Primordial Soul's Rebirth

Chapter 2 - 2 – System, Skills, and Information 1.

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2 – System, Skills, and Information 1.

(When there is no defined POV it means that it is Third person POV)

[The System Spirit will now be online in a short while.]

When Alex went inside the Bathroom and was removing the gooey stuff around him by washing his body, there was a golden flash in Alex's eye and now he could see the text floating in front of him on a transparent screen with a gold theme.

He didn't seem surprised and felt that it was normal for the system to have an AI or Spirit, since from his memories he could remember that every system has an AI or Spirit. But when he heard the words said by the System, he didn't know why, but his heart started beating very fast.

He felt like whoever this system spirit was, they might be very close to him. Because even if he can't recall any of his old memories, he still feels his mind longing to meet this system spirit.

He just hopes that at least can help him remember something. He wore clothes again after washing his body and spraying some deodorant on himself, he waited for the System's notice.

[Hello, Alex. I am Sophia, the system spirit. Nice to meet you.]

Alex heard a voice that felt like a gentle melody in his head and he smiled, he didn't know why he smiled but he still did.

However, what he didn't know was that the system spirit or Sophia was blushing in the system space looking at him smiling.

Alex was already very Handsome but after his body was modified by the system, he looked even better along with his hair reaching his shoulders and eyes having a tint of golden, his skin tone became brighter while his muscles grew compact making them even more ripped, though his body remained streamlined.

If before he was most handsome un-awakened then now without a doubt, he was simply the most handsome man on Gaia. Even though his charm was still not something that would affect Sophia, she was still affected since it had been a long time since she had seen him.

'Hello, Sophia. Nice to meet you too.' Alex tried talking mentally as he had seen in novels and all, and it worked just fine.

'Sophia, do you know me?' Alex asked after the introduction since he wanted to know more about himself even if something in his mind told him that he had nothing to worry about.

He didn't know why he felt that if he recalled his memories then everything would not go as it was supposed to. But still, his curiosity made him ask this question.

[...Yes, I know you very well.] Sophia replied after a long pause.

But if someone listened carefully, they might hear her melancholy from the voice. She was sad about something, but not for herself.

'Can you tell me who I am? Or what I am?' Alex asked but somehow, he wasn't eager to know, it was as if he didn't need to worry about anything.

He felt different from when he was in space roaming around aimlessly. At that time, he felt like he was weak, but right now he felt very strong like nothing would happen to him even if the whole world was somehow destroyed.

[I cannot tell you anything about your past.] Even if he didn't get any answer, he was not bothered by it. But then he was surprised by her next words.

[Grow stronger and you will remember everything.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'How strong?' He asked and this time he already knew the answer somehow.

[Strongest.] he just nodded at her words and didn't say anything. He felt that it was something he had heard so many times that he had gotten bored of it.

'Then, can you at least tell me what my goal is?' Alex asked since he knew that even if he had to become strongest, that wasn't a goal. He wanted to know why in the past he did whatever he did, there has to be a reason.

[You just need to enjoy your life, while becoming strong steadily.]

'Enjoy my life?' his mind went blank and for a moment he felt he remembered something.

It was a beautiful lady with black hair and black eyes wearing a black one-piece dress, however, before he could focus more the image vanished like it was never there and this all happened even before he could understand what happened.

Sophia didn't say anything since she knew that the last question was not for her.

'All right then, I will enjoy my life to the fullest. Thank you, Sophia' Alex said after a while, making up his mind and stopping thinking about things from the past, since he would eventually remember everything.

[I am happy to be of help, Alex.] Sophia said with her happiness clear in her voice, then continued.

[You should check your status and gift pack now.]

Alex nodded his head and said, 'Status' in his mind, and a new golden panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: Alex Matthew.

Age: 18.

Race: ?????.

Physique: ?????.

Bloodline/s: Supreme Human (Unlocked & Not Activated), #, #, #, #, etc (locked).

Title: Pioneer of the elements (Unlocked & Not Activated), #, #, #, #, etc (locked).

Strength: A+; Agility: A+; Stamina: A+; Wisdom: SS; Energy/Mana: A+; Luck: SS; Charm: SSS;

System Points (SP): 0




?????? (???): ????.

All-Master (Unique): You have mastered all kinds of weapons to the maximum potential along with fighting techniques and footwork. When fighting, you can move your body by reading the movements of your opponents. This skill works no matter how many opponents you are facing. This ability also allows you to mimic or copy any kind of fighting technique to the most basic form, so much so that you can modify it according to your wishes. More of the abilities will be shown as you recall your memories.

Plunderer (Unique): You never leave your opponent unharmed. When you defeat someone, either an enemy or a friend, you gain a chance to plunder or steal one thing from them, no matter what it is. If you kill someone, then you can plunder everything from them. To know more about this ability, you need to recall it from your memories.

Sensual Perception (Unique): You can sense anything and everything. You can sense your surroundings and nothing can be hidden from you. This skill also lets you have a general estimate of the power of the entities within your perception range. You can never be caught in a surprise attack since you can sense anyone even if they are using some kind of skill to hide. To know more about this ability, you need to recall it from your memories.

Mentality of Master (Unique): You have a strong mind, and you can understand any kind of language instantly while learning it. You can communicate with any kind of intelligent being. Your mind does not succumb easily to seduction or any hypnosis. To know more about this ability, you need to recall it from your memories.

Instantaneous Regeneration (Unique): You don't need to worry about ever being out of fuel since this skill can regenerate anything instantly. For now, only Energy (Mana) regeneration and body regeneration are available. To know more about this ability, you need to recall it from your memories.

All-seeing Eyes (Unique): You have special eyes that can see everything. You can look through any kind of disguise and break it if using an appropriate amount of Mana. No illusion can ever affect you, since in front of your eyes they are transparent like air. To know more about this ability, you need to recall it from your memories.

Destruction Elemental manipulation (U): You have control over destruction and you can manipulate it in any way possible. The way you use this skill depends on your imagination and capabilities.]

'Can you explain the functions of the system?' Even though he knew the basics about every System, he still asked her since he didn't know if this system had something different.

[I will do that and I will also give you the basic information about the things out of this world since I was supposed to give that information to you when I was activated. I will be transferring the information directly into your brain, so there will be a slight discomfort. Please bear with me while I transfer the information.]

After Sophia said that and Alex nodded, information about many things started entering his brain, and even though there was some headache it was bearable.

The first piece of information that entered his brain was about the system. From that, he learned many things.

Firstly, whenever there was a question mark or any other symbol in the system UI, it meant he wasn't strong enough to fully utilize or access certain features.

However, this didn't render them useless; for example, his physique, despite showing question marks, empowered his body to reach an A+ rank and provided the ability 'Instantaneous Regeneration'. The same applied to his Race, which granted him the ability 'Mentality of Master' and a strong mind.

The second aspect was the bloodline section, offering various bloodlines that could be unlocked either through purchase or by fulfilling specific conditions. Once awakened, a bloodline needed activation to be fully utilized.

The third element was Titles, achieved through exceptional feats. These titles granted abilities or authority, remaining dormant until activated.

Next were his stats, reflecting different aspects according to Raider rankings. His stats were mostly at A+ level, on the cusp of S-rank, except for Wisdom, Luck, and Charm.

System points were the fifth aspect, obtained by killing beings and used in the shop to purchase items or increase strength. Points varied depending on the target's power.

The sixth feature was the Shop, offering all the abilities and items used or acquired by his past self. Bloodlines and titles could also be unlocked through the shop, as all of the bloodlines and titles are already in his body just left to unlock by fulfilling some condition or by buying it from the shop.

Seventh was the inventory, providing unlimited storage space where time was stopped. Currently, there was an unopened gift package inside.

Skills comprised the second last function, categorized from F to EX rank which is the limit of this world, then there is the U rank indicating skills beyond the world's limit. Unique skills were derived from memories and had no limit, unlike ranked skills.

The unique skills are obtained according to the living style as well, but that doesn't mean that Unique skills are the strongest, no, they are just something that can be used without a limit. For example - An F-rank fireball and a Unique ranked fireball have a vast difference in power.

If an F-rank fireball was used to its maximum capability then the highest it could do was shoot the enemy with a barrage of small fireballs or cause an explosion, but if the same skill was unique then you could even make a fireball with the size of a sun, if you are strong enough that is.

Finally, quests were the most interesting function, offering a means to earn SP instead of killing. While not compulsory, some quests carried penalties to prevent laziness, though the system never intended to harm him, nor can it ever harm him.

There was also the system spirit, Sophia and she also had no intention to harm Alex, better yet her purpose might be the opposite, but time will tell what it is. So, the penalty is given so that he does not become lazy, since if he cannot even do the quests then how is he going to become the strongest?

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