Professor Vampire.

Chapter 39 - 39 School Council

Chapter 39: Chapter 39 School Council

Fine snowflakes drifted around Hogwarts, adding a homecoming atmosphere to the little witches and wizards lined up on the white lawn.

The Christmas holiday had finally arrived!

Excitedly, the students carried their large and small packages to the castle's main gate, took carriages to Hogsmeade Station, and then boarded the Hogwarts Express to King's Cross Station, just as they had arrived.

Harry sat in the Gryffindor Tower dormitory, looking out the window from his bed at the students winding their way toward the carriages, and felt a twinge of envy.


A snoring sound filled the dormitory. Harry turned his head to see Ron still fast asleep.

A smile appeared on Harry's face, and he suddenly felt that there was no need to envy the students going home for Christmas.

Because Hogwarts was his home, and he was spending Christmas at home this year!

Suddenly, Harry's eyes widened in surprise—

On the snow-covered lawn, he saw a young wizard walking against the crowd.

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From the distinctive platinum blonde hair, Harry recognized the young wizard as Draco Malfoy, who was now accompanied by an adult wizard with the same hair color, both heading towards the castle.


"Draco, are you sure the one who bullied you is a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

Walking on the snow-covered lawn, the adult wizard with platinum blonde hair asked Draco, who was beside him.

Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, had the same platinum blonde hair as Draco, cold gray eyes, and held a luxurious snake-headed cane.

Sensing what might happen next, Draco shifted uncomfortably.

"It's Professor Dracula from Defense Against the Dark Arts," he whispered. "Dad, are you really planning to have him dismissed?"

"Of course, isn't that what you wanted?" Lucius, seeing Draco's uneasy demeanor, said with a hint of frustration. "Draco, you must understand that we are the Malfoy family, one of the Twenty-Eight Families. We must respond firmly to those who dare to provoke us to maintain our family's honor!"

"But... but he actually teaches quite interestingly, and he seems very strong. There's a rumor in Hogwarts that he isn't afraid of the Dark Lord at all..." Draco hesitated.

At the mention of the "Dark Lord," Lucius's eyes twitched.

He had recently dealt with an important diary given to him by the Dark Lord. Although it wasn't apparent on the surface, he had been feeling nervous, fearing that the Dark Lord might return.

"Listen, Draco, the Dark Lord is dead. We must look forward!" Lucius said in a low voice, also speaking to himself. "The rumor that your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor isn't afraid of the Dark Lord is probably just a rumor. Even if he isn't afraid, it's likely only because the Dark Lord is dead, which gives him some unfounded confidence..."

Draco nodded, somewhat understanding.

At that moment, a man wearing a purple turban happened to walk by. For some reason, when Lucius's eyes met his, he felt a shiver from his very soul.

"Good morning, Professor Quirrell." Draco, eager to be polite in front of his father, greeted the man in the turban.

"Good morning, Malfoy," Quirrell said with a drifting voice. "May I ask what you were discussing just now?"

"It's none of your business what we were discussing!" Lucius, suppressing his inner fear, coldly replied.

Quirrell gave him a deep look and then turned to walk towards the castle's main entrance.

What Lucius did not notice was that inside Quirrell's robe pocket was a blank diary emitting a strong dark aura, seeping into Quirrell's body and controlling his mind.

"Strange, why isn't Professor Quirrell stuttering anymore?" Draco wondered, looking back at Quirrell.

"Let's go, Draco." Lucius urged, somewhat trembling.


Draco, noticing his father's urgency, set aside his confusion and quickly followed Lucius.


When the Malfoys arrived at the Hogwarts School Board meeting room, all twelve board members were already present.

They sat in a circle around a long round table, staring at each other in silence.

"Lucius, is it only to dismiss a professor that you called us here today?" one of the board members finally broke the silence.

"Yes," Lucius placed his cane on the round table, staring at the speaking board member. "I believe that the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dracula, has problematic teaching methods. His classes often put students in danger, disregarding their safety. If an accident were to occur, Hogwarts would find it difficult to bear such a serious responsibility."

"Moreover, I have investigated several informed students, and they unanimously reported that Professor Dracula frequently administers corporal punishment."

He took out a student survey from his pocket and showed it to everyone present.

The surveys were filled out by Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco's friend Pansy, among other Slytherin students.

The board members quickly glanced over the survey, frowning slightly.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, what is your opinion on Professor Dracula's behavior?" One of the board members turned to Dumbledore, who was dozing off in the main seat, and asked.

Dumbledore glanced at him and then said with a smile, "I believe Professor Dracula is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor we've had in decades in terms of teaching quality and personal integrity."

The eleven board members, except for Lucius, were somewhat surprised by Dumbledore's evaluation.

Despite his age, Dumbledore's reputation and personal charisma still shone brightly in the magical world, having not diminished at all in the decades since his defeat of Grindelwald.

Such a high praise from the esteemed elder could not be taken lightly by the board members.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, however, you cannot deny that Professor Dracula uses corporal punishment on students, can you?" Lucius, sensing the situation turning unfavorable, quickly added. "The Ministry of Magic's education laws stipulate that no teacher may administer severe corporal punishment to underage wizards."

"And my child Draco has suffered serious psychological trauma from Professor Dracula's corporal punishment. Even this alone is enough for the board to dismiss him!"

He stared coldly at Dumbledore, a smirk on his lips.

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