Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 88 - A Powerful Kick In His...X

An hour ago...

While waiting for Bekora , Ace and Helios were looking at each other .

" It takes time to make a contract . Why don't we sign it tomorrow ?! It's not like I or my sister will leave tomorrow . " said Ace .

" Tomorrow I am busy with the investigation and don't have time to deal with these . " said Helios while looking at a file .

" Investigation ?! Why would someone like you take care of this personally ?! " said Ace surprised .

" For the time being it's not necessary for you to know . " said Helios with a serious expression . 

Ace understood that he wouldn't tell him , so he didn't ask anymore and started to play on his phone . While they were waiting , Bekora called a person from the law department within the palace to come and make the contract ready according to his words .

" Is it finished yet ?! " said Bekora impatient .

' Helios , finally decided to let them in the group . This contract needs to be signed as soon as possible before he changes his mind . ' thought Bekora a bit worried .

Bekora was looking attentively at the contract and saw that the person from the royal law department wrote that it had immediate effect once it is signed .

' Aria won't sign it unless she finishes her main job first . She came here just for the sake of her little brother and now her family is here too . We better give her some time for her to take care of her matters first . ' thought Bekora while reading the contract's rules on the computer screen .

" Here on this part , write two weeks before the agreement comes in power . " said Bekora pointing at the screen .

" Yes sir ! " said the person from the law department .

Bekora continued to look at the person who was writing the contract . Ramolo had already arrived at the castle .

" Geez ! Those two came here and left me all alone to handle their company's work . " said Ramolo with a tired expression .

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Ramolo managed the company for the time Helios and Bekora were in Denmark . He handled both of their work and the investigation Helios told him about .

' I want a vacation ! This whole work during this week has been killing me . ' thought Ramolo with a washout expression .

In his hands he was holding the file with the investigation datas and records that Ramolo had found regarding Mana's kidnapping . He walked straight and looked around .

' Now that I look at it....it's been a while since I was in this castle . I have forgotten where I should go . ' thought Ramolo and walked around to find a maid who could help him .

Ramolo used to live in the castle when he was a child and often played with prince Helios and sir Bekora . Gradually they became good friends . One day when Helios's aunt saw them , she told her husband , Helios's uncle , that it wasn't a good thing that the young prince and his cousin played with a servant's son . In the end , his uncle convinced his dad and fired Ramolo's parents . Helios was like other children , spoiled and cute . When he heard this he became sad and tried to change his father's mind but it was useless . Now that Ramolo came back again , the castle had undergone adjustments and it wasn't like it used to be . After walking randomly , he saw a maid and went to ask for directions .

" Hi ! Can you please tell me where sir Bekora is ? " said Ramolo politely .

" Sure ! Go straight and turn on the left . Sir Bekora is in prince Helios's office .

" Thank you ! " said Ramolo and followed the maid's instructions .

Ramolo was about to enter the office and heard a noise coming from the door beside . He got curious and went to see what was going on . He saw that Bekora was talking with a worker about a contract .

" Hey Bekora ! " said Ramolo with a smile .

" Ramolo ! Welcome dear buddy ! " said Bekora with a smile and both of them clapped their hands . 

" What's going on ? " asked Ramolo when he saw a person holding a file with papers . 

" I am just gonna say that two new memebers will be joining the team soon . " said Bekora with a smirk .

" Who ?! " asked Ramolo a bit shocked .

" Take a guess ! " said Bekora with a grin and took the file from that person .

" Huh ?! " said Bekora a bit confused . 

" Let's go at Helios's office as soon as these papers finish . You will know when you get there . " said Bekora .

At Helios's office , Ace was still playing on his phone while Helios kept typing on the computer . 

" Hey , where's the toilet ? " asked Ace .

" There's one next to this door ! " said Helios and Ace got up from the couch then went out . 

Ace walked to the next door but instead of going to the toilet , he ended up at the room where Bekora and Ramolo were . 

" Ace ?! " asked Bekora a bit surprised that he came here . 

" Oh Bekora ! Can you tell me where the toilet is ? " asked Ace .

" It's on the other side ! " said Bekora with a smile .

" Sir , the contract is ready . " said the person from the law department and handed the contract to Bekora . 

Bekora took a pen from his pocket and gave it to Ace . 

" This is the contract with the condition you requested . Read it and sign at the end of the paper . " said Bekora handing the contract to Ace and giving him the pen . 

Ace took the contract and started to read it . After reading it he took the pen , placed the contract on the table then signed it . Before Ace handed the contract the door knocked . Bekora took the contract and then Ramolo opened the door .

" Lamb...I mean miss ?! " said Ramolo surprised when he saw Aria .

" Oh , I know you ! You were with that annoying blonde donkey that day at the airport ! At the company too ! " said Aria when she saw him . 

"A...a..a.annoying...blo..blonde..do..do...don..key ?! " said Ramolo with his face going pale . 

' Why do these people have the same reaction when I call him that ?! ' thought Aria a bit doubtful .

" Aria ! Here , take a look at this ! " said Bekora without losing time to ask her why she was here . 

When she saw that her name was written in there she started to read it . The contract was abouu a post in the Castejo company as a lawyer and part of the boss's right hand team which was highly paid . 

' With this contract I can earn a nice sum of money evry month and without working much . I just need to follow my boss and take care of law issues . A piece of cake and a lot of money . Nice ! Even if I don't successfully solve the issue with the ministers I won't be at a disadvantage . I can still live pretty well . ' thought Aria with a smile . 

When she read Ace's name and saw that he had signed , she looked at him surprised . 

" What's with that look ?! Not happy that we will work together ?! " said Ace in a bit of a teasing tone with a smile . 

" Are you kidding me ?! This is awesome ! " said Aria and Ace gave her the pen . 

Aria took a close look to the contract and saw that the requirement of the boss in her part was that she especially , had to follow him everywhere . 

' Maybe because he has a lot of opponents and they often bug him about suing him so that's why he has written this requirement . ' thought Aria and signed the contract then handed it over to Bekora who was keeping a calm expression on the outside while being extremely happy . 

' Finally madam Karen won't bother us with the law matters anymore aince Aria is on our side . ' thought Bekora .

He hoped that she would sur them with another issue and they could defeat her again . Nothing was more pleasant to him than her angry expression .

" Signed , here ! Thank you for this opportunity . I am sure you must have spoken to your boss for us . Truly I will never forget this favor . " said Aria with a pure and kind smile which made Bekora a bit guilty .

' Did I make the right choice , mixing this nice girl in our troublesome black matters ?! ' thought Bekora with a smile . 

" Now can you please tell me where that annoying guy is ?!! Please ! " said Aria with a threatening smile . 

" In the room next door . " said Bekora a bit frightened by her look right now . Ramolo and Ace were also frightened by her . 

' What have you done Helios ?! She's never been so mad and terrifying . ' thought Bekora with an extremely nervous smile . 

" Thank you ! " said Aria and closed the door .

She headed towards the other room beside this and opened the door forcibly . 

" What bring you here little tigress ?! " said Helios with a smile . 

' Ha ha ha ! Looking by her angry expression she must have learned something . Seems like you're  not that stupid ! ' thought Helios with a smirk . 

Aria kept staring at him .

" Why do you keep looking at me..? " said Helios then got up from his seat and went near Aria . 

" Are you so mesmerized by my handsome looks ? " said Helios and saw that she was still looking at him . 

" What ?! Wanna touch me ? " said Helios jockingly with a seducing expression .

Aria stayed silent for a moment them looked at him .

" Yeah ! I sure wanna ! " said Aria with an extremely angry expression  and with all her force she threw a powerful kick between Helios's legs . 

Helios felt like as if a lightning had stuck him . Immense pain was coming from his lower body and made him get down on his kneees . 

" This...You're...so dead ! " said Helios with anger and pain . 

" Heh ! You shouldn't have messed with me if you didn't want to suffer . " said Aria with a strong presence and anger boiling within her . 

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