Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 85: Prophecy

Chapter 85: Prophecy

In another country

James Gate was sitting in the chair at a hotel in Japan, after leaving China, he went to Japan. Despite being watched by Japanese mages, he could still move a little more freely than in China.

Currently, he was in front of a communication device to make a video conference.

The device was activated and a middle-aged man appeared on the other side.

"Greetings Major" James Gate hailed as a military man.

"Greetings Lieutenant" The middle-aged man on the other side made the same gesture.

"Lieutenant, how was the negotiation?" The middle-aged man went straight to the point.

"It was a failure, those damned Chinese refused to sell us the magic equipment because we lost ours. Besides, about Princess Niya, they avoid and counterattack in a way that I could not avoid "James Gate reported vaguely about what happened at the meeting.

"I see I heard that some other powers also appeared at that time. What did they want? "

"Two of them wanted to buy some things from China, things like pills and resources that only exist in that country. While the other two, they belonged to the Union of the European Nations and the oldest princess of the New United Kingdom, the purpose of these two is cooperation with China.

I don't know the reasons for the Union of European Nations, but the reason for the New United Kingdom must be related to some prediction of the future that the Priestess made. "

"I see I think the Union of European Nations will try to buy one of the two magic equipment that is in the possession of the two children. While the objective of the New United Kingdom is a little different, the Priestess' predictions are always absolute certainty, she never made mistakes for more than thirty years making predictions, because of that, their objective must be something that will happen in the future, that makes things a little more complicated ...

We will not cause problems in China for the time being, if the New United Kingdom is trying to ally with them, something very big should happen in the country in the future. It is better to focus on how to recover our magic equipment for now. Lieutenant, your orders are to return immediately "When he finished speaking, the device was turned off from the other side.

"Yes major" James Gate's body shone before it disappeared, the magic equipment exploded then before disappearing like dust. It didn't even look like something had just exploded on the spot.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Back at the Magic Association building in China, Liu Yang had an extremely cheerful face, while Liu Xia was laughing beside him.

An hour had passed, and Fred Huberts had returned with the items Liu Yang had ordered, the items were stored in a nanotechnology bag. After verifying that everything was right, Liu Yang handed over his dagger without hesitation.

This scene surprised Fred Huberts, he realized that Liu Yang was willing to sell the dagger. What Fred Huberts didn't know was that Liu Yang didn't have much desire to sell, as it was a gift from his parents, what forced Liu Yang to sell was that his power was too weak to keep the dagger with him, that fact could cause a lot of trouble for him and those around him, especially for Xiao Mei and Song Jia.

After Fred Huberts left, the princess came back, she also had a smile on her face. This showed that the negotiation was successful.

"Young Liu Yang, what did you decide on the subject?" The princess sat in front of Liu Yang and asked.

"Princess Becker, I would like to refuse this wedding arrangement" Liu Yang answered honestly.

"Young Liu Yang, could you tell me the reason for this refusal?" The princess was eighty percent sure that Liu Yang would refuse the marriage arrangement, but she wanted to know the reason for the refusal.

"My girlfriend did not permit for this" Liu Yang answered honestly, as long as Liu Xia did not give permission, he would not take another woman, unless something happened beyond his limit.

"I see ... It seems that if young Liu Yang wants to have a lover, you need to ask permission from his first wife" The princess commented, she did not think that was strange. She was ninety percent sure that Liu Xia was the daughter of the supreme ruler of the World of Rulers. Given her status, why would Liu Xia let Liu Yang have a lover? That would be a little unpleasant for her. That was the princess's thought.

The princess did not know that she was wrong when she thought about it. It wasn't that Liu Xia didn't let Liu Yang have a lover if he wanted to, he could have a few more besides Xiao Mei and Song Jia, the problem this time was that the New United Kingdom was trying to use Liu Yang as a political object, this was something that Liu Xia will not let happen.

"Princess Becker, is there a problem with that?" Liu Xia spoke this time, she looked deeply into the princess's eyes and asked. A majestic aura could be felt around Liu Xia, she was using her status as a great princess to speak to another princess. But their status was distant.

Liu Xia was the princess of an entire world, while Rosalie Backer was the oldest princess in a country in the human world. The difference between the two girls was like heaven and earth.

"No problem. The agreement between the New United Kingdom and China will be concluded in a few days. Young Liu Yang doesn't have to accept the marriage arrangement "The princess replied casually, she already knew that this would happen. The wedding arrangement was just an extra on this negotiating trip.

"It seems that everything went smoothly and without any problems. Princess Becker, we are leaving now. The principal of the Tang Magic Association will help you with whatever you need. "The couple said goodbye to the princess and left the room holding hands.

"I am happy to be able to meet you. See you someday "The princess also said goodbye. She sat thoughtfully in the chair.

It was not long before Tang Chen appeared in the room. The two talked a few more details about the deal before the princess left the Magic Association and went to a hotel to rest.

Some hours later

Inside a luxurious and expensive hotel, Rosalie Backer was lying in bed while looking at the ceiling, she was still thinking about the visions of the future that the priestess of the New United Kingdom saw with her power.

"In the not too distant future, an extremely powerful new super mage will emerge in China, at the same time, the world will undergo some drastic and dangerous transformations. The prisoners will break free and the world will fall into great chaos again. "

These were the priestess's vague words, she could only see fragments or prophecies about the future, since it was impossible to see the future fully.

"It looks like something big is going to happen in a few years I wonder what that prophecy might be. The priestess's visions were never wrong, but sometimes it can take time to happen "The princess was murmuring as she looked at the ceiling of the room. She was trying to imagine the future.

When the priestess's visions had chaos, something extremely dangerous will happen. She used only the word chaos, but the situation would be much more dangerous than that.

"An extremely powerful mage will appear in China I wonder if that mage will be young Liu Yang, he seems to be the most likely to do so. Even though he is just an intermediary mage with the powers sealed to keep his girlfriend in the real world, he is already a great control mage, he just needs to cultivate and become stronger. "The priestess did not say who this mage would appear to be in China in a few years, but the princess had a feeling it would be Liu Yang because what he did during those years was something of a shock.

Seal his cultivation there was no relation to his training or something, Liu Yang did it for his beloved. As a woman, this action by Liu Yang touched the princess's heart.

"It looks like I will have to use another approach to pull Liu Yang to our side, at least to my side ..." The princess had her plans. Since she was the oldest princess, she was the candidate to be the next woman to be used in a political wedding. This was something she was against because she didn't want it.

Rosalie Backer was making her plans to change her destiny.

After Liu Yang and Liu Xia left Tang Chen's office, they were caught by two elderly people, a man, and a woman, both of whom were old men who lived in the mountains surrounded by forests and wild animals.

The couple was taken to another room to talk, the two elderly people were looking at the couple with loving looks as if they were members of the family.

Inside the room, Liu Yang and Liu Xia were eating while the old person drank tea. The little couple was sitting on one side while the two elderly people on the other side of the table.

The small meal lasted for some time before the old man spoke.

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