Professor Vampire.

Chapter 7 - 7 Hairy blood

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Hairy blood

While several professors were chatting and laughing, a gaunt wizard approached with a dismal stride.

He had greasy hair, waxy skin, and a large hooked nose. His long black robe fluttered as he walked.

Even though Dracula was quite familiar with bats, he almost mistook this figure for a large bat!

"Ah, Severus, you finally arrived," Dumbledore greeted the newcomer with a cheerful tone and introduced him to Dracula. "Professor Dracula, this is Professor Severus Snape, the head of Slytherin House."

"Severus, this is Professor Dracula, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

When Snape heard "Defense Against the Dark Arts professor," his gaze narrowed slightly.

He then raised his deep, black eyes to look at Dracula.

"Professor Dracula, is it?" Snape said with a thin smile, each word seemingly squeezed out through his teeth. "Before the term starts, I feel it's necessary to remind you... that Defense Against the Dark Arts is a highly dangerous subject. I hope you're up to the challenge."

Dracula sensed the intense malice in Snape's words, so he lifted his gaze slightly and locked eyes with him.

The two malevolent glances seemed to ignite an invisible spark.

Dracula's crimson eyes shifted slightly, causing Snape's dark eyes to narrow suddenly!

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Snape staggered back a couple of steps, his face turning a bit pale.

At that moment, Professor McGonagall stepped forward, placing herself between the two men and blocking their hostile glares.

"Severus, temper yourself!" she scolded Snape sternly.

Snape averted his gaze, his eyes showing signs of uncertainty.

The professors were taken aback by this unexpected scene.

No matter how poor Snape's reputation might be, his strength was universally acknowledged among the professors. After all, not everyone could become the Dark Lord's right-hand man through sheer strength.

Yet, this expert in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Master of Occlumency had been caught off guard in a mental confrontation with Dracula!

Ignoring the astonished professors, the diligent Professor McGonagall quickly guided Dracula to the Great Hall.

"Professor Dracula, don't mind Severus," she said. "Severus has always wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor but was denied by Albus. Therefore, he doesn't take kindly to anyone who successfully gets the position."

Dracula raised an eyebrow and glanced back at the bat-like figure.

"I didn't expect the position to be so sought after," he said with a light laugh.

Professor McGonagall led Dracula to his seat at the professor's table in the Great Hall, placing him far from Snape to prevent any further conflict... or rather, to avoid any awkwardness for Snape after his earlier embarrassment.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the meal!" Dumbledore, smiling broadly, tapped his plate.

As his words ended, a variety of rich dishes emerged from gleaming plates.

Dracula glanced disinterestedly at his plate and then raised an eyebrow in surprise, turning to look at the center of the professor's table.

"I heard that the duck blood soup and pig's blood sausages from Poland are quite good, and the spicy hotpot from the East is also quite unique, so I had the house-elves add them to the menu!" Dumbledore winked at him.


After lunch, Dracula met with Quirrell again in his office for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"So, you're sure you want to be my teaching assistant?" Dracula asked as he poured himself a large glass of cold water and drank it all in one gulp.

Quirrell's expression showed some hesitation but ultimately nodded.

"Yes... yes, I'm sure," he stammered.

In reality, Quirrell—or rather, Voldemort—found this decision not very difficult.

On one side was his obsession with becoming the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, his remaining dignity; on the other was the opportunity to get close to the Philosopher's Stone, his hope for resurrection...

Thus, Voldemort discarded his dignity without hesitation.

As the saying goes, what is dignity? Can it be eaten?

And for Voldemort, what is dignity? Can it give him greater power? Can it help him escape death?

Clearly, it cannot.

As a "survivor" who had endured for eleven years in the Albanian forest, Voldemort had even gone so far as to parasitize small animals to gain life energy.

It wasn't until Quirrell arrived that he had some means to cause trouble.

Moreover, Voldemort felt a strong dark power emanating from Dracula on their first meeting, and this power gave him a very dangerous feeling.

This was also the reason why he immediately ordered Quirrell not to act and to retreat.

After Quirrell's escape attempt failed, Voldemort took over his body and barely escaped Dracula's interception using his own dark magic.

During this time, he gained a deeper understanding of Dracula's power.

Thus, Voldemort had long since given up on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and had started preparing other plans.

Dumbledore's offer of the teaching assistant position was like a timely rain, allowing Voldemort to rekindle his plan to steal the Philosopher's Stone at Hogwarts.

"Well then, I have a few requests," Dracula said coldly after taking another large gulp of cold water. "First, you will handle grading assignments, writing lesson plans, and organizing papers. I won't do these tedious tasks."

"Alright... alright, no problem," Quirrell replied, stuttering.

"Second, if I ever feel like skipping a class, you will need to teach the students in my place."

Quirrell nodded again.

"And finally..." Dracula put down his glass, his expression suddenly turning cold. "Finally, get rid of that disgusting garlic smell from you!"

Dracula felt quite nauseous from the occasional garlic smell coming from Quirrell.

Not only did vampires dislike garlic, but it also reminded him of the spicy hotpot he had just eaten.

He couldn't understand why Dumbledore would think of letting a cold, eerie vampire eat such spicy hotpot! And out of curiosity about this peculiar dish, Dracula had actually taken a few bites!

Dracula now felt like he had basked in a warm sunbath, and the feeling was... indescribable!

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