Professor Vampire.

Chapter 269 - 269 The Secret of the Golden Egg

Chapter 269: Chapter 269 The Secret of the Golden Egg

"Insecure? Ron?"

Ginny asked in surprise: "You are not kidding, professor? Hasn't Ron always been heartless? In our entire family, except for Fred and George, Ron is the funniest."

"Humor and inferiority are never a conflict, Miss Weisley." Professor Sprout smiled, "I can actually understand Ron's feelings... I have taught Arthur and Molly's children, I can analyze it for you from a personal perspective-"

"Let's start with Bill. Bill is the eldest son of your family. He has been Other children got twelve OWLs in the fifth grade and went directly to Gringotts as a curse breaker after graduation..."

"Percy was similar. He got twelve OWLs and went directly to work in the Ministry of Magic after graduation. As for Charlie, he has always been a good Quidditch player. Minerva was showing off the Gryffindor team in front of several of us deans all day long."

"When I heard that Charlie didn't become a professional Quidditch player, Minerva was sad for a long time."

Professor Sprout changed his dance posture to the music and said amiably.

Harry and Ginny's attention was no longer focused on dancing. They swayed along with the movements of Dracula and Professor Sprout, and listened carefully to her evaluation of Ron's performance.

"Thinking about it, the Wesley family is really full of talents." Dracula chuckled and said, "It would be better if they could be quiet, especially the twins, who are so annoying."

"Fred and George are really naughty." Speaking of the two funny guys, the amiable Professor Sprout sighed helplessly, "The only students I have met in my career are Harry's father and his friends more than ten years ago, who can compete with these two little guys."

"But then again, although they are naughty, they are also very smart. Students who don't focus on studying all day and can get five OWLs certificates are rare in my teaching years!"

Hearing this, Harry nodded in agreement.

He had never seen the Wesley twins study seriously, otherwise he and Ron would not be so surprised when they saw the twins reading around the fireplace outside the boys' dormitory before.

However, these two guys were able to pass the wizard level exams in five subjects... You know, these assessments are not like the usual final exams. Many young wizards with average learning can only get three or four certificates at most!

"Their brains are really useful." Dracula chuckled, "Those two guys often bring their own small magic props to me for evaluation... The production level is not very good, but they have a lot of ideas."

"Let's see how they perform in the future. If they are not as naughty as they are now, maybe I will introduce them to Nico one day when I am in a good mood."

"Nico Flamel?!" Professor Sprout opened his mouth in surprise, then turned his head to look at Ginny and said seriously, "Did you hear that, Ginny, tell your two brothers to pay attention when you go back. This is a big deal about their future!"

Ginny nodded quickly.

"Don't be so serious, I'm just talking... I don't know if Nico agrees or not." Dracula smiled and shook his head.

Then, his face showed an interesting look again, "But I really want to see what kind of expression the old guy would have if Nico's alchemy skills were used by the two Weisses to make joke products."

Harry swallowed silently.

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He always felt that if Nico Flamel really accepted Fred and George as apprentices, other people would not be able to look directly at the alchemy skills of this respected alchemist in the future...

"Okay, let's stop talking about the topic, I haven't finished yet." Professor Sprout smiled.

At this time, a song played by the weird sisters had just ended, and they walked out of the dance floor together and sat down at a banquet table with many empty seats.

"Where were we talking about? Oh, right, we're talking about Fred and George, right?"

Professor Sprout continued to analyze: "Although the two little guys' grades are not as good as his three brothers, as Professor Dracula said, they are very talented in other aspects."

"What's more, the twins have such a good relationship and have been inseparable for a long time. They will definitely not have the illusion of being ignored and unloved like Ron."

She turned her head to look at Ginny, "Ron is the youngest boy in your family, and you are the youngest girl. There is only a one-year age difference between the two of you, right?"

Ginny nodded a little blankly.

"Then the key to the problem is very clear." Professor Sprout clapped his hands and said to her.

"Arthur and Molly can raise so many outstanding children, which proves that they are indeed a pair of excellent parents - despite this, after having so many boys, they will involuntarily favor the only youngest girl like other families."

"You mean... me?" Ginny blinked and raised her hand to her nose.

"Yes, you are about the same age as Ron, but you are more favored than him. It is normal for him to have an unbalanced mentality." Professor Sprout said, "This psychological imbalance may not be reflected in normal times, but it has been accumulated in Ron's heart."

"At the same time, his two best friends-"

Speaking, Professor Sprout looked at Harry again, "Harry Potter, the savior, the genius Quidditch player and one of the five warriors, and Miss Hermione Granger, who has long dominated the first place in the grade..."

"Born in such a family environment, and also made friends with two such Excellent friend, in my opinion, Ron's performance is many times better than other little wizards. "

"So, I hope you can think from his perspective and be more considerate of your brother and friend." Professor Sprout smiled gently, "Go back and talk to Hermione, don't let these little things affect your friendship."

"It is normal for adolescent children to have conflicts occasionally. As long as you can resolve the conflicts with your heart, your friendship will go further."

Professor Sprout's analysis and consolation brought Harry and Ginny a completely different perspective.

They have never thought from Ron's perspective, but they just think that it is wrong for him to lose his temper and make trouble, and it is unreasonable, but they don't realize why he has such behavior.

After Professor Sprout's analysis, they can better understand Ron's difficulties and know the weakest part of Ron's heart.

Just when Harry and Ginny were still thinking, a chirping sound came from the side, interrupting their thoughts.

Harry looked up and looked at Professor Dracula who was sitting not far away tasting wine.

They saw that a large group of witches of different grades surrounded Dracula in three circles, shouting anxiously.

"Professor, what happened to Professor Dracula?" Harry asked Professor Sprout carefully.

"Oh, you mean Professor Dracula!" Professor Sprout looked over there and said with a smile, "A group of little girls are vying to invite him to dance!"

"Invite Professor Dracula to dance? So many people?" Harry asked in astonishment.

"Yes, just now it was Minerva and I who occupied their Professor Dracula, so they were quite restrained." Professor Sprout said, "Now that he is free, of course those little witches are scrambling to come."

As she said that, she suddenly sighed, "It's no wonder those little girls are excited... If I were twenty years younger, I might be even more active than them!"

"So, did Professor Dracula agree to dance with them?" Harry asked blankly.

"Of course he agreed, otherwise they wouldn't be so excited." Professor Sprout smiled, "Dracula, in order to be fair, let them line up one by one, one dance each, until the end of the dance!"


At twelve o'clock midnight, the Weird Sisters stopped playing, and everyone gave them a last round of applause, and then began to walk towards the entrance hall.

Many people hoped that the dance could be extended for a while, including Harry and Ginny, but not Dracula.

Dracula danced with countless little girls, and felt that he had lived for more than a thousand years, but he had never been so tired...

Similarly, Ron was not the one who hoped that the dance would be extended.

Ron felt that he had not had a happy night -

He watched Hermione dancing with his former idol in a depressed mood, and his original dance partner was also angry with him and ran away with someone else, and his sister was chatting with his best friend...

He sat at the banquet table with lifeless eyes, and when the music faded, he left the hall like a zombie and walked towards the Gryffindor common room.

On the way, he saw George running down the marble stairs holding a golden egg, with an extremely excited look on his face.

"Ron, do you see where Harry is?" George asked Ron, and he did not notice the lost expression on Ron's face.

"I don't know, maybe he is still flirting with Ginny?" Ron said with a mumble, almost without opening his mouth.

"I see. Thank you, little Luo Luo!" George thanked him casually and continued to run down the stairs.

Harry and Ginny bumped into George holding the golden egg at the entrance of the hall.

They then remembered that George didn't seem to attend the dance. Only Fred was dancing with his partner Angelina.

"What's wrong, George?" Harry asked, "Why didn't you come to the dance?"

"Shhh - keep your voice down." George looked around and pulled Harry to an empty corner of the entrance courtyard.

After confirming that there was no one around, he stuffed the golden egg in his hand into Harry's arms and raised his eyebrows mysteriously.

"I found the secret of this golden egg, Harry!" George said proudly.

"What? You cracked it?" Harry opened his eyes wide.

He had been obsessed with the dance and almost forgot that there was still the second project of the semi-finals waiting for him.

"That's right!" George nodded. "Actually, Fred and I found some clues before, but there was no way to verify it."

"So today I let Fred go dancing by himself, and then I sneaked into the prefect bathroom while everyone was at the Christmas ball..."

"Wait, why did you sneak into the prefect bathroom? What does this have to do with the golden egg?" Harry was full of doubts and asked several questions in a row. "Also, doesn't it require a password to enter there? How did you get in?"

"Oh, the password there has never changed. We got it from Percy a long time ago." George said indifferently, "Only the prefect bathroom has a bathtub, and our shower is useless."

"Don't ask anything else for now. While the dance has just ended and there is no one else in the bathroom, let's go there quickly!"

"If the two of us go to the prefect bathroom, then...what about Ginny?" Harry glanced at his dance partner and said hesitantly.

"If Ginny wants to go, you can ask her to take a bath with you." George said with a smirk.

Ginny blushed, stamped her feet in anger, glared at George, and then followed the crowd to the Gryffindor common room.


The moonlight shone in the corridor, which was empty and very quiet, forming a sharp contrast with the noisy hall.

George pulled Harry to the statue of "Lake Boris" - this was a wizard with a blank expression, and the gloves on both hands were worn backwards.

George followed the statue and walked to a door next to it, and read the password to the door:

"Fresh pineapple."

The door creaked open.

Harry followed George in, turned around to lock the door, and looked around.

"Wow, being a prefect is really good!" he exclaimed.

In front of them was an extremely luxurious bathroom. There was a luxurious chandelier with candles above their heads, casting a warm and soft light in the room. Everything was made of snow-white marble, including the bathtub in the middle that was sunken into the ground.

The bath is like a rectangular swimming pool, with about a hundred golden faucets on the side, and each faucet has a different colored gem on the handle.

In addition, there is a diving board outside the bath, as if it can really be used as a swimming pool.

Snow-white linen curtains are hung on the windows; a pile of soft white towels are placed in a corner.

There is a painting on the wall, framed in a gilded frame. The painting shows a blonde mermaid, sleeping soundly on the rocks, with long hair brushing her face, trembling slightly with every breath she takes.

"There's no need to envy them, don't you already know the password?" George laughed, "Fred and I often sneak in, and we don't have to do the work of the prefects, which is the most comfortable."

"So, what should we do?" Harry looked at the golden egg in his hand and asked.

"Well... I suggest you throw it in directly!" George said.

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