Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 79 - Mother's Anger

' If my mom wasn't so hot-tempered I would have caught that bastard already. I wasn't able to know who he was or his name . Now it will be very difficult to see him again . From his outfit, he was clearly someone from the palace . All the men that came had worn a simple classic and expensive formal outfit with little decorations while he and Bekora had worn a more royalty style outfit . ' thought Aria when looking at Bekora who hadn't changed his outfit .

' Wait a minute....Bekora....yes....since he and that person were wearing the same style of clothes then he must definitely know who he is . Bekora is a kind person and he will tell me who he is . What if he asks why I want to know ?! I can't possibly tell him the reason why . I need to bring it up later when we discuss about the minister's case . ' thought Aria .

" Why are you staying there like a block of wood ?! Come here ! " said madam Kejt in an ordering tone and pointed at the couch where she was sitting .

' I can't tell mom about how I lost my first kiss . Knowing her character she'll call me an idiot for the rest of my life each time she sees me . She may even change my name from Aria to Idiot . ' thought Aria when looking at her mother with an aura full of hate .

Aria went closer and took a seat next to her mother . Madam Kejt glared at Aria and hit her two times in the head .

" Ouc ! Mom ! I need my head to make a living ! What will I do if I become dumb from your beating ?! " said Aria while rubbing her head where her mom hit her .

Helios laughed a little . Mana and Bekora were left a little surprised when they saw Aria's mom behaving like that .

' After this, I won't complain about my mom being harsh anymore . Aria's mom is indeed very scary . ' thought Bekora when seeing how hard she hit Aria .

" You don't need me to hit you to become dumb , you're already a dumb girl . " said Aria's mom and hit her again .

" Mom , please stop . It's embarrassing ! " said Aria when she noticed Mana and Bekora's startled face . She saw Helios and saw him blinking an eye at her while smirking .

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' I really hate that guy ! ' thought Aria .

" I was so happy when Ace told me that you found a new and more skilled doctor for Aden . I thought of letting it slide the fact that you didn't bother to give me a call and waited patiently till I came here to meet you but...what I see when I come here ?! A bunch of armed guys and my daughter hanging at the candelabrum ! Luckily you're not hurt otherwise I would have broken your legs ! That way I will make sure that you won't put yourself in danger anymore and at the same time, I can relax too cause I won't need to worry about you anymore . " said madam Kejt with a scary expression on her face .

" I'm....very....sorry ! " said Aria with a trembling voice while looking at her mother's expression .

' She looks like she's really thinking about breaking my legs and making me unable to move ! I better be careful with what I say ! ' thought Aria while trembling .

" You better be ! My life is being shortened just because I worry too much about you . " said madam Kejt and continued to scold Aria about how irresponsible she was .

Helios looked at them and thought that they were a bit funny .

' Aria is like a little tigress but right now.....she trembles like a little squirrel when her mother scolds her . I do agree that her mother is a bit scary though ! Looking at them I can kinda guess where she got her character from . Her mother is like a big fierce tigress while Aria is like a little tigress . ' though Helios while watching Aria's mother who was scolding her furiously .

" Bekora help Aria ! " whispered Mana a bit worried about Aria .

" I want to help her but her mother.....is scarier than mine . " whispered Bekora with a nervous smile .

" Well...you're right about that ! " whispered Mana when watching madam Kejt .

Ace was used to these scenes between his mother and his sister . He didn't actually blame his mother for being so harsh on Aria . She often put herself in dangerous situations without caring about her safety . She mostly thought only about the profits she could get from these situations but at the same time she had an unusual kindness and pity towards the people in danger . When Aria said that she wanted to become a judge and had won a scholarship in France , their mother was very against it . It wasn't forbidden for women to become judges but it was a dangerous position . Madam Kejt worried that Aria wasn't smart enough for this position despite having good grades . Judges involve themselves in politics often . The politics were a battlefield without mercy full of corruption . The most fraudulent one was the winner . For Aria who lacked a lot in this aspect , it wouldn't be easy and she may even end up mixing herself with unnecessary troubles that will hurt her unjustly . Ace thought the same as their mother did . He worried about Aria a lot and that's also one of the main reasons that he started learning about computer programs . 

" I am warning you for the last time Aria ! If I see you put yourself in danger again and be so careless , I swear that I will make sure you drop out in your last year of university . " said Aria's mom, and Aria reluctantly nodded her head .

" I know . " said Aria with a guilty tone .

Aria could notice clearly the worry , uneasiness, and fear in her mother's eyes even though she was really angry right now .

' I know that mom is worried about me but I can't stop my studies now that I am almost finished . I don't like to make her feel worried about me since she's already worried enough about Aden but I need to do this...I have to succeed ! ' thought Aria determined . 

" Knowing your character , you will most likely forget if you aren't punished . " said madam Kejt .

" Mom , I am sure this scolding was enough . " said Ace and tried to help Aria .

" No way ! Don't think you will escape easily after scaring me to death Aria . " said madam Kejt .

She was about to speak Aria's punishment but Mana spoke .

" Madam Kejt , Aria is innocent . Today it was our fault and she didn't deliberately got herself in that mess . It was partially our fault . " said Mana and looked at Bekora . 

" Don't try to cover up for her miss . I saw clearly my stupid daughter hanging up the candelabrum without taking into consideration her safety . As I remember, apart from the kidnappers only two masked young men were there and you weren't . How can you say that you were responsible for her being involved in that mess ?! " said madam Kejt with a piercing look in her eyes .

' She has sharp eyes . ' thought Mana with a nervous smile .

" Madam Kejt , one of those masked people was me . " said Bekora .

" Oh , so you were there ! Who are you ? " asked madam Kejt with a look full of doubt .

" My name is Bekora Kastijo . " said Bekora .

' My son told me about him . He's the boss's close relative and the one who paid for our flight here . Those people who accompanied us before were also his people . Ace told me that he and the boss's wealth are almost the same and both of them are very close . Ace also said that they were really rich . What's these rich people's aim ?! Why are they trying to get close to my daughter ?! They can have every lawer or judge they desire with how much money they have . Why would they approach Aria ?! Something's clearly fishy here and I suspect that it's my careless's daughter's fault . Ah , Aria , why can't you try and stay put for once ! ' though madam Kejt with a helpless expression while thinking of Aria .

" So you're mister Bekora . My son has told me about you . Thank you in advance for helping us with the flight and Aden's medical expenses . " said madam Kejt with a polite smile .

" It's nothing madam . Aria has helped us a lot and of course, she deserves most of the credit . " said Bekora with a nervous smile .

' She was looking at me quietly . For a minute there , I thought that she would start to yell at me for putting her daughter in danger . ' thought Bekora with a sigh of relief since he was dragged along by Mana in this conversation . 

" Even if you two claim that she was dragged into this mess , I need to make sure she understands her mistake . She is stupidly fearless and as her mother, I am really worried about this . She's careless and doesn't think about protecting herself . She thinks she's a superman who can't get hurt . She's always in search of adventures since she was young and she often acts without thinking first . So don't speak up for her ! " said madam Kejt with a harsh tone and Bekora zipped his mouth .


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