Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 70 - Dancing

Before she started dancing her mind was only focused on the incident in the resting salon. Aria kept thinking about the person who kissed her . She wasn't able to see anything cause it was too dark but the moment a bit of light shined upon him , she was able to see his eyes . A unique blue color that was most likely the only one on it's kind . While dancing she started to look around and remained amazed . Due to that incident that occupied her mind , she wasn't able to notice how beautiful the ballroom was . The ballroom was quite large, and may have ceilings higher than other rooms in the castle . The large amount of space for dancing, as well as the highly formal tone of events have given rise to ballroom dancing. They are also designed large to help the sound of orchestras carry well throughout the whole room. The lights in crystal shape looked like diamonds stuck in the celling . The red curtains made of silk were gorgeous , not obly that , the ceiling was also breath taking with his golden decoration and small paintings of angels . Helios noticed that Aria was looking around with a dreamy shinning smile and laughed a litte .

' She looks like a kid who's seeing the outside world for the first time . Kinda cute ! ' thought Helios with a warm smile .

" Is this miss's first ball ? " asked Helios who alredy knew the answer .

" Oh...yes . " said Aria a bit nervous that she was caught spacing out .

" Since it's your first ball it's only right that miss is a little nervous ." said Helios .

" I guess you're right ! " said Aria with a cute smile .

' If she knew who I was she would never smile cutely like this . ' thought Helios with a bitter smile .

" If it's not a problem may I know your name miss ? " said Helios looking straight at her eyes .

" I don't think that will be necessary sir . " said Aria .

" Why not ? Does miss fairy think that this knight is unworthy of knowing her name ?! " asked Helios with a smirk .

When she heard him calling himself a knight Aria remembered what Mana told her while they were dressing up . In tonight's ball people will wear masks and will adapt to the ball's past traditions . The men were called knights and the women were called lady or miss . This was to make the atmosphere more lively and try something new once in a while .

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

" I don't think that the handsome knight in front of me is unworthy . It's just that it will be unecessary . " said Aria and this made Helios a bit confused .

" Unecessary ?! I don't think this knight is understanding what the miss is saying . " said Helios .

" I am saying that , we won't meet each other again cause I will soon leave Denmark so there's no need for knowing my name knight . " said Aria with a smirk .

' What does she mean , we won't meet again ?! She will leave Denmark ?! ' thought Helios a bit surprised .

Mana and Bekora who were dancing a little bit farther from those two . Mana was able to catch a glimpse of Aria's white gown and saw that she was dancing . When the people who blocked Mana's view moved a little , she was able to see clearly who Aria's dance partner was . She remained surprised when she saw that that person was Helios . They were looking at each other with a peaceful look in their eyes which kinda shocked her .

" What's wrong my princess ? " asked Bekora who saw Mana's surprised expression .

" Aria and Helios are dancing peacefully together . " said Mana without taking her eyes of them .

" You must be kidding me ?! Those two don't stay a minute quiet without starting a fight . " said Bekora who found Mana's words too hard to believe .

" You think that I wouldn't be able to recognize my own work . I am telling you the two of them are surprisingly peacefull tonight . " said Mana .

Bekora looked at them again . Mana was right , they were indeed unusually peaceful . Either something had happened between them or else thise two wouldn't be so friendly .

" Those two indeed are acting weird but don't you think they give of a nice vibe . " said Bekora while looking at Helios's smile . 

" A nice vibe ?! " asked Mana with disbelief . 

" Yeah ! Like they are a perfect mach with each other . Don't you think so too Mana ? " said Bekora and Mana looked at them again . 

Although Aria wasn't as beautiful as Helios's previous lovers , right now she looked like she was the one destined for him . Helios's warm expression assured Mana of what Bekora said . 

' They look nice , but I wonder if that guy will realize how his expression looks like right now ?! If someone told him so , he would strongly deny it . ' thought Mana and continued to dance with Bekora . 

She noticed that the same look that Bekora had the same expression like Helios when looking at Aria tight now . He made a sweet smile that even he himself didn't realize . This made Mana blush a little and looked again at Aria . 

' There's no way ! ' said Mana to herself with a bitter smile . 

Bekora noticed that Mana was feeling a bit down and pulled her near him . 

" My princess , you promised me this dance ! Don't t look at others while I am the one who's in front of you now . It will make me burn with jealousy . " said Bekora with his handsome look . 

Mana felt her heart beating like crazy even thought he was just acting . She thought that maybe he noticed she felt a bit down when watching Aria and Helios and wanted to cheer her up . 

" You know Bekora , you're really a playboy ! " said Mana with her cheeks red . 

" Oh , I am flattered taht the princess is satisfied with my performance ! " said Bekora with a naughty smile . 

" Don't flatter yourself you idiot ! " said Mana with her cheeks even more red . Bekora looked so handsome in this costume and with that kind of behavior , he was able to make a mess out of Mana's heart . 

Bekora laughed a little when he heard what Mana said . 

' She's the cutest when she's shy ! ' thought Bekora .

Helios continued to look at Aria while they were dancing and couldn't clearly understand why she said that she would leave Denmark . 

' Her family will leave for London but her little brother is likely to stay here in Denmark for further treatment . Since her family can't accompany him , she is the person who's likely to stay here and take care of him . She loves her brother a lot so why ?! ' thought Helios . 

The music came to an end and Aria released her hands from Helios's hands . The two of them slightly bowed in fromt of each other . 

" It was a really nice dance ! Thank you for inviting sir knight ! " said Aria with a smile . 

" The pleasure was all mine miss . Having the possibility to dance with such a beautiful fairy is every man's dream . " said Helios with a naughty smile which made Aria blush a little .

" Well then I shall take my leave now ! " said Aria and prepared to leave but Helios talked again .

" Miss , you don't know what fate has reserved for us ! Why are you so sure thatwe won't see each other again . " said Helios .

" Simple ! Because I don't belong to this place . I really need to take my leave now . Goodbye sir knight ! " said Aria with a smile and left Helios immersed in thoughts . 

When Aria left Helios started to laugh . 

' She knows her place well and that's a good thing . You aren't easily tempted by others . Firm and sweet ! ' thought Helios when looking at her back . 

Now that the music finished Mana went to find Aria and Bekora went towards Helios . The two of them were so eager to know what was actually going on between the Aria and Helios . 

" Aria ! " said Mana and Aria turned her head around . 

" Mana ! I saw that you dancing a while ago , you really looked gorgeous ! " said Aria with a warm smile . 

" You too looked very nice ! Your knight was really good looking too ! Lucky you ! " said Mana with a smirk which made Aria blush . 

" Yeah ! I have to admit that he was really handsome . " said Aria with her cheeks a bit red .

" So did he asked for your phone number ? " asked Mana who wanted to tease her a bit and also learn why she wasn't saying Helios's name .

" No ! I really don't have time for romance right now ! " said Aria with a calm expression .

' He was really handsome . This ball really felt like it was a fairytale , apart from that unpleasant kiss scene everything else was perfect . I know it sounds a bit selfish but how would I wish for time to stop right now , or for this night to last a bit more since I won't have the possibility to live this experience again . ' thought Aria to hertself .

" Why are you saying you don't have time for romance ? " asked Mana a bit surprised .

" Romance is just a distraction from my main goal . I need to focus on ending my studies and my brother's treatment . " said Aria and Mana smiled at her with gentleness .

" Your right , women gotta form their career first then focus on romance . " said Mana .

" By the way , you and your dance partner were so well matched . " said Aria and formed a heart with her hands . Mana's face suddenly became as red as a tomato .

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