Professor Vampire.

Chapter 155 - 155 Nagini and the Meredith Blood Spell.

Chapter 155: Chapter 155 Nagini and the Meredith Blood Spell.

"Not all." Newt occasionally added a few strokes to his book with another quill while speaking, "Some animals are less difficult to observe and I will have a collection in my case. In this case I will ask a professional artist to draw them for me."

"But the danger of the snake monster is still too high to go to a painter for help, just a sketch with a quick feather brush is about right."

He glanced at the snake monster's tightly closed eyes and opened his mouth to inquire, "Can you get it to open its eyes a little? I can close my eyes and let the sketching feather pen do the drawing. Leaving just the image of the snake monster with its eyes closed would be too incomplete."

"No problem." Dracula nodded and casually patted the snake monster's large head, "Open your eyes, I just happen to have to ask you something."

At the mention of opening his eyes, the snake monster's huge body physically shivered and subconsciously shook his head.

"Hurry up, how am I supposed to communicate with you using Regard and Fetch Thoughts if you don't open your eyes? It's not like I know the old snake accent!" Dracula urged.

"Wait, Professor Dracula ...," Newt heard Dracula's words and didn't hold back to open his mouth to inquire, "You're going to communicate with the snake monster using Regency Nimbus? Wouldn't that be looking at the snake monster?!"

"That's right." Dracula said rightfully, "This is the only way I can think of to communicate with a snake monster."

Newt couldn't help but gulp.

Was this speaking human language? Staring into the eyes of a snake monster, is this an operation that a human could come up with?

Oh, Professor Dracula is a vampire, that's okay then.

Newt pushed the book and quill that were floating in front of him forward, placing them in the right position for drawing, and then closed his eyes tightly.

The snake monster also opened its eyes at Dracula's coercion, glaring into Dracula's burgundy-eyed child with its large yellow eyes.

Dracula once again felt that sensation of his entire body becoming light and airy, as if he had drunk too much wine, and something was grabbing his soul and pulling it outward.

Of course, the snake monster's magic couldn't really yank Dracula's soul out of his body like it had yanked Myrtle in the first place.

It could only consume the magic power in its body for nothing while transmitting what it saw and heard in the Albanian forest to Dracula's magical eye child through the meeting of sight.

After a moment, Dracula moved his eyes away in realization.

After removing his line of sight, the snake monster hastily closed his eyes tightly, fearing that Dracula's eyes would once again look over.

"It seems that during this period of time, you've been living quite nourishingly in this forest in Albania!" Dracula hooked up the corner of his mouth and teasingly said to the snake monster, "Now if I let you return to Hogwarts, are you unwilling instead?"

The snake monster quickly shook up its big head one by one, with refusal written all over its face.

The snake monster stated that this Hogwarts would return to whoever it liked!

Ever since Slytherin left it alone at Hogwarts, it could only stay in the dark basement, relying on Hogwarts' sewers that hadn't been cleaned in hundreds of years. ...

Without enough food, it can only go to catch some rats in the sewers to barely satisfy its hunger; without a clean water source, it can only go to drink the stinky water in the sewers and the sewage leaking down from the basement, which is simply not something for snakes to drink!

The most outrageous thing is, even if the snake monster wants to completely fall into a deep sleep, with sleep to get through the thousands of years of hard time, the result is always some do not know the high ground of the Gunter family heir to open the secret room from time to time, to disturb its sleep ...

If those who have the heart of a thief without the courage of the descendants of the Slytherin to disturb it, even if, the big deal is to sleep less for a while, and so on the people left and then make up for sleep.

However, it is possible to come across the kind of Tom Riddle, who has both the heart of a thief and the courage of a thief, arranging for the snake monster to do this and that, and even causing it to accidentally kill a Hogwarts student.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the days after killing Myrtle, in fact, the snake monster's whole snake was panicked.

Maybe it would be found by then-Principal Dippet and made to atone for Myrtle's life?

Not to mention the fact that the then Professor of Transfiguration was also the most powerful arch wizard in the magical world, so it would only be a matter of time before it found the secret room left behind by Slytherin if it was seriously searched for.

Fortunately, probably because that Professor of Transfiguration named Dumbledore's main focus was on a dark wizard named Grindelwald, and didn't pay too much attention to the things inside Hogwarts, so he didn't find the existence of the snake monster.

Finally, when Dracula changed its living environment to the Albanian forest, the snake monster immediately felt the difference.

Here is everywhere is the sky trees, everywhere is available for free movement space, fresh air, enough food, abundant water, wide range of activities ... snake monster after coming here, simply feel is to come to heaven!

Its huge size in this place can not find natural enemies, want to go wherever, and also has the same high-level wisdom of the viper Nagini can chat with it to relieve boredom ... This can be better than staying in the Hogwarts narrow, dirty basement inside too much!

All in all, the snake monster was adamant that it did not want to return to Hogwarts!

It gave Dracula a somewhat wary look and shrank back, silently thinking about how likely it would be to resist if Dracula insisted on letting it go back to Hogwarts....

Looking at the performance of the snake monster, Dracula lost his smile and shook his head.

"Don't worry, I don't want you to return to Hogwarts either." He said, "That humorless old lady Professor McGonagall wouldn't be the first one to leave me alone if I put you with the younger wizards."

The snake monster sighed in relief at this and once again curtly brought his large head around.

"Speaking of which, what about that viper you met in the forests of Albania?" Dracula was a bit curious about the fact that a guy like the snake monster could actually make friends, so he opened his mouth and asked, "It's called Nagini, right?"

"I just happen to have invited a magical zoologist here today, so I can have Mr. Scamander stop by and see what species your friend is ... It's the first time I've ever heard of a viper that big."

In fact, Dracula wasn't just curious about the viper friend that Snake Monster had made, he had just found out some Voldemort related news in the midst of his regal fetching exchange with Snake Monster.

None of the news related to Voldemort involved the viper named Nagini.

Dracula wanted to see the viper with his own eyes, and then directly obtain the news related to Voldemort from the viper's memories by taking thoughts from the gods.

After all, it had been some time since Voldemort had committed suicide in front of him, and it had been some time since he had heard anything about the Dark Lord.

The serpent monster nodded its large head at Dracula.

Its huge body looked too bloated even for this open ground, so it could only coil up and spin around in a circle, which barely managed to reverse its direction and crawl into the thick bushes.

"Professor Dracula, are there any other magical creatures I haven't seen here besides the snake monster?" Newt had already recorded the physical characteristics of the snake monster in detail by now, and closed his book, asking Dracula with an expectant face.

"It doesn't have to be a magical animal, does it?" Dracula thought back to the image of the viper in Snake Monster's memory and said with some uncertainty, "It's possible that it's just a viper that lived long enough to produce some mutations?"

"That viper didn't seem to be much different from a normal viper, except for being slightly larger and more intelligent."

"In fact, just the two differences of size and intelligence alone are already considered a big difference from a normal viper." Newt shook his head and said.

He opened his book where he had recorded numerous magical animals once again and prepared himself while explaining to Dracula, "Actually, there are many magical animals in the magical realm that are very similar to some species in the muggle realm."

"Like the Swallowtail Dog is very similar to the Jack Russell Hound from the Muggle side, and the Ball Vanishing Bird is even identical in appearance to the extinct Dodo Bird from the Muggle world ... but they are indeed XXX and XX ranked magical animals respectively."

"That's why those of us wizards who study magical animals don't usually rule the animals as non-magical because of their excessive similarity to species in the muggle world." Newt told Dracula in minute detail.

"I see." Dracula nodded knowingly, "You've really given me a lot of insight today, Mr. Scamander."

The serpent monster moved quickly, and the two of them, Dracula and Newt, hadn't been chatting for long before it came crawling all the way through the depths of the bushes with a giant viper about twelve feet long.

Although as a snake, twelve feet was already quite large, and its body was almost thicker than an adult's thigh.

But when this viper was compared to the fifty-foot-long snake monster that was as thick as the trunk of an oak tree and nearly covered the sky, it in turn looked rather miniature.

"Is this your new friend inside this forest?" Dracula asked as he curiously surveyed the giant viper, which was overall green and covered in black markings, and opened his mouth.

The snake monster nodded its large head obediently and rolled to the side very self-consciously, allowing Nagini's form to be fully visible to Dracula and Newt.

"Mr. Scamander, would you like to see if this snake is a magical creature or not?" Dracula circled around Nagini, the light in his eyes flowing as he watched with interest to see if there was any magical power fluctuation present in its body.

I don't know if it was because the snake monster had already explained to his viper friend the horror of the count's lord, Nagini was so frightened by Dracula's scrutinizing it up and down that he was shivering and didn't dare to move a bit.

"It seems as though there is indeed a magical wave present in this viper, albeit slightly more subtle." Dracula thoughtfully supported his chin with two fingers, "What do you think, Mr. Scamander?"

Newt, however, gave little response for half a second.

Dracula turned his head to look at Newt, only to find him motionless and wide-eyed, looking at Viper Nagini, who had appeared from the midst of the bushes, with a mixture of extreme surprise, dismay, and even a touch of remembrance.

"Mr. Scamander?" Dracula asked suspiciously.

"Professor Dracula, what did you just say she ... called this viper?" Newt took a deep breath, his tone a little shaky.

"Her? So quick to tell the gender of a snake?" Dracula looked at Newt with a surprised gaze, "The viper's name should be Nagini, at least that's the name among the snake monster's memories."

"Is it really Nagini?" Newt muttered.

He suddenly opened the old suitcase case that he had been carrying in his hand, and summoned from it a cowhide book with the Fly spell that was remarkably similar to the one floating in the air, only a bit more dated.

Newt caught the cowhide book and, in a rare appearance of some fumbling, rummaged through it.

"Wait ... Mr. Scamander, could it be that you've seen this viper before?" Dracula raised his eyebrows in even more surprise at Newt's behavior, "Or is this a very rare species?"

"Just give me a moment Professor Dracula, I'll explain it to you more carefully in a few moments." Newt hastily flipped the cowl in his hand to a page leaning forward, "Found it!"

Dracula casually dodged and quietly appeared beside Newt, looking curiously at the page Newt had turned to - the

On the vellum, which was already visibly yellowed and creased at the edges, two figures holding each other and wrapping their arms around each other were drawn in a style far less mature than today's.

The two figures were a man and a woman, the man was a young man with an old-fashioned mushroom head, pale face, and a formal, mute expression; the woman was a beautiful Asian woman wearing a long, dark blue dress with complex floral patterns, with her long black hair combed at the back of her head.

A man and a woman snuggled together, clearly a handsome male and a beautiful female pair, but they seemed to have a forlorn and helpless feeling.

"Do these two people have anything to do with this viper brought by the snake monster?" Dracula frowned slightly.

"Professor Dracula, look at this page." Newt flipped the cowhide book back a few more pages.

Only on this same somewhat yellowed page, Newt's drawing ability had clearly improved a lot, and the image on the page was more realistic and detailed.

There was no longer the pale-faced male youth from before on this picture, only the black-haired female still wearing a dark blue intricately patterned dress was left, standing quietly on a piece of lawn.

From the layout of this lawn, it looked like the one near the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest.

Just as Dracula was still puzzling over what this beautiful Asian woman had to do with Viper Nagini, the image on the page suddenly moved-

The woman's irises suddenly widened, the whites of her eyes turned black, and then, with her arms wrapped around her, her body suddenly collapsed softly backward. Her entire body was as if she had no bones, her back nearly reaching a parallel angle with her thighs.

At the same time, the woman's two arms were quickly covered by scales, transforming into a snake-like body that wrapped around her upper body.

In the next moment, the dark blue patterned dress also suddenly changed. The floral pattern on the dress transformed into speckled black spots, and the dark blue color transformed into a green serpentine, turning instantly to wrap around the woman's entire body ...

Within a few moments, a beautiful woman was transformed into a giant viper with a size thicker than a grown man's thigh and twelve feet long!

Dracula subconsciously turned his attention to the viper, Nagini, who was lying honestly on his back beside the snake monster, and compared the patterns on the scales of the two, realizing that the two vipers were indeed identical.

"Is this the ... Melodicus Blood Spell?" Dracula said thoughtfully.

"Indeed." Newt sighed and nodded softly, "I met Nagini at a wizard circus during the Global Wizarding War, and she was already under the MacLeodix Blood Curse then."

"Nagini was long ordered by the ringmaster of the circus to become serpentine for the amusement of the audience, and was abused almost as if she were a sideshow monster. Fortunately, Creedence later escaped with her."

"Creedence is ...?" Dracula asked.

"That's him." Newt turned the book back to the previous page and pointed the formal, mousy young man out to Dracula, "Actually, Creedence should have been named Aurelius Dumbledore ..."

"His last name is Dumbledore?!" Hearing Creedence's surname, Dracula instantly became interested, "Dumbledore has illegitimate children outside?"

He couldn't help but tickle the corners of his mouth, already thinking about how to flirt with the old principal once he returned to Hogwarts.

"I can't imagine that even if this Dumbledore guy looks old and immodest, he's also so immodest in this aspect of being a human being." Dracula grinned an exaggerated arc at the corner of his mouth and said with interest.

"Ahem, Creedence is not Albus's child." Newt, eyeing Dracula as he wondered what strange things had come to mind, hurriedly explained, "He's Albus's brother, the child of Albus Dumbledore."

"So Dumbledore doesn't actually have a bastard child?" The corners of Dracula's grin instantly retracted.

Newt nodded helplessly.

"No point." Dracula bristled, "Let's skip that point and move on to Nagini."

Dracula's flip-flopping speed made Newt laugh a little bitterly.

He coughed dryly twice, and helplessly followed Dracula's idea, and proceeded to tell the story of Nagini.

"Well ... Creedence was later lured by Grindelwald and joined the camp of the Witch Nazi Party, so Nagini became alone." Newt recounted, "Then she came with us to Hogwarts to find Dumbledore."

"At the time, she had a pretty bad Meredith blood spell. We tried to cure her ... but because the Myladix Blood Curse was still too rare after all, and Dumbledore had been tied up with Grindelwald for a long time."

"We didn't find anything that could bring her back, and had to watch her transform into a snake and lose her humanity for longer and longer ..."

"Then Nagini, probably unwilling to let us suffer with her anymore, secretly left us alone. And then, until today, none of us ever saw her again."

Newt sighed deeply, "I suppose she's been hiding in this forest in Albania since then."

While listening to the story that Newt was telling, Dracula supported his chin with two fingers and thought quietly.

"It's a pity that old Nicole didn't wake me up at that time." He said softly, "I'm traditionally an expert in magic related to blood."

Of course, Dracula was fully aware of the reason why Nicole LeMay didn't wake him up during the Global Wizarding War.

Because that camp Grindelwald belonged to at the time was anything but as lacking in style as dark wizards like Voldemort and Helpo ...

In such a situation, he might have chosen to help Grindelwald and the Wizarding Party, standing against Dumbledore and Newt and the others.

And how could he even think of helping a Meredith he'd never met before?

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