Professor Vampire.

Chapter 117 - 117 I’m Lord Voldemort, of course.

Chapter 117: Chapter 117 I'm Lord Voldemort, of course.

Dracula frowned when he saw the pendant he had given away two months ago.

The original gloomy wood amulet should have been darker than black ink, as if it had gathered all the darkness in the world.

However, the amulet hanging around Harry's neck was not as black as before, but instead seemed to be stained with a touch of blood red -

Although it was still black, it was not as pure as before.

This was a phenomenon that would only occur after absorbing multiple powerful black magics. Those black magics that only appeared once or twice and had weak magic power could not change the color of the gloomy wood amulet at all!

"Don't leave in a hurry, I have something else to ask you." Dracula stopped Harry who was about to open the door and asked seriously, "Have you met any dark wizards recently?"

"Dark wizards?" Harry asked doubtfully, "No... if we exclude those weird wizards I met in Knockturn Alley."

"Have those dark wizards already attacked you before you met me?" Dracula frowned slightly.

Harry shook his head blankly.

Dracula also felt that the dark wizards who could survive in Knockturn Alley were not the kind of reckless people who would act rashly.

At that time, Harry suddenly appeared in Knockturn Alley, and those extremely cautious dark wizards first tried to test him, not sure whether this little wizard had any powerful backers wandering around.

The female demon who stopped Harry should be the first creature to take the initiative to test, and the spooky wood amulet should not have been triggered...

"Could it be..." Dracula asked slowly, "You were attacked in that Muggle's house?"

"No... Professor, I really didn't encounter any attack!" Harry said without thinking, "If Uncle Vernon locked me in an iron cage in the room doesn't count..."

"Wait." Dracula suddenly interrupted Harry and asked with a frown, "Why did he lock you in an iron cage, Potter? Has this kind of abuse happened often before?"

A cold light appeared in Dracula's eyes.

Dare to imprison his students, and the other party is just a Muggle who has accomplished nothing. This makes Dracula feel very embarrassed!

"Professor, don't be impulsive!" Looking at Dracula's cold eyes, Harry shuddered suddenly.

Although Harry hated the Dursleys and they were very unfriendly to him... but they were still his relatives who raised him since he was a child! Harry didn't want to let the family die on the street because of his own reasons.

After all, he knew that Professor Dracula would really kill them!

So Harry quickly explained, "Professor, it was actually me who provoked Uncle Vernon first, so he locked me up..."

"Really?" Dracula narrowed his eyes, and the coldness in his eyes faded a little, "Tell me, how did you offend him?"

"Because Uncle Vernon and his men hid all my magic-related things, I felt a little resentful..." Harry said uneasily, "So I messed up his big business..."

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After saying this, Harry secretly glanced at Dracula, but found that his eyebrows were frowned even deeper.

"This is unlike you, Potter," Dracula said, "I don't think you'd take revenge on a little wizard in this way."

"Maybe I got carried away..." Harry scratched his head.

"No." Dracula interrupted him again, "It's true that getting carried away can happen, but you knew you couldn't use magic outside, and you knew that destroying your uncle's big business would make him hate you, but you still did it."

"This can't be explained by getting carried away, this is called stupidity!"

Dracula's tone was too harsh, and his eyes were full of cold doubts.

Harry's face froze, and he subconsciously wanted to argue that it wasn't him who did it, but a diary called Tom Riddle...

But Harry couldn't say it.

Because Tom didn't want him to expose its existence, he didn't want to betray his academic mentor and friend.

But Harry's hesitation of less than a second made Dracula see something different.

"Interesting." Dracula suddenly put away his stern face and raised his mouth, "Potter, you didn't tell me the truth, right?"

"I... I didn't." Harry's eyes flashed with panic.

"So who are you hiding the truth for? Who really destroyed your uncle's big business?" Dracula looked at Harry deeply and chuckled.

Harry involuntarily took two steps back, shivering, "No... No, it was really all done by me."

"If I remember correctly, at the end of last semester, you had a quarrel with more than one person." Dracula moved forward as Harry retreated, with a wine-red light in his eyes.

"I remember very clearly that you wanted to go to the Potions Professor's office to settle the feud with Snape, but you ended up having a big fight with him, which led to the intensification of the conflict..."

"Not only that, the twins from Weiss's house also said another thing in front of me - you scolded them fiercely because they lost money in a bet... Even if you are just a junior in the same college and a friend of their brother, there is no reason to do so."

"Where did you go when you were so humble, optimistic and kind-hearted when you exploded?" Dracula asked softly, "Who are you being bewitched by, Potter?"

Harry finally retreated to the corner, with no room to retreat, but he still refused to say Tom Riddle's name.

"Look at me!" Dracula suddenly raised his voice.

Harry subconsciously raised his head and looked at Dracula who was close at hand.

He saw a pair of wine-red eyes, the twinkling light in them seemed to have an irresistible charm, making him fall deeply in love with them -

In the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey held up an unfamiliar book and asked him if the diary was his? After opening it, the name "Harry James Potter" was written on the title page...

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry accidentally used a feather pen to throw a drop of ink, which dripped onto the diary, but was absorbed by the blank page...

In the dead of night, Harry quietly climbed up from the four-poster bed in the dormitory, leaned over the desk by the window, lit a candle, and then wrote on the diary with a weak light...

In the second half of the first grade, Harry communicated with the diary with words, learned the knowledge he had missed in class, and finally got the first place in the final of Defense Against the Dark Arts...

At number four, Privet Drive, the diary came from the cupboard to Harry's room, instigated him to take revenge on Uncle Vernon, and used magic to trick the big customer for him...

In the room blocked by the big iron fence, the diary urged him to use the evil spell...

The last picture is Harry taking out the diary from the bottom of the suitcase before the dueling club started.

Harry suddenly turned his eyes away from Dracula's eyes, breathing heavily.

He instinctively realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously protected the diary in his pocket.

"Is it really a diary?" Dracula laughed happily, "I never thought that the thing I have been looking for is actually here with you."

He took out a piece of parchment, which was densely written with evil black magic items.

This was a list of Voldemort's black magic tools sent to him by Lucius after meeting him at the White Dragon Bar.

Now, various other names have been crossed out, leaving only a single word circled in bright red ink -


"Professor, what are you talking about?" Harry nervously pressed the diary in his arms, looking confused, "How come the thing you have been looking for is here with me?"

"Potter, it seems that you really regard him as your friend." Dracula suddenly laughed, "I have to admit that you are really sincere enough to treat your friends. You still want to cover for him at this time."

Harry lowered his head in silence without saying a word.

"But I have to tell you a cruel fact..." Dracula leaned down and said softly, "Tom Riddle, whom you trust, has never regarded you as a friend."

"This is impossible!" Harry shouted loudly, "He has always been very good to me, teaching me knowledge, talking to me, and persuading me when I encounter unhappy things..."

Harry also knew that he could not hide the existence of the diary. But he still didn't want Tom, who was both a teacher and a friend, to be misunderstood by Professor Dracula, so he defended himself indignantly.

Dracula didn't care about Harry's rebuttal, just smiled casually, "Do you know what kind of magic the spell Tom Riddle taught you is?"

Dracula stretched out his hand to his side without waiting for Harry to answer.

The next moment, a mouse that had lived in the Hogwarts dungeon for many years fell into Dracula's hands with a ray of moonlight.

As if sensing the strong dark breath on Dracula, the mouse immediately trembled.

"Do you know what the name of that spell is, Potter?" Dracula looked at the mouse in his hand and slowly took out his wand from his pocket-

"Avada Kedavra."

A dazzling green light suddenly appeared!

The mouse was hit by the green light, lost its breath instantly, and collapsed in Dracula's hands.

"The name of this spell... is called the Kedavra Curse, Potter!" Dracula said word by word.

Harry opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a long time.

A scene vaguely emerged in his mind-

A woman was crying beside him, kissing his cheek... Then, an ugly man with distorted features walked in... The next moment, there was a dazzling and terrifying green light!

"Don't--" Harry suddenly shouted.

The next second, he collapsed on the cold ground with trembling all over...

After a dead silence, Harry took a deep breath, slowly raised his head, and saw Dracula looking at him thoughtfully.

"Professor... What happened to me just now?" He asked uneasily.

Dracula's eyes moved, and he was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "It's okay, you may have had a dream, don't worry too much."

After that, he forcibly changed the subject, "Riddle, it's already this time, you still stay in Harry's clothes and don't want to come out?"

A faint black mist emerged, and the handsome black-haired young man appeared in front of Harry very abruptly.

"I knew you would find me sooner or later, Dracula." His expression was not panic at all, but relieved. "But I didn't expect that day to come so soon. I thought I had at least two months!"

" are Tom?!" Harry looked at the black-haired young man in front of him, his mouth wide open in shock. His complicated thoughts were indeed dispersed by Riddle. "Didn't you are just a diary with thoughts, and you can only communicate with me by writing?!"

Such a bizarre scene was no less than a volcanic eruption for Harry's mood!

He knew that he was really deceived. Professor Dracula was right...

Harry leaned against the wall of the office in a daze, his eyes almost losing focus.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I did lie to you." Riddle turned his head and looked at Harry's lifeless eyes, "But I had to lie to you. This is the task Voldemort gave me."

"What did you say?" The name of the old enemy instantly pulled Harry's thoughts back, "You just said... Voldemort?!"

"Don't you understand, Potter?" Dracula sighed softly and looked at the black-haired young man standing next to Harry, "Explain to him, Riddle, who are you?"

Unexpectedly, Riddle did not resist Dracula's arrangement, but just nodded to him gently.

"Voldemort..." Riddle looked at Harry and said softly, "It's my past, present and future, Harry."

He suddenly snatched his wand from Harry's hand, drew a few strokes in the air, and wrote three shining names-

Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom Marvolo Riddle).

Then he waved Harry's wand, and the letters automatically changed positions and became -

I am Lord Voldemort.

"See?" He whispered, "I used this name when I was studying at Hogwarts, of course, only to my closest friends. Do you think I will use the name of my dirty Muggle father for the rest of my life?"

"No, Harry. I came up with a new name for myself. I know that one day, when I become the greatest wizard in the world, wizards everywhere will not dare to say this name easily!"

Harry's mind seemed to freeze.

He stared blankly at Riddle, this man, who was once an orphan whose parents died, and when he grew up, he actually killed Harry's parents and so many other people...

And he regarded this man as his close friend for a long time!

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