Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 125: They are from the Return God Sect !!!

Chapter 125: They are from the Return God Sect !!!

The sky was completely dark while the clouds covered the moon like a cloth, darkness hovered over Penghu. The weather there was strange and heavy, more than usual.

The night seemed to be a beautiful setting for a hidden massacre.

On the main island ...

Shuoooo !!! Shuoooo !!! Shuoooo !!!

Slash!!! Slash!!! Slash!!! Slash!!!

Pang Pang Pang Pang

Many sounds of something moving very fast and of cuts could be heard before many bodies started to fall to the ground without their heads. They were dead, several students died without knowing what had happened.

Some shadows appeared while holding bloody swords. They were the invaders sent by the Return of God Sect.

The group searched the bodies and the nanotechnology bag to see if there was anything of value inside.

"It's not here, but there are some interesting things in the bags of these young magicians. Some of them must belong to great clans. We are lucky to get that kind of thing "One commented after looting the bodies of the dead students.

"We will ransack everything before we continue" The group ransacked the bodies of each of the dead students, their eyes shining when they saw a large number of pills, medicinal liquid, and magical protective equipment.

"Let's continue," One of them said. They were excited after a good harvest.

"Affirmative" The group continued to silently follow the sea beasts in the dark night.

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!

Several sounds of explosions were heard on the other islands an hour after the invasion. The explosions lit up Penghu skies and formed several drawings.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Many drawings forming signs of distress and warning flashed in the skies of Penghu. These alerts were created by those who believed Liu Yang's words and made preparations to alert everyone in Penghu, as they knew that Liu Yang had warned everyone, but almost no one would believe him.

Those who believed were magicians who knew a little about Liu Yang, privileged information. Some of them even admired his strength and power and decided to believe him. In the end, Liu Yang's words were correct and the invasion really happened.

This alarmed the invaders, while the students were even more frightened, they remembered Liu Yang's warnings during the afternoon.

(Is this really true ?? Is anyone invading the island ??? How did Liu Yang know that ???) That was the thinking of those who believed Liu Yang's words.

"Leader, it looks like some of them managed to escape and create warning signs." One commented he was receiving information from the other groups.

"It doesn't matter, we will speed up our search. We have already put up protective barriers, besides, the island is isolated by the Chinese government itself. They will kill all these promising young people because of that decision."

"Yes, leader."

The group moved faster in search of other students.

In a hidden part of the island, the site was a large camp where the students were hiding. This place was created to hide from sea beasts at night.

The climate in the place was heavy, as they realized that they were in an extremely dangerous situation.

"What are we going to do now? Liu Yang's words were true "One of the students asked. In the center of the fire, there were a total of ten people, they were the most influential in the group.

"Bai Yan, what did Liu Yang do to discover that there would be an invasion of the island?" A young man asked, he seemed to be the oldest of all at the site, even though they were all third-year high school students.

That was a key question and the reason for the invasion. What Liu Yang had done. Because if he knew there was an invasion, he must have done something on the island.

"I don't know. The only thing he said is that he found something after fighting the sea beasts and that this item must create a great massacre "

"I see ... Do you know what kind of item he picked up?"

"No, he told me that the moment he found out what the item was, he threw it away with all his might. It could attract a big disaster "

"What he found must have come along with some sea beast. Such a thing should not be on the island, as the government has already explored each piece and verified that there was nothing of value "The young man commented after analyzing Bai Yan's words a little. He managed to realize some important points.

"I think this is a lie. If Liu Yang found something so precious that some group invaded the island and caused an international crime, he must have kept the item to himself while we were all killed "Another young man commented. He was jealous and envious of Liu Yang's luck.

Liu Yang spent only one night on the island, and he has already encountered something so rare that it could trigger a war with another country. The young man was not the only one, many other students in Penghu thought and felt the same way.

"You are mistaken. Liu Yang has already sold an item much more precious than any other item in the world. " The young man commented again. As someone influential in one of the big five clans, he had some insider information that the others did not.

"Cai Tu, what do you mean by that?" Only a few people, who were on the island, knew about it, the question about Liu Yang selling his God of Elements equipment to the European Union.

"This is not a secret among large clans like ours, but it is not something that you can easily know. I can only say that Liu Yang had an item that was highly coveted by all countries in the world, including China, but he sold it to another country because China already had one and didn't need a second. You must have understood the meaning of my words, right? "

A few understood while many still did not understand the meaning of those words.

"As the facts have already happened, the only thing we have to do now is to try to send a message abroad and hold on until the reinforcements come" Cai Tu spoke solemnly and heavily. He knew that the situation was extremely complicated.

"Can't we look for Liu Yang and make him say he doesn't have the item?"

"It will not work. If they are already killing students at the time they invaded. They must be determined to erase the witnesses. "

"This is all of Liu Yang's fault. If he hadn't found this rare and precious item, none of this would be happening "Someone commented. He was blaming Liu Yang for his luck in finding something extremely rare and precious. That was just his envy and jealousy. Many others were feeling the same way.

Because of Liu Yang's luck, those who did not like him felt great jealousy and envy in their hearts. But none of them could do anything against him, so they started to blame Liu Yang for the things that are happening at the moment.

Those who were on Liu Yang's side and the neutrals did not comment on the matter as it could create some kind of friction between groups at the site. At the moment, they need to come together to overcome this calamity.

"Cai Tu, do you have any idea how we can get through this ordeal?"

"We need to use the magic emergency communication equipment that we have. If we fail to notify the outside that we are being attacked, we will all die "

Cai Tu's words left some hesitant, as emergency equipment could only be used in emergencies and many do not want to use this type of thing on the spot. Even though everyone's lives were in danger.

"I already used mine. I hope that those who also have some kind of communication equipment for emergencies will also use it to save not only themselves but also everyone else. " Cai Tu showed a circular device that had a jewel on top shining.

The device looked like a small stick with a lamp on the end. This was like an extremely powerful beacon that served to alert the other side and call for help.

After seeing Cai Tu's action, many other students also began to remove and activate their magic emergency communication equipment.

"I thank everyone for cooperating"

The problem was that this type of equipment takes a half-hour to activate.

Cai Tu activated when he had seen the warning sign on the other islands. He made that choice without a second thought, some others on the other islands did as well. They understood the seriousness of the situation because if someone dares to invade Penghu, the other side must be very sure that it will not alert the government.

This proved that the invaders will kill everyone at the scene to silence witnesses to avoid future problems.

Ten minutes have passed since the invasion began, everyone needed to hold on for another twenty minutes for the flags to be active and the outside sends help as quickly as possible.

"My device will activate in twenty minutes. And yours? " Twenty minutes was a lot in the current situation.

"Thirty minutes"

"Twenty-five minutes"

"Twenty minutes"

At least forty students spoke about the time of their flags. On average, the time was twenty minutes.

(Twenty minutes. That's a long time. If the invaders find us before that time, we all have a chance to be killed.) Cai Tu thought. He was trying to think of other ways of survival at the time.

"Cai Tu, they are coming. They don't know our location, they are following the sea beasts to find us. We need to hide our smell or create an even stronger smell "A young man showed a projected screen.

The images were showing the Return God Sect's group walking slowly as they followed the sea beasts. The sea beasts were sniffing the students' scent.

"They are from the Return God Sect !!!"

"These terrorists have invaded Penghu. So Liu Yang must have found one of the items that belong to the God of Elements !! " A young man who belonged to one of the big shots screamed in shock.

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