Pseudo Resident’s Illegal Stay in Another World

Chapter 168: Stupid, Clumsy Cultist (4)

Chapter 168: Stupid, Clumsy Cultist (4)

The garden was incredibly vast.

And scattered throughout the place were flowers and fountain sculptures, making it a delightful sight.

In the garden, I saw some dwarves chiseling marble while sweating profusely.

"No, that's not the right shape."

They were making sculptures despite the scorching sun. It truly looked like the soul of an artist was burning within them.

But as someone with no taste or appreciation for that kind of art, all I could think about was how much they would charge for one of those sculptures—a materialistic thought indeed.

After walking for a while, I arrived at the mansion's entrance.

The three-story mansion was undeniably grand, exuding an aura almost comparable to an indoor sports arena.

What would it be like to live in a house like this?

Luna and I had already been struggling to clean the small two-story cabin together every day.

Let alone this enormous mansion. If it wasn't well taken care of, dust would accumulate everywhere.

Where there was dust, there might be bugs.

And where there were bugs, dreadful spiders might weave their webs to catch those bugs. Damn it, spiderwebs. Thinking about it this way, a house this big might not be all that great.

Of course, plenty of people probably worked in a mansion like this, cleaning every nook and cranny every day.

Thud— Thud—

There would be maids like that too.

"I've been waiting for you. I am Sidney, one of Baron's employees."

A blonde woman with her hair tied neatly and wrapped in a white veil-like accessory welcomed me at the entrance of the main building. Sidney, huh?

She wore a black maid's outfit with a short skirt that reached her thighs, black stockings, and black pointed shoes.

Why was everything black? It was a bit eerie, like the Grim Reaper.

Of course, if I looked at it the other way around, my current appearance with the mask and robe also seemed really suspicious, so it might be scary.


This woman named Sidney, who was said to serve nobles as a maid, was indeed so strong-willed that I couldn't read even a tiny emotion from her facial expression.

Though she was quite attractive, it was a bit of a shame that she had a stern and cold demeanor. But maybe it was better that way.


Anyway, as I stood in front of the mansion, my mind seemed filled with unnecessary thoughts, as if my head was deploying a defense mechanism. Honestly, I was not sure what I was doing here. Did I catch some heat?

"Follow me, Mr. Healer."

So, Sidney, the maid, led me inside the mansion.

I followed her narrow, black back to enter the mansion.


The enormous entrance swung open on its own. The interior was so dark as if they hadn't lit any lamps. I wondered if it was safe to step inside.


The sight made it seem as if this huge mansion was a beast, with its deep throat wide open and its mouth gaping.

Outside was scorching under the blazing sun. Yet, inside the pitch-black interior, there seemed to be a chilling coldness.

At this rate, this place, indeed, felt like a completely different world.

"Hurry up. The Baron is waiting."

Perhaps noticing my hesitation, Sidney turned back with a clack of her heels.

With that, I finally wrapped up my thoughts and gathered up all my courage to step fully into the mansion.

Creeeeak— Thud—

At that moment, the mansion's door closed on its own.

What the hell was that?

Was it some kind of magic?

Holy shit! There was a door that automatically closed. It was so damn creepy and scary. How could a door close on its own when there was no one to open or close it?

"Baron Fleur's ancestors were priests who served the god of ancient magic and sorcery. Their magical power remained in this villa."

Sidney, the maid, seemed to notice my fear and offered a few explanations. So it was magic, huh? Now that I knew the truth, the mystery lessened, and the fear in my heart diminished a bit.

Actually, come to think of it, I'd seen automatic doors countless times in the modern world I lived in. Now that I reconsidered it, there was nothing scary about it.

It was probably just the imposing presence that made me feel overwhelmed and intimidated in this dark and gloomy mansion, like being in an underground dungeon.

Thud— Thud—

Only the sound of a woman's footsteps echoed on the vast marble floor.

Though there were some people in the garden, the mansion's interior felt empty, as if only this woman and I existed.

There were just the eerie woman and me in this vast mansion?

Realizing that fact, somehow, I could no longer hide my curiosity. So, I eventually opened my mouth to ask a question.

"Are we the only ones here?"

"Everyone else is hiding. Sometimes they come out in the early morning."

"...Is that so?"

I couldn’t understand what she was talking about. So, instead of asking more questions, I decided to keep quiet.

At that moment, Sidney, who was walking ahead, spoke again.

"It's lunchtime. Please, have a meal first. I will guide you to the dining room."


The dining room was located on the first floor of the mansion.

Passing through the winding corridor and pushing open the large door, a quite spacious area appeared after the creaking sound.

It was a space enclosed by black curtains, like a blackout. And there, a long table came into view. Surprisingly, the tablecloth covering the table was white.

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However, as this dark-looking interior continued, even that white color began to look strangely eerie, enough to trigger some neurosis.

"Please have a seat and wait; the Baron will arrive soon."

Following the words of the maid, Sidney, I took a seat at the end of the long table. Soon, Sidney put something like a white handkerchief that looked like she had taken it out of nowhere around my neck.

"Well then, excuse me."


With that shoe’s sound, Sidney retreated, concealing herself somewhere.

Now, I was the only one left in this strange dining area.

I turned my head around, surveying the surroundings.

In the frames hanging on the walls here and there, there were pictures of men wearing peculiarly curly wig hairstyles.

Since it was the Baron’s villa, they seemed to be the Baron's family members, ancestors, or perhaps the Baron himself.

But what caught my attention was the black X marks painted over all their pupils. It was quite a creepy sight.

What the hell was that? Holy shit!

Did I make a mistake by coming here?

Should I just say I have some urgent business and leave? As I pondered that, in an instant—


A strong presence could be felt with the sound of a door opening from somewhere.

Steady, firm footfalls on the ground were approaching step by step.

Soon, a man dressed in a black robe, just like before, appeared. He walked over and took a seat at the opposite end of the table where I was sitting.

"I'm glad you came. I am Fleur von Pashone, a member of the Sodomora Council and the 7th descendant of the city's founding mage."

Baron Fleur.

So, this man was the owner of this massive, dimly lit mansion.

"We usually have lavish feasts in the main building, but today, I hope you'll be satisfied with a little bird meat."

As he took his seat and placed the napkin on his neck, Sidney appeared, pulling a cart-like thing, and started placing dishes in front of both Baron Fleur and me.

A baked whole tiny bird, the size of my fist, was placed on my plate.

It looked delicious, but the portion was small. I felt like it would disappear in one bite.

Perhaps quality over quantity was their style. Was this how nobles dine?

Clatter— Clatter—

A knife and fork were provided beside the plate.

I felt like I could just pick it up and eat with my hands.

Clank— Ssk— Ssk—

Since Baron started his elegant meal with the fork and knife, I had no choice but to follow suit and cut the tiny bird with my knife.

Damn, it was so fucking uncomfortable.

"You have quite an elegance in the way you behave. Did you receive a higher education? Are you from a noble family?"

The Baron remarked as he watched me struggle with the meal, trying to eat without removing the mask to keep my identity a secret.

He seemed to admire my knife skills, honed from cutting tonkatsu since my student days.

Trying not to reveal my identity as a Samaritan, I gave a vague response.

"Well, something like that."

"However, although I don't know why you hide your face like that, I suppose it's not something to inquire about. After all, I, too, hide my face, and even in this mansion, I still conceal it entirely."


I didn't offer any response to the Baron's words. I already felt uncomfortable during this meal, so I should finish quickly and leave.

So, I asked.

"Since everyone here is in a hurry, I'm going to be rude and ask you directly. You mentioned that your daughter is sick?"

"I suppose Bargo has informed you. Yes, she is sick. Did you also hear what illness it is?"

"It seems that the illness is causing her breats to shrink...."

"Yes, that's right. She's been suffering for a while. It was not something to boast about, but our Pashone family has served the God of Magic for generations. Therefore, we possess considerable magical power, blessed by that God. As a result, most of the Pashone family's women have large chests."

I couldn't understand how having significant magical power was related to having a large chest.

But now that I thought about it, women like Nemea the witch and Elfriede, who were skilled in strange magic, also had relatively large chests.

Maybe it was like a mana pouch.

Breats are mana pouches. I found it funny. Thankfully, I was wearing a mask.

"Viscount Clementor's son believes my daughter has a large chest."

"I see."

"This is really a very serious problem."

I wondered why it was such a serious problem, so I imagined the situation.

I'd be angry too if, after going through the first night with Luna, she pulled out two large padded inserts from between her breasts.

"It seems to be a big problem."

"Regardless of who you are or what methods you use, it doesn't matter to me. I must make this marriage happen, whatever it takes. So, please, do something about it. You can expect a reward."

"What if the treatment was somehow inappropriate, would it be alright?"


The Baron stopped eating and threw a question instead. I felt sweat trickling down my forehead. Of course, I couldn’t wipe it off since I was wearing a mask.

So, I just put up with it and answered.

"It could be an unauthorized, illegal treatment without permission from the temple or the authorities."

"Our Pashone family, no, even I, have always been tormented by rumors and accusations. Fleur who sold his soul to demons, Fleur who came back to life after death, Fleur who devours humans... Magic is often considered as witchcraft or tricks of hellish demons. So, I have carried those rumors with me."

Ssk— Ssk—

The man mumbled incomprehensible words as he cut the small piece of meat again. He then picked it up with a fork and chewed it with his white teeth, revealed under the dark veil.

"And some of those rumors are not just rumors. For the revival of our family, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. Therefore, whatever you do, I won't be surprised."

He was a man with a strange charisma. So, this was what it meant to be a noble standing above others.

"Then, can I see your daughter now...?"

"Only if you swear that everything happening in this mansion will be kept a secret and that you won't be surprised by anything you see."


The knife stopped again.

Baron Fleur then gave me a serious warning in a low voice.

"I don't want to kill you."

A moment of silence followed. Soon, only the quiet sound of the knife and fork scraping against the plate could be heard.

I couldn't even imagine what would happen if this man, who spoke so sternly, heard the words, "I will give your daughter a breast massage."

Damn it, maybe I should just turn back.

At that moment, Fleur took something out of his black sleeve and placed it on the table with a thud.


It was just a metal stick about the size of a palm. A gold-colored metal stick.

Damn, was that a gold bar?

I couldn’t believe such a thing really existed in the world. If I sold that, maybe I could add a small courtyard to Luna's cabin.

"Please help my daughter."

"At least let me try it first."


In this enormous three-story garden, there was a space that soared high like a lighthouse. It was a rooftop room at the top of winding stairs that one had to climb for a while to reach.

In this place that could serve as a prison for princesses captured by wicked dragons or demons, It was said that Bridgette, the only daughter of the Baron, lived there.

I wondered if the Baron was abusing his own daughter.

"Lady Bridgette likes high places."

Listening to Sidney, who was guiding me, it seemed that the Baron's beloved daughter had chosen this high place for her room herself.

Thanks to that, I had to climb countless stairs, and it was exhausting. Damn, I felt like taking off this robe and mask right away.


Finally, when I managed to climb all the way to the top, a flower-adorned door stood before me, blocking the way. It seemed fitting for a girl's room, a pretty flower-filled entrance.


Before knocking on the door, I took a deep breath, and behind me, the maid Sidney took a step back.

"I'll wait here in front of the door."

"Am I allowed to go in alone?"

Was it okay to send a sturdy man like myself into a girl's room alone?

I wondered what would happen if something went wrong. This cold employee didn't even answer my question and just stared blankly at my face.

Well, it probably should be fine.

To be honest, I was a little worried about this woman following me into the room. It was more comfortable for me since she stepped back on her own.

Knock— Knock— Knock—

I knocked on the door like that, and from inside, I heard a rustling sound, as if someone was moving around.

Who's there?

The voice had a fairly cheerful tone. It was full of energy, unlike someone suffering from an illness.

"Are you Young Lady Bridgette? I'm, well, a healer here to treat your illness."

Ah, did my father call another unnecessary person again? You can go, I don't need anyone. No one can cure my illness.

What the hell?

I never expected such a problem to arise.

No way, the gold bar in front of my eyes…

That astonishing golden stick made me utter words I hadn't even thought of.

"Let me diagnose you once. I'm quite skilled in this. I've even treated a nymph’s chest before."

Nymph? You have seen a nymph before, uncle?

I could sense the voice inside the room showing interest. But more than that, damn, she called me “uncle." I felt like I got smacked without warning.

She's quite a formidable opponent.

"I've seen many nymphs. I even know what nymphs like. They love candies."

Hmm, so, nymphs like candies, huh—


At that moment, the firmly closed door slowly opened. The experience of knowing Paranoy seemed to help me open the tightly shut door.


So, I adjusted my robe and mask once again and let out a sigh.

There wasn’t a single mirror in this mansion, which makes tidy up myself quite difficult.

"All right. Young Lady, I’ll go in then."

With my hand on the doorknob, I slowly pushed it open and entered a considerably spacious and pleasant room.

Antique wallpaper adorned the walls here and there, and the sunlight poured in so brightly that one could hardly believe it was the same mansion.

There were also beautifully arranged dolls and a plush bed too. The room was even brighter and more luxurious than what I had imagined for a noble young lady’s room, and it was truly dazzling.

But a person was on the bed, whose hair was like black curtains flowing with a glossy black light.

I was really surprised.

If I hadn't been wearing the mask, I would have revealed my astonished expression to everyone.


A fairly cute girl with a childish face smiled brightly and spoke. Her eyes resembled those of a cat, slightly sharp.

"Uncle, did you really see a nymph before?"

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