace impatiently .

" But the treatment is expensive . I made a deal with Bekora and he agreed to pay for Aden's treatment . Your flight and mine were also paid by him . Now I am taking this lawsuit with the hope of getting a recommendation letter from the queen of Denmark . " said Aria with a happy face .

" That's amazing Aria ! " said Ace with joy .

" Yes ! We can solve all of our problems if I can manage to get that letter . I know how you feel about the distance . I feel the same but I just can't leave everything I have been working for now that I may reach my goal . " said Aria with a smile .

' I knew it ! There's no way people do things for free . She is the same . For a minute I really thought she was naive and helped people just out of kindness . I kinda hoped she would be different , guess I was wrong . ' thought Helios with a forced smile . In his mind now he had concluded that Aria was just like the other girls and that her so-called sense of justice was just an act . He wanted to leave but at the same time, he wanted to listen to their conversation till the end .

' Why do you feel a bit disappointed ?! This was to be expected Helios , after all, human creatures are really greedy . I thought she was trustworthy however...! One wrong move can ruin my whole work over all these years . Although she helped me , her help wasn't sincere . I can't trust her ! ' thought Helios and then decided to leave since he heard enough .

" Is the case difficult ? " asked Ace .

" A bit ! It's about financial issues . From what I have seen it seems like the minister of the environment is suspicious . " said Aria with a serious expression .

" I see . Just please be cautious . " said Ace with a warm yet worried face .

" Sure ! I need your help too though ! " said Aria with a winking face .

" No problem just call me whenever you want ! " said Ace .

" And please stop blocking their company's computers ! I am serious ! If Bekora tells me one more time that you have blocked their tech system , I will punish you badly when you come here . " said Aria with a threatening face which made Ace nod twice .

" Wait a minute...come there ?! What do you mean ? " asked Ace confused .

" Of course you will come here , you silly guy ! It's not me who's going to do a check-up but Aden . All of you will come here in three days' time . I need to work and won't be able to come . Tell mom and the others . Bekora's people will pick you up and bring you to a hotel near here . He will call you and inform you when about the flight and the other issues . " said Aria .

" Okay ! I will inform the others too . Mom is already sleeping . She has been waiting all day for your call . I am telling you , she is really angry with you ! " said Ace with a lazy face .

" Help me calm her anger down , will ya ?! " asked Aria with a smile .

" Sure , easy said than done ! " said Ace with a scared face .

" Hahahaha ! I believe in you . Oh yeah ! Show me Aden for a little bit , I miss him a lot ! " said Aria .

Ace got up from his bed and went near Aden's bed . Aden was sleeping soundly . Aria felt relieved seeing his peaceful sleeping face .

' Everything will turn out just fine ! Sis will never let the chance of helping you go , even if I have to work like a robot ! ' thought Aria with a warm smile .

" See ! He is okay . Now that I know you're alright I will hang up . It's better for you to get a nice rest tonight since you have a lot of work to do . Good night sis ! Take care ! " said Ace .

" You too Ace , good night ! " said Aria and unwillingly closed the video chat .

' I really miss them ! I hope Aden will really find a cure here !.....And that Ace needs to be taught a good lesson . He keeps calling me silly and stupid , he has grown some guts while I was away ! This time I can't really blame him though , hat kind of person throws away a phone ?! Really... ' thought Aria who sighted with a defeated expression and then got up .

She realized that she had been talking for half an hour with Ace and hurried to go to Mana's room , hoping that Bekora hadn't left so that she could return the phone to him . When she opened the door she saw that Bekora hadn't left yet .

" Good that you hadn't left ! Here and thanks a lot Bekora . " said Aria with a polite smile .

" Sure ! " said Bekora .

" And don't worry about the computers in your company . I advised Ace to never do this again . " said Aria with a shiny smile .

" You advised him ?! Don't take me wrong Aria but your brother doesn't look like the type to listen to... " said Bekora and Aria interrupted .

" Oh, he listens to me ! As the eldest child, I have my own benefits, and Ace knows it too . " said Aria . Bekora and Mana laughed a little while Helios continued to watch Aria with an angry expression .

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