Professor Vampire.

Chapter 161 - 161 Rolf got into trouble at Hogwarts?

Chapter 161: Chapter 161 Rolf got into trouble at Hogwarts?

"A howler letter?"

Dracula froze for a moment, thinking of the explosively effective red envelope Ron Wesley had received when the semester first started.

'Speaking of which, it's interesting that the culprit who caused the two to drive to school is now their teaching assistant.' Dracula thought this cheerfully.

When the scrawny, scrawny owl was only the last few feet away from Newt, it finally couldn't hold it up and fell headfirst out of the air.

Chagrined, the vampire bat covered its face with its wings for a moment, then darted downward in an attempt to catch the large bird, which was several times its size.

Fortunately, Newt hadn't forgotten about caring for the animals even under the pressure of the howling letters.

He stepped in ahead of the others and used a slowing spell to slow down the owl's fall, then proceeded to catch it and cradle it in his arms.

"That was hard for you, good boy, finding me for so long."

Newt stroked the owl's crumpled feathers soothingly before looking nervously at the red envelope that bulged at the corners and seemed on the verge of exploding.

"What do you say, do you want me to destroy it for you?" Dracula asked casually, "It's simple, a spell thing."

"Better forget it." Newt sighed and finally shook his head, "I lost track of time myself after all, it's only natural that Tina would send me howler letters."

Saying that, his chagrined look turned into a small smile again, "Not to mention, after being out there alone for so long, I still want to hear Tina's voice and what she's going to say to me."

Is it even possible to show love in this kind of emergency?

Dracula gave Newt a strange look on his face and silently backed away a few steps.

Newt quickly tucked the owl in his arms into his suitcase to prevent the weakened one from being startled by the howler letter again, before opening the fire-painted seal on the red envelope with trembling hands.

The next moment a somewhat aged but middle-aged sounding voice rang through Newt's room-

"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander, look what you've done!"

Tina's voice, recorded in a yelling letter, called out Newt's full name directly, and you could tell she was in a tizzy.

"Your son asked you to help with the kids, but look what you've done! Leaving Rolf alone at Hogwarts? I now suspect you did it on purpose! You didn't want Rolf to come to my alma mater, Yinfamoni, when he first started school, and had to send him to the same Hogwarts that expelled you."

"I don't know what's so great about that school, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor changes every year, can he teach his students well? It's only Headmaster Dumbledore that gives them the edge, but isn't our old friend Professor Eulalie Hicks in Imperiumoni good enough?"

Hearing the words in Tina's growling letter, Newt wore a somewhat embarrassed expression.

He had really forgotten about his grandson ever since he used the door key to send Rolf back to Hogwarts ...

This was because in Newt's opinion, as long as Dumbledore was around, Hogwarts was the safest place in this world.

So he was putting a hundred percent on letting Rolf stay at Hogwarts!

However Tina didn't think so:

"I think you're doing it on purpose, letting Rolf experience staying at Hogwarts on his own. I don't know what kind of psychedelic drug this school has given him, but it actually made him write to me of his own accord saying that he wants to transfer to another school!"

Hearing this, instead of continuing to feel embarrassed, Newt's face uncharacteristically revealed a happy smile.

"Not bad for Hogwarts, well done!" Newt had an expression of shared honor.

Dracula in the distance: "..."

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I see you really had the idea of getting Rolf to transfer ...

"Newt, I'm sure you must be very happy right now?" In the next moment, Tina, knowing Newt very well, nailed his mood, "But don't be too happy, Rolf is now in trouble at Hogwarts, and caused an accident with one of the teaching assistants."

"I'm not caring about you two, you're on your own, let's see how you're going to give the Hogwarts teaching assistants a piece of your mind!"

Along with the bulging red envelope gradually drying up and burning out, Tina's voice finally stopped.

Newt stood frozen in place, not knowing what to say.

Dracula also didn't know when he reappeared by Newt's side, with a strange expression as he looked at the roaring letter that was slowly turning into ash.

"So ... my teaching assistant was made a teaching accident by that little wizard Rolf, so that he had to recuperate for a while?" He said in an odd tone.

Dracula couldn't quite believe that the Horcrux diary, which had inherited nearly all of Voldemort's memories from his youth, would fall into the hands of a young wizard who was only a second year.

It should be known that when Tom Riddle initially came to Hogwarts to attend school, he had been ostracized and dealt with by those unconscious purebloods because of his orphanage origins and his status at Slytherin Academy.

Therefore, Riddle should have played quite purely with the little tricks between students, how should he not have been counted by the little grandson of the Scamander family?

Dracula glanced at Newt's mute, rigid face, always finding it a bit unbelievable that the good old man had a grandson like that.

"So that little brat Rolf harmed the assistant teacher of Black Magic Defense?" Newt's face stiffened even more, "Don't worry, Professor Dracula, I'll go to Hogwarts right away to teach that Rolf kid a good lesson!"

"There's no need to jump to conclusions like that even before things are clear, Mr. Scamander." Dracula stopped him with a raised hand and laughed softly, "Maybe it really was just an accident?"

A possibility sprang to mind, thinking of the curse Voldemort had placed on the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

It couldn't be that Riddle had personally experienced the curse placed on his main soul during his time as acting Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, could it?


Time went back to more than a month ago, the day Rolf Scamander had just been sent back to Hogwarts from Mount Olympus by his own grandfather.

Rolf appeared on a tall bridge made of marble with the tie-shaped door key embroidered with a golden pattern in his hand.

The bridge was surrounded by an endless deep lake, the temperature of which was so cold in winter that most of it had been covered in a thick layer of ice without a single ripple.

When Rolf raised his head somewhat bewildered, his heart was instantly filled with boundless shock -

A tall and magnificent castle stood in the sunlight, light spilling out from behind the clouds in the sky, the sun half-hiding behind the clouds, scattering red, orange, and gold colors, adding a shimmering golden light to the most gigantic main tower.

A building and a spire, all with some ancient atmosphere, topped the clouds and daylight in the sky, as if subdued in Rolf's heart.

He looked at the end of the bridge he was on with a marvelous expression and saw a square rectangular courtyard, which was surrounded by a cloister that was connected together.

Where the bridge connected to the courtyard was a huge oak gate.

Seeing this breathtaking scene, Rolf couldn't help but recall in his mind the magic school located in Scotland that he would mention to himself from time to time every time he went out exploring with his grandfather-


Newt would tell him about the towering, majestic main tower of Hogwarts, speak of the gilded auditorium, tell of the spacious, open Quidditch pitch, introduce the kitchens next to the Hufflepuff common room, mention the Forbidden Forest filled with all sorts of magical creatures, and the small island on the Black Lagoon ...

Perhaps after decades, some of these places were long forgotten even by Newt, but these Hogwarts sights had long ago etched a full impression in Rolf's mind.

"I was actually able to come and visit Hogwarts with my own eyes!" A flash of surprise surfaced in Rolf's eyes.

Immediately afterward, he spread his legs as if he was scattering, and ran wildly in the direction of the Hogwarts entrance courtyard, wanting to enter this school that his grandfather had praised so much and had been haunted by.

However, being normal school hours, the oak gates that connected the marble bridge to the entrance courtyard were firmly closed and showed no signs of opening.

After all, it wasn't supposed to be the gates of Hogwarts, only a side entrance to welcome new students to the school, and it was rarely open.

However, it was hard to resist Rolf Scamander, who aspired to be the greatest magical zoologist of the future!

Rolf first carefully looked around to make sure that his grandfather hadn't come to Hogwarts with him before he reached into the inner pocket of his shirt and pulled out a green sphere from it.

The sphere looked like a green, spiky cocoon, but it was actually a curled-winged demon that Rolf had smuggled out of his house.

"Over to you, little one." Rolf affectionately touched the green, cocoon-like sphere in his hand and whispered to it.

In the next moment, the sphere suddenly unfolded and extended a pair of wings that were blue on the inside and green on the outside.

After it unfolded its spike-filled wings, its appearance seemed to have turned into a big, weird bird, and a huge butterfly.

The Curled Wing Demon flapped its wings and flew up, hovering over the lake on the side of the bridge.

Seeing this, Rolf made a rather bold move-

He climbed up on top of the marble railing of the bridge and stood on the narrow railing, facing the cloister window flanking the oak gate in silence.

The curled-winged demon was still circling, occasionally flying past Rolf's eyes.

Rolf took a deep breath and suddenly jumped up from the railing, leaping straight into the air, as if the next moment he would fall from high in the air into the hard, cold ice of the winter lake, and end up with serious injuries if not death ...

However this scene did not appear.

The Curled Wing Demon, even though it had been hovering in the air, was able to very accurately appear at Rolf's point of landing the moment he jumped, giving him a supporting force.

Rolf then used this strength to jump inside the window of the Hogwarts entrance courtyard cloister in a single bound.

"Well done, little one!"

Rolf gave a thumbs-up to the curled-winged demon who had accomplished a great feat, and then walked out of the cloisters and into the interior of the entrance courtyard in a happy manner.

He was now officially stepping into Hogwarts!

In fact, under normal circumstances, entering Hogwarts wouldn't be as simple as Rolf, just jumping to the side of the bridge.

He was still able to enter Hogwarts because of the golden patterned tie in his hand, the door key made by Dumbledore.

In fact, back in the later stages of the Global Wizarding War, Dumbledore's reputation had risen as he continued to fight against the dark wizard Grindelwald.

As a result, Dumbledore became the vice-principal of Hogwarts early on during Armando Dippet's time as principal, with partial authority over the Hogwarts castle.

Whenever Dumbledore made a door key for the members of the team that rebelled against Grindelwald, he would incidentally utilize the relevant permissions of the Hogwarts Castle, thus allowing the door key to directly enter the Hogwarts' guardian magic spell cage range, thus reducing the danger of the members.

This door key in Rolf's hand was the one that directly led him to break through the outer protective magic and teleported him to the interior of the guardian spell.

As a result, Rolf casually entered Hogwarts Castle after two jumps.

However, even after easily entering Hogwarts Castle, Rolf was once again blinded ...

He did not know the geography of the castle at all, and did not know which direction he should go, so he could only go around in the entrance courtyard.

Just at this moment, Rolf saw three young wizards who looked about his age walking over, and couldn't help but light up.

"Hello guys, I'm a second year student and I wanted to ask how to get to Hufflepuff's common room." Rolf lied without blushing.

He thought carefully for a while and finally decided to visit the common room his grandfather always mentioned first.

"Are you really a second year student?" Among the three young wizards, two men and one woman, the young witch with messy hair and somewhat long incisors questioned, "It's been a year and a half at Hogwarts, how could you still not know how to get to the common room?"

"Maybe ... I'm usually a bit forgetful?" Rolf's eyes darted around and very quickly he found an excuse.

The two young male witches beside the little witch were easily recognizable, one with messy hair, round-framed glasses and green eyes, and the other with fire-like red hair and a face densely covered in freckles.

Hearing Rolf's explanation, they both gave a look of realization.

"Hermione, what are you suspecting? It should be a normal thing for Hufflepuff students to be forgetful, right?" The red-haired boy said with a big grin, "Look at Neville, he's forgetful all the time, but he was almost sorted into Hufflepuff."

'So I really did say that by mistake? Hufflepuff wizards are really prone to forgetfulness?' An astonished expression surfaced on Rolf's face.

But his grandfather wasn't forgetful either, right?

At that moment, another green-eyed boy wearing round-framed glasses was the first to hold back, and he stepped forward, about to point the direction of the Hufflepuff common room to Rolf.

However it was the little witch with the long slate teeth and disheveled hair who pulled the boy back.

"Wait Harry, I always thought something was wrong." Hermione frowned as she stared at Rolf, "We're second years too, and we often have classes with Hufflepuff, how come I don't remember anything about him? And he's not even wearing a Hufflepuff house uniform!"

"You're not one of the students from another house trying to blend in with Hufflepuff, are you?" She asked suspiciously.

Rolfe was a little bit furious at her stare and hurriedly explained, "My presence has always been relatively low, it's normal for me to go unnoticed by others."

"As for not wearing a hospital gown then ...," he stuck an entire arm into one of the small bags he carried with him, patiently searching for something.

After a few moments, Rolf finally pulled out a black and yellow scarf that Newt had given him as a gift on one of his birthdays.

"Found it! I have the Hufflepuff scarf, so I should be fine!"

Fortunately, both the school uniform and scarf styles at Hogwarts hadn't changed for hundreds of years, so there was no chance of Rolf revealing Newt's scarf by taking it out.

"Like this?" Hermione's eyes were still a little skeptical.

Still, since she was about to be late for her next class, the studious Hermione quickly told Rolf the approximate location of the Hufflepuff common room that she knew, and then dragged both Harry and Ron on a wild goose chase all the way to the teaching area.

Although the young witch was indeed very clever, she would never have imagined that there would be a student of the Imperatorium inside Hogwarts who had suddenly butted in, much less that this Imperatorium student had a grandfather who had once been a loyal student of Hufflepuff!


After getting the exact location of the common room, Rolf joyfully walked in through a stairway on the side of the entrance courtyard and went down to the first floor of the castle.

He then walked down a long corridor to a pile of large wooden barrels resting on a shadowy stone trough.

Here was the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

Next, however, Rolf was in a quandary ...

Within the things Newt had once told him about Hogwarts, there was no mention of a way to enter the Hufflepuff Common Room at all!

Given the fine virtue of loyalty and diligence of Hedgepatch's students, no Hedgepatch student would reveal the method of entering this place to anyone else, not even their own offspring!

This is because there is no evidence whatsoever that Hedgepatch's offspring will necessarily enter Hedgepatch Academy.

Because of this, the Hufflepuff Common Room was the only common room that hadn't been seen by anyone outside of the Hufflepuff Academy in over a thousand years, and thus became the safest of all the common rooms.

Rolf, however, didn't believe it, and he aimlessly tapped his hand on the barrel a few times at random, wanting to hear if there was any part of it that was hollow, and in the meantime look for the entrance to the place himself.

At the same moment Rolf's hand tapped on the barrel, the lid of the other barrel next to him suddenly burst.

Vinegar was poured all over Rolf's body in an instant.

Rolf: "..."

How come there's a penalty for knocking on the wrong barrel here?

This anti-intrusion magic cut Rolf off from trying to access the method on his own.

He couldn't think of anything else to do and didn't want to miss out on the wonderful lounge that his grandfather was talking about, so he gritted his teeth and sat down with a sour taste in his mouth.

Rolf would wait for the other Hufflepuff wizards to return and open the door for him!

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