Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 91 - Scolding Eavesdroppers

Aria looked at Bekora and nodded her head .

" I won't pay to much attention to it . Now I have bigger issues to worry about than dealing with that blonde donkey . " said Aria with a serious tone .

" Are you thinking about your little brother ? " said Bekora and saw that Aria's expression changed into a concerned expression .

" Of course I am worried about him . I keep thinking about what the doctor said to me that day . That he could immediately determine whether my little brother could be cured or not . Doctor Flaubert , my brother's current doctor , told me that he is a very experienced doctor in this field and he can easily diagnose his patients now . " said Aria with a worried expression .

" You know , my men who accompanied your family here told me that your little brother was a very cute kid . I can't wait to see him . What's his name ? " said Bekora with a smile .

Bekora knew that Aria worried about her little brother more than necessary . He believed that everything would be alright and he would recover but Aria was really stressed about this . It was difficult to try and ease her thoughts .

" His name is Aden and he's a very sweet boy ! " said Aria with a warm expression and cute smile .

" What a nice name ! I am sure that he's a very cute child . " said Bekora with a smile .

" Yeah , he is ! You said that we could have a private appointment . If you are free , can we go now ?! I can't focus on the minister's case if I don't settle this matter first . " said Aria seriously .

" Sure ! " said Bekora and waved his hand .

A worker with a formal black suit came and stood before Bekora .

" You go get your brother first and wait for me at the entrance . He will follow you and show you the way to the car . I won't be late , wait for me there . " said Bekora with a polite smile .

" Okay ! " said Aria with a happy smile and rushed to get her brother .

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Bekora saw Aria that was happily running towards the room and his worker following him .

' I better go and take a look at Helios before leaving . To see whether his lower part still works or not ?! ' thought Bekora with a nervous smile .

Although he knew that Helios was really scary , he still decided to go and take a look since him cause his curiosity kept bugging him . 

At the medical department the situation wasn't that good . Helios was sitting on the double sized bed in the royal medical department and was glaring at the people inside the room . Everyone was so frightened by his glare that it felt as if their bodies were being pierced by cold frozen arrows .

" You were babbling nonstop when peeking behind me office's door and now you're really quiet . Eavesdropping is really rude . So , do you have nothing to say ?! " said Helios with an angry tone .

" We.....we're really sorry ! " said Mana , Klara , Ramolo , Ace and butler Albert with his son .

" Oh , you're sorry now ?! " said Helios in a sarcastic tone .

Helios saw that all of them had a very nervous and frightened expression on their face .

' Looking at their scared expressions , they must be feeling really sorry . I should keep torturing them psychologically but first..... ' thought Helios and looked at Ace .

Ace saw that he was glaring at him with a serious face .

' Sure enough that I am the one he will especially deal with since I am the brother of that stupid girl who hurt his pride . Ah sister ! I have to endure so much just because of your silliness . If I knew this would happen I wouldn't have signed that contract . Now we can't break it ! ' thought Ace with a troubled face .

" You there ! " said Helios with an ordering tone which made Ace flinch .

" Yes ?! " said Ace .

" Ramolo tried to get your sister's cv twice but he wasn't able to get me a proper one cause you kept interfering in the sistem and blocked all her info . I want a ' very detailed ' CV written personally by you ! It must contain every information about your sister otherwise I will severely punish her . Got it ?! " said Helios with a threatening tone full with anger . 

" .....Yes ! " said Ace reluctantly . 

' After he gives me all of her personal info , it will be easy to force her to do what she doesn't like . I can't wait till I get revenge ! ' thought Helios with a smirk .

Now that he saw how angry Helios was , he really regretted agreeing to the proposal of joining their team . 

' I only thought about the benefits if this contract and didn't take into consideration the consequences of this devil's temper . I just wanted to give sis a break and make things easy for her but it turned out completely different from what I thought . Even though Aria was a bit reluctant , I clearly noticed that she signed it without reading it till the end the moment she saw my signature . I should have been more careful ! ' thought Ace guilty and worried about his sister .

" Good ! You can go and prepare it now ! " said Helios and Ace left .

When he walked out of the door he saw that Bekora was listening outside .

" Bekora ?! " said Ace in a low voice .

" Don't speak my name ! He may hear it ! " said Bekora afraid that Helios would realize that he was listening to him .

" Where's my sister ? " asked Ace a bit worried .

" She's waiting outside with your little brother . We wil go to the doctor and have him diagnosed . " said Bekora .

The room where Helios was now was filled with an angry atmosphere which made you feel the chills when you approached it .

" I want to come with you ! " said Ace .

" I will go there with Aria , you stay here . " said Bekora .

" Only an idiot would stay in the same place with that kind of person when he's angry . I will go with you ! " said Ace while pointing with his look at the room where Helios was .

' If I wanna keep my neck safe then I will have to come back and pay a visit to him later after his anger has ceased a bit ! ' thought Bekora troubled .

" Yeah , I guess you're right about that ! Let's get going before he hears us ! " said Bekora and Ace followed him then both of them left towards the entrance where Aria was waiting .

Helios looked at Mana .

" You will never fly towards other places without bodyguards ever again ! " said Helios with a serious ordering tone .

" Yess..ss..! " said Mana scared .

' He knew my schedule ?! I guess he will never let me travel on my own ever again . ' thought Mana dejected . The thing she hated the most was to have people supervise her but she didn't dare to object Helios's decision .

" Butler Albert , you and your son may leave . Even if you've always been kind to me I won't forgive you or your son if you dare speak about this incident . " said Helios with a threatening tone .

" Yes sir ! " said the butler Albert and his son .

When they were about to leave Klara followed silently in order yto be able to get out of the room unnoticed .

" You should know that you're not that small as you used to be , to mix with other people and pass by unseen . Did you by any chance think that I would forget to scold you because of this incident ?! Don't dream ! " said Helios and Klara froze in her place .

" Well one can still have hope that her dear and handsome older brother will forgive her right ?! " said Klara with a cute smile .

" Sit ! " said Helios angry .

" Yes sir ! " said Klara and sat at the seat in front of the bed .

" As for you..." said Helios and looked at Ramolo .

" My aunt is still planing schemes against me and my company ! What the hell were you thinking coming here and leaving the main company in London unsupervised ?! " said Helios angry .

" I came to deliver the information you asked . It was important and I couldn't trust anyone with it so I had to come and bring it myself . Don't worry about the company ! I am managing it online now and I have installed little spy cameras everywhere . No one can escape unnoticed . " said Ramolo with a serious tone .

" What about the files and the work that Bekora hadn't done these past few months ?! He told me he finished them but I highly doubt that . " said Helios with disbelief .

" I too didn't believe it but surprisingly all the work he hadn't done and thework he had to do for the next months is all finished . " said Ramolo .

" Really ?! " asked Helios shocked .

" Yes bro ! " said Ramolo .

" Check him ! Find out how he managed to handle all that work and tell me . " said Helios .

" Sure ! About theinfo I have gathered..... " said Ramolo but Helios stopped him .

" Okay ! Tell me about it later , now I just wanna rest a bit . " said Helios and noticed Klara's smile full of hope .

" And listen to my sister's explanation about her mistake . " said Helios with a smirk and devil horn in his head .

' This guy has no intention of letting me off ! He can torture his own sister without mercy , I don't dare to imagine what torture that girl will recieve ! ' thought Klara who knew Helios's merciless side well enough .

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