Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 59 - I'll Let You Off....for Now !

Helios ate a cookie and got up .

" Where are you going ? " asked madam Margrethe a bit worried that he would go and trouble Aria again . When he saw her expression he understood her thoughts right away .

"Don't worry grandma ! I will go and look for her later . I have some things to take care of first . " said Helios with a smirk .

" Haaa....Please don't trouble her now that she is working ! She told me that she had another important thing to take care of and wanted to finish as fast as possible . " said madam Margrethe with a serious expression .

" Did she ask you to stop me from going to the library and annoy her ?! " asked Helios with a smirk .

' I should have known that my grandson's sharpness level is unbeatable ! ' thought madam Margrethe while looking away from his sight .

" So she indeed asked ! No worries grandma , I won't hinder her work . I will just ask her how is she planning on ' turning off ' the fire . " said Helios with a devilish smile and then left to go towards his personal office . Yesterday he received a report via email that needed to be checked .

" Ahfff.....He's so hard to handle ! Ah...poor Aria ! " said madam Margrethe with a helpless tone .

On his way to the office, Helios noticed that today it was a nice sunny day and decided to walk for a bit before going inside . While walking under the shiny sun and surrounded by the fresh roses he unintentionally found himself in front of the library while it hadn't been two hours since his grandma told him to not disturb her . Helios found it strange too how his feet brought him to the library . For someone who doesn't live in the castle, such a coincidence isn't unusual but for Helios who grew up within these walls, it felt rather strange that he went there .

' What the hell's wrong with me ?! Not to know my own home ?! ' thought Helios standing in front of the library while the wind slowly moved his hair .

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' Whatever , since I am here why not take a look at what that little tigress is doing ! ' thought Helios and decided to enter inside .

The door was guarded by two guards that were standing on guard . When they saw Helios they bowed and were about to say Your Highness but Helios stopped them in time . He didn't want Aria to know and it was easy to be heard since the library is so big . He entered the hallway and passed through the corridor until he arrived in front of the library door . Outside the door was the guard who accompanied Aria to the library a while ago .

" Your Highness ! " said the guard in a bit of a low voice tone and bowed .

" Is she inside ? " asked Helios .

" Yes ! Miss Aria is working on the issue with the ministers . Her Majesty ordered me to not allow you to disturb her while working , Your Highness . " said the guard while bowing .

" I won't disturb her , I will just watch what she is doing and go back . You go at the end of the corridor and wait there . " said Helios and the guard did as he ordered .

' What is granda afraid of ?! I will just bother her for a bit then go . ' thought Helios when entering inside with a grin .

After being inside the library Helios remained near the entrance door to make sure he wouldn't be spotted by her . He noticed that Aria had taken more than eight thick books and had opened all of them in one of the large tables that were there . In the middle , she had put the laptop and two notebooks . When he finished looking at all the materials Aria had opened on the table , he took a peek at Aria who was writing her ideas on the whiteboard . She had tied her hair , unbuttoned the shirt a little near her neck, and taken off the jacket she was wearing . She was also wearing glasses . Her messy yet attractive look made Helios unable to take his eyes off her . The serious expression she had made it seem as if she had forgotten all about her surroundings and had entered her own world . She usually was childish and carefree but when she was in work mode she changed into a serious person .

' The aura that she's emitting now , it's her professionalist aura . Although she's a childish , she is very good at handling law issues . She goes through that whole material as if she is reading a fairytale...she looks at them faster than a normal person.....No , she is trying to find an answer by combining each piece together . Her way of searching is messy and complicated just like her

temper ! She's got something that's somehow making me unable to watch away , Aria ...' thought Helios while looking at her reading the books and writing on the whiteboard .

' Since you are working so hard to solve my grandma's issue I'll let you off....for now ! ' thought Helios with a smirk and then quietly closed the door to make sure not to disturb her .

When he went out he called the guard back and told him to get back on guarding her then he left for the main building of the castle where his office was . Helios walked for a bit and arrived at the entrance . The two guards that were guarding there opened the door for him , to enter . While walking towards his office , Helios saw that Bekora and Mana had woken up already and were waiting for him . They knew that Helios was working on a new project these days and he would most likely be in his office since each time he's in the middle of a project he shuts himself inside the office all day .

" See , told you , we would find him here ! " said Bekora with a smile, and Mana nodded .

" Morning lazy people ! " said Helios .

" Morning to you too Mr workaholic ! " siad Bekora and Mana at the same time . When they heard themselves that they said the same thing they laughed along with Helios .

" So what are you guys looking for me ? " asked Helios while opening the door and inviting the both of them in .

The door to Helios's office was special and could be opened only by scanning his hand . It was impossible to enter without his palm scanning . This office was Helios's first base , where his career started . It was the only place he could rest peacefully without worries during the difficult period he was going through back then . Mana and Bekora took sat down on the couch in his office . Mana had a bit of a nervous look in her face but she took courage and asked Helios where Aria was . When he saw her expression he thought that it was weird .

" Why do you seem so nervous when asking me ? " asked Helios .

' Of course, I feel nervous cause you were so mad yesterday and even locked up my savior ! ' thought Mana with a forced smile .

" I haven't seen Aria at all and I was hoping you could tell me where she is ! I went to the guest room but she wasn't there . " said mana in a polite manner .

" If you're worrying that I may have done something to her then don't . I did intend to bother her but grandma came and rescued her . " said Helios a bit annoyeed .

' Well done grandma ! ' thought Mana .

" Where is she now ? " asked Mana with a big smile .

' Her smile is unusually shiny today ! I can tell that she must be planning something . Mana looks rather cute today . Haa.....she always dresses cutely since she is a designer . She is my cousin so it's natural that she is a cute girl even if she didn't dress up . Anyway I can't let her get near Aria , untill I am sure that that little tigress doesn't like girls . I need to protect Mana !...Yes for Mana ! ' thought Helios while examing Mana from head to toe .

" I can see from your facial expression that you want to play around with her but I have to disappoint you . She is now at the library working on the law case with the ministers and trying to find a solution to the problem . Grandma has ordered not to disturb her under any circumstances . " said Helios with a serious expression .

" Grandma told you not to disturb Aria and you didn't disturb her ?! " asked Bekora surprised and Helios nodded in sign of agreement .

" You actually listened to her about something that goes against your desire ?!....You ?! " asked Bekora still surprised .

" What's so strange about this for you to look so surprised ? " asked Helios a bit confused .

" Because you lack common sense and you're way too arrogant to listen to someone . " murmured Bekora . Mana was able to hear it and nodded her head with a helpless expression . Helios noticed it and let go of the file he was looking at to focus on those two .

" What are you two murmuring together about ?! " asked Helios with an interrogative gaze which made both of them shut up like obedient children .

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