Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 99 - I Will Stay !

" I need to stay here ?! " asked Aria surprised when she heard about this .

She worried about the economical expenses and it never occurred to her that she had to stay here with him . Aria did felt a little heartbroken about leaving him here alone but she had no choice . All the studying and difficulties she had to face to achieve everything she had today would fall apart . 

" I understand , if this is the only way then I will st...." said Aria but Ace blocked her right away .

" Aria , you cannot do this !!! " said Ace before she finished what she had to say .

" Ace ?! " said Aria a bit surprised at his reaction .

" Aria , I know better than anyone else how hard you had to study to arrive where you are today . Look at the wrinkles under your eyes , they're the proof of how much sleep you have lacked just because you didn't have time to study at day and studied during the night . I will stay here with Aden , he likes me too ! For you to stay here...Absolutely not ! All your work till now will go in vain if you miss this a year and a half left . Just a bit more and you can finally be ready to make your dream become true . " said Ace with an angry and sad tone .

" Ace..... " said Aria in a calm and warm tone .

" No , I don't want to hear a thing ! I will take your place and that's final . I cannot stand by and watch my sister , who had been working hard both in studies and in taking care of our family , destroying her bright future ahead of her . It's time I take care of family matters and let you breathe a little . " said Ace with a sad expression .

" Ace , thank you for being considerate towards my feelings but.....you giving up the opportunity of studying at a royal college such as Cambridge , it the stupidest thing that one can do . I appreciate your thought but I am older than you and I decide for my own life . If you truly wish to help me then listen to me . Go to Cambridge and show everyone what a handsome genius you are ! Never fail and do your best on your exams to get the highest score . " said Aria with a warm smile .

" But sis , you...No I can't stay there thinking that you're being stuck in here . " said Ace with a determined tone .

' Ace is right ! If I stop here then there's no going back , all that work and those sleepless night of study will become useless . Professor Benjamin will definitely be furious ! I don't blame him if he were , after all he choose me to be his student despite having a lot of other students who were much better than me , both in grades and manners....I want to repay his kindness but.....I can't stand and watch the only possibility of my brother become like any other kid . ' thought Aria remembering when she first went to France . When she fiirst entered there she had to face a lot of difficulties to adapt with the lessons and other people .

" Enough Ace , I made my choice ! You should just agree with it . " said Aria with a serious tone and went to doctor Endre .

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" Please start the treatment ! I will make sure to settle things as fast as I can . " said Aria with a serious face .

' This girl really accepted ?! You don't see people like her , willing to give up their road for the sake of their sibling . ' thought doctor Endre surprised .

" Aria..." said Ace in a sad tone but she didn't care .

" You guys better go back . Thank you for coming here Bekora . " said Aria with a smile .

" Aren't you coming back with us ?! " asked Bekora .

" I need to discuss with doctor Endre about Aden's treatment program . I will be finished around eight pm . If you aren't asleep by them , would you mind come and bring us back to the castle ?! " said Aria .

" No problem ! See ya ! " said Bekora .

" See ya ! " said Aria with a smile .

When Ace and Bekora went inside the car , Aria entered in the clinic with doctor Endre . Bekora kept glancing at Ace from time to time . He was angry , he was disappointed but more than anything he was really sad . Bekora thought about their conversation and couldn't understand why Aria's dream would be stopped there if she didn't finish the remaining course . She could always continue next year or when she was free .

" Ace , don't you think you exaggerated it a bit with what you said about her dreams and hard work being cut off . Why can't Aria continue her studying towards her dream ?! " said Bekora with a serious tone .

" You're rich Bekora and if you encounter financial problems one day , you have your family backing you . You don't have the idea of how it feels like to lose everything you've worked hard for . Rich people have it quite easy while we have to work our butt off to get what we want . If Aria doesn't continue this year that's left , she will have to begin her studying from the beginning . " said Ace with a sad tone .

" Why start everything from the beginning ?! She's nearly finished ! All that's left for her is a single year and a half . " said Bekora curious .

" Because Aria's professor is sure to not tolerate such things and because this was once in a life time possibility . " said Ace with a dejected face .

" What do you mean Ace ? We signed a contract and we can be honest with each other , that's what a team is for . " asked Bekora .

" I really can't tell you , I am sorry . Everyone has their own secrets so do we . I am telling you before hand that , we may have some secrets between us but the moment we signed the contract we will definitely stay loyal to it . I know you worry that we will betray you for more profit but we're not ungrateful people . " said Ace looking straight at Bekora's eyes with a serious expression .

' This kid sure is smart ! ' thought Bekora with a smirk .

They arrived at the royal palace within two minutes and Ace left upstairs to go to his parent's room . Before leaving he told Bekora that after two hour he would hand him the material Helios wanted . Bekora nodded and then left to go to the room where Helios was . Bekora walked for a bit then he arrived at the royal medical department .When the door knocked , Helios thought that it was his grandma and felt a chill . Bekora entered and then closed the door . Helios felt relieved when seeing that it was him .

" Finished ?! Has that idiot tigress come back ?! " asked Helios with a serious face .

" No ! " said Bekora and sat on the chair near Helios's bed .

" Why are you so dejected ? " asked Helios who rarely saw Bekora like that .

" I am not dejected , I am just thinking . How can someone throw away her life just to ensure her sibling's recovery ?! " said Bekora .

" Throw away her life ?! What are you talking about ?! " asked Helios a bit unclear about Bekora's words .

" Exactly what I said ! Aria was faced with a difficult choice that could cure her brother while closing the door of her future . She had to chose between her brother and her career . She chose her brother and decided to throw away all the years of hard work . I was sure that she would say to delay the treatment a year and a half later , after she finished with her studying but....she actually said the opposite . I was shocked when hearing it . " said Bekora .

" Can't she continue after the treatment finishes ? " asked Helios .

" I thought that too but Aden's treatment doesn't have a specific time . The doctor said that it may last for days , months , years . " said Bekora .

" Really ?! " said Helios surprised .

" Yeah ! I find it a but suspicious , Aria's schooling that is . Ace was strongly against it and said that her work till now would go to vain if she stayed here which makes me think that there might be something more to her education . I am not sure though , it's just my suspicion . " said Bekora then looked at Helios .

" Whether her education is doubtful or not we can check it when after Ace hands over her complete CV . " said Helios .

" Yeah ! " said Bekora .

They stayed silent for a couple of minutes then Helios looked at Bekora .

" Did she really agree to leave school just like that ?! She looks like the type to give up everything just to have a successful career . " said Helios .

" Yeah , but even though she's really ambitious , her top priority remains her family . " said Bekora with a smile .

Bekora and Helios continued to chat . Bekora started to tell him everything he heard from the doctor . While listening Helios thought about Aria . His face looked as if he wasn't as angry as he was before but when the door knocked and the doctor came to change the cold compress with a new one , that brief kind thought he had disappeared immediately .

' Nice try ! Use Bekora to ease my anger , don't dream idiot tigress ! ' thought Helios with a devilish aura surrounding him which made Bekora feel the chills .

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