Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 57 - Lock Her In The Guest Room !

" You're not allowed to sleep here ! " said Helios to Aria .

" What ?! " asked Aria surprised .

" I think you heard me clearly crazy little tigress ! You're not allowed to sleep here ! " said Helios with an ordering tone .

" I don't think I need your permission . Mana , the owner of this room wants me to sleep here . I like it here and I will sleep here ! " said Aria and looked at Mana . Mana wanted to say something and help Aria but a terrifying glance from Helios made her stop before she could even begin .

' I'm sorry Aria , I can't say anything to back you up . He is too unreasonable and scary ! ' thought Mana looking at her with a nervous smile .

" So you're determined to stay here ?! " asked Helios with a carefree expression .

" Yes ! " said Aria with a determined look .

" Okay ! Fine ! I thought of solving this peacefully but it looks like force is needed . " said Helios and sent a message with his phone .

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' What is he doing ? ' thought Aria confused .

In a few minutes, the door knocked and three guards came in .

" Sir ! " said the guards in a polite manner .

" Take this crazy little tigress in the guest room and lock her up ! " said Helios with a commanding tone then he noticed that the guards were a little confused .

" Sir...who's....crazy little tigress ? " asked the guards .

" Can't you guys see who resembles a wild animal ?! " said Helios in a sarcastic tone .

" What ?! How dare you call me a wild animal you stupid blonde donkey ! " said Aria .

When the guards heard this nickname they opened their eyes wide from the shock then looked at prince Helios . He was keeping calm despite hearing such a nickname .

" Hey , will His Highness kill this girl ?! " asked one of the guards to the other ones in a low tone .

" I think he will first torture her then kill her . " whispered the other one .

" Most likely ! " said the third guard .

The guards were still in that shocking atmosphere . They came to their senses when Helios called them since he noticed that they were still shocked . In the beginning, he too found it shocking but now he was used to it and the people's reaction .

" What are you standing there for ?! Get her ! " said Helios with an ordering tone and the guards went towards Aria .

" Wait ! What are you doing ?! Bekora help me ! " asked Aria when they grabbed her from the wrist and arms .

" I am sorry Aria ! I can't go against him ! " said Bekora in a desperate tone and Mana agreed with Bekora . They didn't want to mess with him .

" Let me go ! I regret not beating you up with the wooden stick in the garden you blonde donkey . Tell these people to let me go ! What the hell do you want you, unreasonable person ! " said Aria trying to break herself free from the guards .

" If you listened then I wouldn't have to use this way . " said Helios and waved at the guards to leave with Aria .

Mana and Bekora started to glare at Helios but it didn't affect him at all .

" I don't want to hear anything from you guys ! " said Helios looking at both of them wih a irritated look .

" Mana take a good rest tonight ! Tomorrow I will send my people to investigate your kidnapping . Bekora you too , sleep early ! We will deal with that shitty minister's case first thing in the morning . " said Helios and then left the room .

" Huuuu...finally he went ! Seriously his anger makes me always nervous ! " said Mana who released a breath of relief when Helios went away .

" I agree , he is indeed scary ! I wonder how Aria goes against him each time so easily ! She is very brave . " said Bekora .

" Maybe because she doesn't know who he is , that's why she is so brave . " said Mana .

" Nah , I am pretty sure she won't change her behavior even after knowing who we are . Don't you think so too ? " asked Bekora .

" More then thinking like this , I am hoping that she doesn't change . " said Mana .

Bekora smiled warmly at her and patted her head a little bedding her good night and Mana as well . He shut the lights down and then quietly went out . Bekora saw a maid that passed by and ordered her to call two guards to stay on guard in front of Mana's room . The maid nodded and hurried to call the guards . After the guards came Bekora left towards his room that was four rooms way from Mana's . When he entered the room he took off his clothes and wore the pajamas then went to the bed . He kept thinking about how Helios locked Aria and hoped that tomorrow would be a quiet day but with those two who fought like Tom and Jerry it was likely impossible .

The guards carried Aria until they arrived at the room . Aria struggled a lot to escape them but it was useless . They were much stronger than her . She thought that with that shiny armor of theirs and a blade hanged on their belt it was normal that they were much stronger than her . When they opened the door , they turned on the lights and put Aria in the bed . She looked around and remained amazed . The room was just like Mana's , like a royal princess's room . The bed where she was staying was bigger than a double bed and very soft . It felt like you were sitting on a cloud and the blanket was made of

" Then good night miss ! " said one of the guards and the three of them were ready to leave but Aria stopped them .

" Wait ! You're going to lock me in here ?! What about when I need to use the toilet ?! " said Aria and the guard pointed towards a door that was near the closet .

" This room has a bathroom . If you happen to be hugry just press that button near your bed and a maid will come to take your order miss . " said the guard .

" Do you really have to lock me in here ?! " asked Aria hopelessly . Now that she learned the room had both a bathroom and food service she ran out of excuses .

" We follow the orders miss ! " said the guard .

" Then , can I ask you , who is that guy that gave you the order to lock me here ? " asked Aria with piercing eyes . The guard was about to speak but his friend stopped him and whispered something in his ear .

" This.....I am afraid that I am unable to help you out miss . You may ask that person directly when you meet him . Good night miss ! " said the guard a bit nervous .

" Good night ! " said Aria and the guards went outside . The noise of the door being locked twice brought to her mind memories of her time in France .

" I finally got a vacation from that demon-like professor of mine and I haven't spent more than a week with my family . When I get back I will be stuck there for another year and a half . " said Aria to herself while laying on the bed and looking at the wall .

The beautiful golden decorations were everywhere , surrounding her . She thought that this castle was magnificent both inside and out . When thinking about all the things she had seen here , Helios came to mind .

" If it weren't for that jerk , blond donkey , I would have enjoyed this beautiful scene to the fullest . Even that guard didn't tell me who he was . I can't help but feel uneasy every time I am in front of him .... I can't deny that he is good looking . " said Aria .

She remembered the moment he caught her when her foot slipped . His blue eyes that looked straight at hers , those eyes looked like a pair of deep light blue gemstones . His hair was an unusual kind of blonde . Their blond color was the same color as grain . His skin , white like porcelain was softer than a woman's . Aria kept thinking about all his features without even realizing it herself .

" What the ...?! Why the hell am I thinking about that annoying blonde donkey ! Aria what's wrong with you ?! He locked you twice without reason . The first time was worse cause they even tied me up....although this time is better than the first time , it still feels hurtfull to know that they have locked you . " said Aria and then came to her senses .

' Anyway , I gotta think of a way to solve madam Margrethe's issue . That minister of the environment is the sliest one . I better look into his data first since I am sure he must be the one behind the scenes . I truly hope to find something in the files madam Margrethe will hand me tomorrow . I really do ! If I can manage to solve this and get the queen of Denmark's recommendation letter , it will be a piece of cake to find a job . I have to succeed no matter what . For Aden and for my family ! ' thought Aria , slowly closing her eyes and falling asleep .

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