Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 102: I am The Wind Man!!!!

Chapter 102: I am The Wind Man!!!!

"Your assumption is half correct and half wrong. We knew your parents were back, but we weren't going to show up here because of that, as the two don't want to see us. Although we are sad about it, we can still take it for a while. The other subject that we came up with, you must know what it is, right?" The old man spoke vaguely, like a Saint Mage and one of the former patriarchs of a supreme clan. The old man knew a few things.

"I see ... I understand the situation." Liu Yang noticed that the two old men came because of Liu Xia.

"Boy, don't blame us for this. This is a very delicate subject"

"Don't worry about it, I understand the situation."

"Boy, letting that matter go, won't you introduce these two little girls to us?" The two old people understood that their children and granddaughter had already left and had no further reason to comment on this matter.

"They are Xiao Mei of the Xiao clan and Song Jia, her bodyguard" Liu Yang introduced them simply and casually.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both, I hope this boy has not given you much trouble" The old man commented, he knows the relationship of the three.

"Nothing, Liu Yang is very good for us" Xiao Mei replied in an embarrassed way, she and Song Jia realized that the two old people were some of Liu Yang's relatives, like the grandparents from the words that both sides spoke earlier.

What most impressed the two girls was that Liu Yang had two extremely powerful relatives in his clan. Two Saint Mages is something that few clans had, it made it much easier to find out which clan he came from.

"Haha Boy, you are really someone interesting. You dared to steal the granddaughter's heart from that crazy old woman from the Xiao clan" The old man was referring to Xiao Mei's grandmother. Many old people of his generation call Xiao Mei's grandmother that way.

"Elderly, do you know my grandmother?" Hearing the old man call her grandmother as a crazy woman, Xiao Mei understood some things.

"Yes. Many of us from the previous generation know your grandmother "

"Boy, won't you be introducing us to both? Or do we have to do this? "

"Xiao Mei, Song Jia, that old man is my maternal grandfather and that old woman is my paternal grandmother" Liu Yang introduced them both casually.

"..." Xiao Mei and Song Jia didn't know what to say at the moment. Liu Yang's words confirmed that the two old people were his grandparents. Having two Saint Mage as a relative is insane, only powerful and influential clans had this type of member.

"Little girls, as you two can be considered our granddaughters, we are going to give you two a small gift." The two old people were happy to see the reaction of the two girls. The two waved their hands and each received two gifts, each of the old people gave an item to each of them.

Xiao Mei's and Song Jia's faces turned red because of the old man's words, as it meant that they accepted them as Liu Yang's lovers.

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The two items were wrapped in two small boxes.

"You can open it later, if you have any questions, you can ask that crazy old woman or the former patriarch of the Xiao clan about these two items"

"We thank the elderly for the gift" The two girls bowed and thanked the two old men.

"Don't worry about it, you two are taking care of this kid for us." The old man played a little.

"Old man, we have to go back. Our time is over "The old woman spoke up, the two of them had been out of the clan for a long time and someone was going to visit them.

"Yes, someone is visiting us. Kids, I'll see you at another time "The two old men said goodbye and left quickly. Leaving only Liu Yang, Xiao Mei and Song Jia in place.

The atmosphere was a little strange after the two old people left.

The next day

Liu Yang woke up in a good mood, he looked at the two beautiful young women beside him and smiled.

After the two old people left, Liu Yang talked to the two girls a little bit about some things, he told them that his parents had taken Liu Xia to her home, but she would come back later. After the conversation, the three went to bed having fun all night.

Xiao Mei and Song Jia knew that Liu Yang was a little discouraged because of Liu Xia, so the two girls agreed to distract Liu Yang a little, at least for a day. The two girls did several perverted positions and many other things to cheer up Liu Yang. The night of the three was crazy.

The two girls left after breakfast, they had to come home and train, but they were also curious to know about the gifts they received.

Liu Yang waited for the two of them to get home and receive messages from them before going to the basement. He wouldn't be able to train without knowing if the two girls arrived home safe and sound or not.

The basement was the same as before, but there were some differences. The magic array has changed, Liu Yang's parents have added a few more types of magic circles so that he can train alone.

"It seems that my parents were already prepared for that to happen..."

Sniff Sniff Sniff

The Little One appeared on Liu Yang's shoulders, it was curious to know about Liu Yang's training.

"Do you want to train too?" Liu Yang asked in an amused tone.

"Sniff ... Sniff ... Sniff ..." The mouse just shook its head, it didn't have much intelligence at the moment.

"Just rest for now and grow up, when the time comes, you will train to be strong too" Liu Yang smiled when he saw this scene.

Although the little mouse grew in size and became much stronger than before, its intelligence was like a baby at the time. It was still necessary sometime before its intelligence showed.

Liu Yang put the little mouse in a cage with a racing wheel for it to run. The wheel was a little heavy, but it was enough for the Little One to train.

"Sniff ... Sniff ... Sniff ..." The Little One was running happily inside the wheel. Liu Yang just smiled seeing this scene.

Liu Yang stood in the center of the room and closed his eyes, he was concentrating on using the second method of flying.

The method was simple but extremely difficult at the same time.

Liu Yang's feet began to glow a green light, a small hurricane appeared beneath him and Liu Yang began to float. He was flying.

"This was easier than I thought. I think my control over the wind element reached the pinnacle when I managed to merge with the wind element, I think this is one of the effects of Elemental Fusion "Liu Yang imagined that this would be the case.

In the information left by Liu Xia, the Elemental Fusion was vaguely described, as it only said that the magician could use the element the way he wanted with just one thought. Turning on or off the special and passive effects was easy like moving the body.

Although Liu Yang did not train much in the use of the effects of Elemental Fusion, he flew already proved the effects and his new control in the wind element.

"It seems that I just need to think about flying that I can already fly. I am the Wind Man." Liu Yang imagined.

Four small hurricanes came out of his arms and legs. He started to fly, the stability was much greater than flying with both feet.

"Fl...!!! Ahhhh !!!! " Liu Yang forgot he was inside the basement and when he flew higher at great speed, he hit his head on the ceiling.

Booom !!!! Bang !!!

His body fell to the floor because of the knock on the ceiling.

"Ahhh!!!" Liu Yang felt no pain when his body fell to the ground, as his body was strengthened twice with extremely powerful medicinal fluids. The scream was just out of custom.

"Sniff ... Sniff ... Sniff ..." The little mouse was startled when it saw Liu Yang hit his head on the ceiling and then fall to the floor.

"Don't worry about me, that was nothing." Liu Yang got up right away. The crash did not harm him.

"Sniff ... Sniff ... Sniff ..." The Little One ran again after seeing that Liu Yang was fine.

"It seems that I have to concentrate better before I fly. Let's see what the first method is like" Liu Yang concentrated again, in the same instant, two transparent wings with a green glow appeared on his back.

"Fly" Liu Yang raised his fist like a superhero. The wings spread and he started to fly, Liu Yang controlled himself this time not to fly any higher.

"It seems that I still need to learn to control both methods. You stay inside the cage, I will change this location a little bit "Liu Yang snapped his fingers.

Tap !!!

The magic circles drawn on the walls began to shine, space began to distort. The room inside the basement started to change and turn into a large plain. Liu Yang activated the training arrays to simulate a place for him to fly.

The little mouse was surprised to see the changes in the location, it stayed inside the cage running and did not dare to leave.

"We are going to test the flight in a more open place" Two wings appeared on Liu Yang's back and he fired upwards.

Shuoooo !!!!

His flight speed was extremely fast, in just a few seconds, he was already hundreds of meters in the sky. But at the same time, he used much of his magical energy.

"It seems that the amount of magic energy needed to fly is quite high, at least the first method. Let's see the second method "

Liu Yang went down on the floor before testing the second method. First, he flew using his hands, two hurricanes were created in his arms.

"The speed is slightly reduced, but the magic energy consumption is much less than the first method."

Liu Yang went down on the ground again before flying with his feet.

"Flying with my feet is the same as flying with my hands, but it's more difficult to balance."

Liu Yang's fourth attempt was to use his arms and legs.

"Flying using my arms or legs, the speed and consumption of magical energy are the same as using the wings. It seems that I will have to use my hands and feet to fly when necessary but to chase or flee from an enemy, I can use the wings, arms or legs, or all three at the same time.

"What happens if I use all three methods to fly at the same time?" Liu Yang was curious when he thought about it.

Two wings appeared on its back, while four hurricanes appeared on his hands and legs.

"I'm the Wind Man!!!!" Liu Yang shouted.

Shuoooo !!!!

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