Pseudo Resident’s Illegal Stay in Another World

Chapter 160: Necromancer (3)

Chapter 160: Necromancer (3)

"Damn it, you zombie bastard! Come here and stand properly, you bastard! Or else...!"

Or else what?

So, I looked at Luna to ask for her opinion, and Luna shouted.

"Threaten to hit its head! Twice! No, three times!"

As expected, Luna knew exactly what I was thinking just by looking at my eyes. Sometimes, I think Luna is really smart.

"Yeah! Damn it, I'll hit your head three times!"

—Grrr, ugh...

Maybe because of Luna's advice, my threat seemed to scare it, and the undead Ismail stood rather obediently within the cramped magic circle.

Damn, what would I have done if the threat didn't work? Actually, I don't even want to imagine.


Soon, the magic circle drawn on the ground started to emit a strange, bluish light. Realizing that he was in danger, Ismail trembled violently and started to glow.

—Grrr, ugh, ugh, aaaaah!!!!

It's really scary. Do beast trainers who train lions or tigers feel like this? I really respect those people.

"Stay still! Stay still, you bastard! It's an order. Damn it!"

Those people might have the know-how to handle such ferocious monsters, but for someone like me with no such experience, I could only scream in fear.


Still, the fortunate thing is that it stopped moving at my clumsy threat.

I was bewildered by this strange correlation. It can't be a coincidence that it listened to me twice.

"Doesn't it seem like this bastard is listening to me? Did I take control of this thing?"

When I asked, not sure, Luna also stopped her gloomy chant and stood up, showing me her open palm.

"Hassan! You can control the undead! Only the high-level shamans of the Tatar tribe can do that! How did you do it?"

"I don't know! Anyway, we did it!"


Luna and I clapped our hands together like a good team. Then Paranoy shouted in great confusion.

"Ah, the spell isn't finished yet...! The transfer of control hasn't even started...!"

"What the hell, damn it! So this guy is still dangerous! Hey, sit down! If you don't sit, I'll beat you up!"

I grabbed the club, ready to hit if necessary.

Fortunately, my threat seemed to work, as the undead Ismail bent his legs and sat down inside the magic circle.



I get it now.

Indeed, even the dead fear violence. This guy is afraid of my powerful and special club.

After all, this club is not just any club; it's a blessed olive wood club. It even has a scary name "Fear Crusher."

Maybe wielding this club is the right way to solve most problems? My genius is almost frightening.

"Controlling the dead, the cult's sorcery is indeed creepy. Proselyte Paranoy, it seems you have a few skills after all."

Hippolyte, who had approached my side, watched the scene with narrow eyes. Soon, she sheathed her sword with a Srrng—.

The situation isn't over yet, can't she keep holding her sword? Just as I was about to ask, Hippolyte spoke first.

"Can you make it extend its hand?"


"I want to check how much control you have over it."

"I see. Hey, extend your hand. Right hand."

Then Ismail, sitting on the ground, extended his right hand. Damn, it's really scary and amazing.

"Oh, it really follows orders. Sometimes adventurers have the talent to tame monsters, but I've never seen anyone control the dead except for Pluto's followers."

"Hey, extend me your left hand too."

I took the opportunity to make it extend not only its right hand but also its left hand.


Then his left hand was extended.


It seemed to follow my commands well, but its face was so sinister and cruel that it really made my legs tremble.

It felt like I was a Taoist priest controlling zombies in old Hong Kong movies. Yeah, exactly that feeling.

Having someone follow my orders. Is this what power-tripping feels like? Have I finally reached the stage where I can power-trip? Of course, damn it, the subject was a zombie that didn't even have a beating heart.

But it wasn't just any zombie, it was a super zombie, so wouldn't it be worth bragging about?

However, Hippolyte seemed to have a different opinion.

"Hassan, it's best to keep this matter a secret. If it's known that we're involved in necromancy, it won't end well."

"... Is that so?"

"The Temple Knights might come looking for us. Honestly, I want to avoid getting involved with them."

The Temple Knights were said to be similar to the prosecution agencies on Earth. Anyway, they were a powerful organization, and each member was also quite skilled.

"We'll destroy this one here. Proselyte Paranoy, can you break the necromancy spell?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Break the spell.

At those words, I felt relieved but also a bit regretful. A sturdy undead that followed my commands. Where else could I find such free labor?

A necromancer's undead doesn't eat, doesn't get tired. Also, it doesn't complain about the tasks it's given and works diligently.

The perfect part-timer.

The perfect slave.

I imagined myself adventuring while handling this undead.

Disarming traps, carrying loads, and other tedious and dangerous tasks could all be assigned to it. Even setting up tents, which is a hassle, would be good to assign to it.

Damn it, but this one was an undead created by forbidden sorcery.

It shouldn't be used for such personal tasks.

"Voodoo of Silence-!"


So in the end, its head was smashed by Luna's Silence Totem, breaking the spell.

Royal Guard.

It seemed to be a high-ranking undead. But in front of Luna's thick Silence Totem, which was finished with onyx, it was no match.

Come to think of it, Luna easily defeated the undead Silver Zombie raised by the cultist voodoo priest Zomnia with her Silence Totem.

If it was an undead that could be defeated with a Silence Totem, damn it, we wouldn't have had to go through all this trouble in the first place.


"The nine-headed monster, the despair of the underground, Hydra... Wriggling heads..."

"The tall, six-foot black-haired Samaritan... A big, thick club..."

The streets are noisy with the songs of bards. The lyrics and tunes are all different, but the content of the songs is mostly similar.

The black-haired Samaritan who fought the nine-headed Hydra.

Two days have passed since I left the underground,

The news that the Thieves' Guild Hydra, which ruled the underground market, was annihilated spread rapidly among bards, swindlers, and gossipers.

And the one who resolved the incident was neither the veteran adventurer team Silver Rose of Kalkata nor the Gold-tier adventurer Hippolyte, but rather,

"Look over there, look. The black-haired guy with the club. It's the Samaritan Hassan, right?"

"I heard that guy defeated the Thieves' Guild Hydra!"

It was me, Hassan of Samaria.

The disbanded Thieves' Guild Hydra kept their word to spread the news that 'they were defeated by Hassan of Samaria,' which is why this happened.

As I walked through the slums, people whispered behind my back, making my scalp tingle, but it didn't feel too bad.

Moreover, the rumors were not exaggerated or baseless, as I was indeed the one who disbanded the Thieves' Guild, so I felt proud.

"They say the leader of the Thieves' Guild was a monster with nine heads?"

"They say it had fangs so poisonous that even a drop could kill an ox!"

"To think he defeated such a creature with his bare hands! Truly, Samaritans are fearsome warriors!"

Of course, strange and exaggerated rumors are bound to spread.

Without an official announcement, the stories get exaggerated and embellished as they are passed from person to person.

"Enjoying the hero treatment, Samaritan?"

Hippolyte, who was walking with me to capture the remnants and henchmen of the Thieves' Guild, grumbled as she heard the whispers of the people.

"Well, that's not too bad either. Adventurers of the Mars Guild becoming famous, means the value of our Mars Guild will also rise."

Hippolyte laughed softly.

She seemed excited at the thought of her stocks rising. So she didn't seem to have any intention of correcting or explaining the obvious strange rumors.

Thanks to people like Marco, who love to spread stories, the news of the Thieves' Guild's disbandment and annihilation spread throughout Sodomora in less than a day.

"Breaking News! Breaking News! It's reported that the Thieves' Guild was involved with the Deputy Minister of the Outer West Gate!"

"The statue that disappeared from Baron Fleur's house, the Tear of the Goddess, has been returned to its place!"

The boys and girls selling newspapers with crude handwriting were excitedly running around, having gotten a scoop.

"The underground market that doesn't pay taxes is finally over. Damn, those bastards selling stolen goods cheaper than the regular price. Serves them right."

"Damn, the guys who threatened us to pay for our spots are all gone, so business might get better now."

"Never thought I'd see a day like this. Feels good to work."

The faces of the merchants in the West and South Gate markets were starting to show smiles, which made me feel somewhat proud. It felt like the city was revitalizing because of me.

"Look over there, that black-haired guy! It's the Samaritan! And next to him is Lady Hippolyte!"

To me, who had only heard curses and screams of fear, the voices of young women giggling were quite sweet.

"You seem to have the air of a famous adventurer, Samaritan."

While I was distracted by the giggling, Hippolyte poked me in the side. Saying she poked me doesn't quite capture it; it was strong enough to hurt.

"Well, yes. Hehe."

"Your actions have brought smiles to many in the city. But not everything is good. Because of this, many have lost their jobs and positions."

At Hippolyte's words, I thought of the public officials involved with the Thieves' Guild and the merchants in the underground market who were starting to face massive crackdowns.

Rising to a high position means making many enemies.

Thinking about someone sharpening their knives and fangs against me made my previously happy heart sink a bit and worry set in.

Moreover, the Thieves' Guild itself hasn't completely disappeared.

It's just going through a period of rebirth under a new name.

And the fact that I'm something like their boss is unknown even to Hippolyte. It's awkward to talk about, and I'm afraid of being treated like a criminal.

Damn, for the sake of my hero title - Iron Warrior Hassan, it seems I should quickly cut ties with those criminal bastards.

I don't know where they've hidden or what they're plotting.

I heard that the illegal underground bar in Dorgo, where I secretly went to meet Dorothea, has closed. Since it was originally operated illegally, it wouldn't be strange for them to flee at any time.

In the end, the only thing connecting me to them is the yellow camel skin hidden in my pocket.

Those guys are probably lying low in the city, where a massive purge is happening.

I should avoid approaching them first, and for now, I should act like I know nothing.

Anyway, Hippolyte and I entered the inn 'Nymph's Wing' as usual. It was already crowded with people, leaving no room to step.

"Why are there so many customers?"

"Rumor has it that a famous adventurer frequents this place. People are probably flocking here to make some connection."

At Hippolyte's words, I nodded in agreement. At that moment, the innkeeper, who seemed to have spotted my face, approached me with a big smile.

"Everyone, look here, look here! The Samaritan Hassan is here! Didn't I say we have a real regular among us! And the lady next to him is..."


The innkeeper looked at the gold tag hanging around Hippolyte's neck. His eyes grew larger than ever before.

"This person is a Gold Tier adventurer! My goodness, what a fortune for our inn!"

The inn became very noisy with the arrival of Hippolyte and me.

The attention, praise, and admiration directed at me made me feel both embarrassed and pleased, while also wanting to run away to a place where no one was around.

"Over there, to that corner seat. That seat will now be permanently reserved for Mr. Samarian. You liked quiet places, didn't you?"

The innkeeper, seemingly reading my mind, guided me to a secluded table. Having come here for meals every day for the past two months, he seemed to have roughly memorized my preferences.

"Knoxdotty hasn't arrived yet."

Hippolyte, seated in the corner, looked around the inn and made a comment.

We were supposed to meet Luna to discuss the potion promotion and the repayment of 3 silvers. Hippolyte seemed puzzled that Luna hadn't arrived yet.

Yesterday and today.

Luna had been tirelessly making potions for the workshop opening. Even now, she was probably urging Paranoy to grind various vegetables and strange ingredients.

"She'll come if we wait a bit."

"Well then, how about we have a drink together?"

"It's still broad daylight."

"That's true. Hmm, maybe that's not a good idea. But, it's the first time we're having a meal together like this."

"That's true."

Having a meal alone with a Gold Tier adventurer like Hassan. Could I now consider myself to be somewhat successful?

No matter how long we waited, Luna didn't show up, so Hippolyte and I ordered a grilled quail to share.

As the meal was coming to an end, Hippolyte spoke up.

"I have a lot to do this afternoon. Due to your recent achievements, there's talk within the guild about promoting you to Silver Tier, so I thought we might update your karma score."

"Promotion to the Silver tier? Already?"

I didn't think I was quite there yet. But a promotion? If I became a Silver Tier now, getting a gold necklace wouldn't be just a dream.

Hippolyte chuckled.

"Even so, your total karma score probably hasn't reached 20 yet. To become a Silver Tier, you need a score of at least 30. The old folks are just getting excited about a rookie. They're as obsessed with stocks as I am."

"...I see."

"But there's a way. If you can use Aura, you might be specially promoted to Silver Tier."


"Aura users and offensive magic users are often given an additional 10 points to their karma score."

The word "Aura" brought to mind the golden glow that had shone on Hippolyte's sword. If I could master that Aura, my current level of 23 would be considered around level 33, right?

"Of course, Aura isn't a common skill you can learn at some back-alley dojo. But if you want to learn it, it's not impossible."

"Where can you learn something like that?"

"Normally, you'd have to find a great master like Khairos, serve them for a long time, and study under them. Or you could figure it out on your own."

I couldn't feel things like mana, Aura, or karma, so learning on my own was out of the question. That left finding a great master.

In cities like Sodomora, where people gather, there are various schools that teach swordsmanship, weapon skills, and martial arts.

The tuition was quite expensive, so I hadn't dared to go, but now it seemed like it might be worth a visit.

Where would be the best place? As I was thinking that, Hippolyte, tapping the table with her gauntlet to a rhythm, added a few words.

"So, how about training with me once a week? Just the two of us... ahem, secrecy is important for such secret techniques."

"Are you saying you'll teach me Aura?"

I was so excited by the surprising news that I wanted to shout.

The secret techniques of imbuing a sword with Aura and releasing slashes were so secretive that everyone kept them hush-hush.

They were skills you couldn't learn just because you wanted to. And now she was offering to teach me! Could there be a better teacher than a Gold-tier adventurer?


At that moment, Hippolyte took out a small hand mirror and touched up her eyes, then cleared her throat.

"I'll step out for a moment. Think it over while I'm gone."

Swoosh—With those words, Hippolyte really left somewhere. There was no reason for me to refuse if learning Aura could get me promoted to the Silver tier.

So, as I was excitedly waiting for Hippolyte to return,

my eyes kept being drawn to the bones of the meat I had finished eating.

Swoosh— Swoosh—

I looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to me sitting in the corner.

So, in a voice that no one could hear,

in a voice so quiet that even I could barely hear it,

I spoke to those bones.

"... Arise...."

Creak— Creak—


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