Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 83: Negotiating the God of the Elements's equipaments

Chapter 83: Negotiating the God of the Elements's equipaments

Liu Yang and Liu Xia looked at each other before nodding.

"We can hand both if you want, but the condition is our parents' approval" Liu Yang spoke casually, these two items were given by their parents, and they will sell only if their parents let them. The two didn't even know which of the items the other side was referring to, they just knew it was something they were in possession. Items can be stored at home or stored with them.

"It looks like this negotiation will also fail ... Do you know these two people?" Fred Huberts showed Liu Yang and Liu Xia a photo. The picture showed the Liu couple getting out of the carriage when they arrived at the World of Rulers.

Several countries had spies in the World of Rulers and vice versa.

"Yes, they are my parents. Do you know where they are? "Liu Yang asked curiously, Liu Xia had a vague idea of where the couple was.

"The Liu couple is in the World of Rulers. According to the information we received from there, they went to that world willingly and with their resources. "Fred Huberts replied strangely, he never imagined that two people could have enough resources for such a trip.

"I see"

"As this topic was discussed, I would like to express my second goal in coming to this country" James Gate spoke up.

"What would be the second goal?"

"I'm here to talk about the young girl named Liu Xia or should I call her Niya, the Princess of the World of Rulers, daughter of Agnar and Kari Talon, the couple who rule the World of Rulers" James Gate spoke solemnly about this subject.

Hearing these words, Liu Yang, Liu Xia and Tang Chen continued in the same way as before and were not changed. Fred Huberts and Rosalie Backer changed their faces when they heard it, they never thought James Gate would be that straightforward.

"I see Soldier James Gate, why are you so sure of that? Could you tell us? "Tang Chen laughed a little before asking, for him, Liu Xia's identity didn't matter, she will always be his young miss and Liu Yang's fiancee.

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"Principal of the Magic Association Tang Chen, you should know that six years ago, the supreme ruler of the World of Rulers, Agnar, sent a request to all the countries in our world, he wanted us to look for his lost daughter. According to the descriptions, the girl was only ten years old and had blue hair.

In several places in the world, there were girls with blue hair, this was the result of a mutation of the water element. But it was different for Agnar's lost daughter, her hair was natural.

After several years, many countries discovered that there was only one girl in the human world with this description, we sent spies to find out about it, but none of them returned alive. After many attempts, we discovered that there was an extremely powerful guardian protecting the two young people. This further strengthened our theory.

The principal of the Magic Association Tang Chen, you must be aware of what I'm talking about, right? "James Gate spoke calmly and slowly, he stared into the eyes of the three on the other side, but to his surprise, they had none change.

"I see ... It seems that not only the USNAF has a great imagination, but also many other countries." Tang Chen laughed at this subject. He was aware of some things like that, but China never moved on that issue because they didn't need to.

"I have a little question for you. If the young miss is an invocation of the young master, why did she never return to the Magic Space of the invoked beings? "Tang Chen pondered a little before asking as he stared at James Gate. That question was something that even Tang Chen didn't know the answer to, much less James Gate.

The USNAF had some assumptions about this, but they had no evidence about it and could only look for more clues before concluding.

This situation was extremely insane, an invocation could not stay in the real world for more than a few minutes, but Liu Xia stayed in the real world for six years. This was unbelievable.

Rosalie Backer knew something, but she chose to keep quiet, as she considers the USNAF a rival.

"Soldier James Gate, do you still have anything to say?" Tang Chen asked casually. As the other side lost the initiative, he took that chance.

"I'm leaving, but this matter isn't over yet" James Gate spoke nonchalantly, but inside, he was quite irritated because of the way he was being treated. He was an officer in one of the most powerful armies in the world, but now, someone was treating him casually. How could he not be irritated by this?

James Gate got up and left, he didn't want to stay in the place any longer.

"Mr. Fred Huberts, what kind of subjects do you have with us when showing the picture of the master and the mistress?" Tang Chen turned and asked.

"UEN wants to buy one of the magical equipment of the God of the Elements, but it looks like it will be difficult to do that at the moment ..." UEN could not start a war against another power at the moment, as there were many enemies hidden at the time. One was the Returning God Sect.

This sect was created to worship the God of the Elements as a God. They would do anything to recover his belongings, even if they need to steal or kill. They were considered a terrorist group by the world powers.

When the information about the theft of USNAF magic equipment was discovered, the other countries that have the God of Elements magic equipment were alarmed by this, they understood that some group was trying to collect the ten equipment.

As the European Nations Union had no one equipment from the God of Elements. To show its power, they needed to have at least one, as a status symbol. China got two because two members got it while exploring an ancient place that belonged to the God of Elements.

"You can wait until my parents come back or you can send them a message" Liu Yang commented, he didn't mind selling these two items. His and Liu Xia's current power was too low to be able to protect these two items and they can still attract great dangers to them. They were lucky to have someone secretly protecting them, but this is only temporary.

Liu Yang and Liu Xia realized that countries had ways to contact the World of Rulers, otherwise they would not have gotten the photo of the Liu couple.

"I see ... Luckily, I came prepared" Fred Huberts took a letter from his pocket and put it on the table. The letter seemed ordinary.

"Young Liu Yang, you can read. This is a letter from your parents "

Liu Yang and Liu Xia looked at each other before she waved, it showed that it was safe.

Opening the letter, Liu Yang saw only a few words written: You decide what you are going to do with the two items. We gave it to you.

The Liu couple gave two extremely rare and unique items to the two as if it were something common. They didn't care about that because the two items were safer with Liu Yang and Liu Xia than with the Liu couple, as someone was protecting them, someone very powerful.

"Where did you get that letter?" Liu Xia asked seriously. If the answer doesn't satisfy her, something terrible is going to happen.

Sensing Liu Xia's cold and piercing gaze, Fred Huberts knew that if he said something wrong, something very bad would happen.

"This letter was not something that your parents gave me, I received it from someone else. Young Liu Yang, it looks like your parents give to their friend in Europe" Fred Huberts hid nothing and spoke the truth. He didn't want to suffer the consequences of lying to the little couple.

"I see ..." Liu Xia was thoughtful for a few moments before nodding to Liu Yang.

"Darling, what do you want to do?" Liu Xia asked, there would be no problem for her to sell the item, as this would bring more security for both and those around them.

"I'm thinking of selling my item to get some resources to cultivation. What about you? "Liu Yang already had some goals in mind.

"I will do the same. But I will not sell to them, you are enough. My magic equipment will be in China "Liu Xia spoke her thoughts.

There was no need for a country to have more than one of the ten pieces of equipment, they would only call attention to unnecessary problems.

"Mr. Fred Huberts, what are the magical equipment of the God of Elements that you are talking about? I don't know what their images are. "

"Young Liu Yang, look" Fred Huberts took two pictures from his pocket, one was of a dagger and the other was of a sphere.

"So these are. Mr. Fred Huberts, what kind of offer do you have in exchange for that? "Liu Yang took his dagger from the wind element. He was shocked when he found out that the dagger he wore was one of the God of Elements' ten pieces of equipment. Liu Yang never imagined that he was wearing something as rare and precious as something ordinary.

The eyes of the princess and Fred Huberts sparkled when they saw that little dagger in Liu Yang's hand, they felt the urge to steal, but they controlled themselves in doing so. They both knew that there was someone extremely powerful behind Liu Yang and Liu Xia, besides, Tang Chen was an Emperor Mage, someone with two ranks above the two.

At the same time, a thought came to their minds.

(This is insane, these two young men must be carrying the two pieces of equipment of the God of Elements as if it were ordinary magic equipment. This is very outrageous) The countries that had one of the ten pieces treats this as if they were great treasures, but the little casual wore it as if it were something common. This was very outrageous.

"If young Liu Yang's demand is not too excessive, we can negotiate a good price"

"I want these things" Liu Xia gave Liu Yang a list for him to show Fred Huberts.

Looking at the list, Fred Huberts frowned, he realized that the little couple was already prepared for this occasion. The items written on the list were not very rare or extremely precious.

The problem was the amount that was written, the European Nations Union can pay the price, but they still needed to think about some things before. Fred Huberts had no authority to accept this request without consulting his superiors.

"I need to talk to my superiors first before making a decision." Fred Huberts got up and left for a moment, he needed to do a call.

Only the princess remained in the room and the other three.

"Princess, now, it's your turn"

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