Prophecy Approved Companion

DLC: Dryad Queen Mini Game

DLC: Dryad Queen Mini Game

Tik tik tik.

The Dryad Queen slowly tapped her fingers on her now-flawless sternum. Her wooden fingers made slight clicking noises as they hit her chest.

Her heart had been returned. Her form had reverted. Her connection to her people had been restored.

She was the true ruler of the Forbidden Forest. She allowed the wood elves their representatives, but their main function was to do her bidding. Hence why they required testing before obtaining their position.

It would soon be time for the next leader to complete her trials and select a Head Guard. Up until a moment ago, the Dryad Queen had not had a single inkling that the trials were due. But somewhere, across the land, words had been spoken, and so the trials must occur. With a thought, she sent the order to her representative to start preparations.

The Dryad Queen could see the threads now. Ever since that creature had defiled her.

The tapping of her fingers sped up, just a fraction.

The pain had been immeasurable, as Mother Gothel and the Dryad Queen had fought for dominance. The Dryad Queen had won, of course, for she had the brutal practicality of nature on her side. Mother Gothel, for all her trappings of witchery, had been soft. Eager for love, admiration. She had been so desperate to fill the hole where the Beast had torn out her heart that she had kept even so poor a substitute as that Bard.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ironically, in having her heart returned, the Dryad Queen was more heartless than Mother Gothel could ever hope to be.

The Dryad Queen had wanted love, once. She had looked at the pairings of her people, and thought Why not me? So she had selected a fine and handsome wolf who was always about, and given him a gift. She had infused him with knowledge, speech, and power, and in return all she had asked for was his undying loyalty and love.

And, for a time, she had enjoyed the fruits of her labour.

But then the threads that mocked her agency had tugged, and she was suddenly bored of him. At the time she had assumed it was her own free will that had made her fickle, but looking back she saw how she had been puppeteered. A part of her wondered if he, too, had been manipulated.

Even now, she was bound to her grove. She should have been free to come and go as she pleased. There was even a portal to the Forbidden Forest right next to her why, then, could she not travel there?

Why did her perfectly restored heart ache?

The portal activated. What was this? None of the threads had been pulled, the warrior and his abomination were not nearby. She felt her sap quicken in anticipation of an attack and her mana pool around her.

A wolf stepped through the sparkling portal.

No. Not a wolf. Her wolf.

His golden eyes regarded her steadily.

She drew herself up, regal and cold, and observed her errant subject.

This was the Beast who had stolen her heart.

He took a step forward, flattening the grass beneath his giant paw.

This was the wolf whom she had chosen.

Another step. His bone-white teeth flashed.

This was the only one who had ever understood her.

He broke, and raced towards her. She fell to her knees, her arms opened wide as he bowled into her, knocking her over, the pair of them tumbling in a most undignified heap.

And, from far away, the threads continued to pull in vain, as the woman and her wolf were reunited, two hearts once again becoming whole.

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